Elaina St. James Guests on New Episode of 'And Now We Drink'

LOS ANGELES — Content creator Elaina St. James is the featured guest on the latest episode of "And Now We Drink" with host Matt Slayer.

"Throughout the episode, Elaina and Matt bond over their Midwest roots, their struggles with TikTok’s oppressive policies, cosmetic surgery, the dangers of social media and more," noted a rep. "Elaina lectures Matt on the need for a good ratio of girth and width; in turn, Matt lectures Elaina on the importance of Chicagoan pizza puffs."

"The conversation had no barriers, bouncing from Matt throwing shade on Ted Cruz to discussions of bondage in Wonder Woman and Bruce Wayne’s romantic life," the rep added. "Between conversation about 'broken-dick burgers,' Matt and Elaina pull back the curtain on porn production as well as the truth behind 'stunt-cum' and how desensitization can set in."

St. James also opens up about how sex work has influenced her life and gave her more confidence in her body and herself.

“Before I started doing this, I was real nervous,” she revealed. “I was nervous about not being the cookie-cutter model type. But now I really do enjoy my work.”

The episode, which runs over two-and-a-half hours, can be found at most major podcast platforms; follow the broadcast on Twitter.

Follow Elaina St. James on Twitter and find her premium social media links here.

Originally appeared on Xbiz.com