And Now We Drink Episode 261 with BTS Jack

Drinking at the table tonight, BTS Jack. BTS is a grip and PA for well known adult production companies such as Perv City, Dp Diva and More. Matt Slayer and Jack talk about their interest or lack of in becoming on-camera talent. Jack opens some insight in what it is like to work onset at some of the best adult productions, Matt and Jack dig into the psyche of a successful industry performers. How they both got into the business. Jack discusses how he lost his chance of playing baseball in high school due to unusual circumstances. Matt and Jack cover relationships and toxicity in those relationships. Matt digs in to what Jack’s plans are for the future in the industry. Jack talks about wanting to start a podcast. Jack and Matt discuss the controversy surrounding Hugh Hefner. Matt may have also performed a DM slide on Jack's behalf during recording. This and much more on this weeks And Now We Drink.

  • BTS Jack But got damage.

    Matt Slayer I want to invite this guy here.

    I don't know. Why did we invite PTSD back here in the house? What's going on, Jack?

    BTS Jack What's going on? Slayer They saw SLA, H.R., right? Slay her, or is that.

    Oh, yes. So that is my shitty high school nickname. But it was ironic then, so.

    BTS Jack I'd like to say, I'd like to think it would slay her, but either way, fever dreams. Fever dreams. Right.

    Had a few of those in my day.

    BTS Jack Wet Dreams is a whole nother whole. Get into that, I'm sure. I don't know if that's on the bill.

    I can.

    BTS Jack Figure it out as.

    I go along. I don't generally just dove right into my guest masturbation habit. So there are ejaculation habits, but, I mean, we definitely can. I'm not afraid of it. Well, I've seen some ejaculate in my life. I'm sure you've said it a lot more than I have.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I've seen.

    BTS Jack And other things I probably won't admit. Not just seen, but.

    Matt Slayer Oh, just like.

    I mean, you have to dodge some fluids today at work.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, let's. Moving on. Moving on now. Yeah, I've seen my fair share share.

    BTS Jack I don't really. I never thought about it that way. Really. Focus on the ejaculate. Just like, focus on the aftermath.

    And in the aftermath is good stuff. And part of the aftermath feeling is just, oh.

    Matt Slayer Just all dumped in there.

    BTS Jack Like, I'm sitting there right behind camera. Just I was it in and.

    Matt Slayer You know, just fucking digging it dead. Living in a.

    BTS Jack Dam.

    That's got to be a little distracting for the performers of you. Just like sitting there looking at your lips while that's happening. Yeah, they're.

    Matt Slayer Just like they're like, fucking horror movie or some shit man. Yeah.

    BTS Jack Good times. Good times. Karen, these girls on set.

    Yet somehow you stay employed.

    BTS Jack I don't know, man. I must be something about the way things go in this industry, man. Just the creeps. The creeps live. And in my case, that works out perfect.

    Matt Slayer Oh, God.

    We probably should not advertise that right. The rest of the industry is like, What are these assholes talking about?

    Matt Slayer Now, I'm just totally.

    BTS Jack Joking, by the way, everybody.

    Matt Slayer That. That that. That's a joke. Joke? No joke. Yeah.

    But no matter what the news may tell you to the contrary, the creeps do not necessarily win in this industry. Some of them do stick around like a cancer, but not everybody.

    BTS Jack Right. And just so you all know, I'm going to be rippin probably like, semi funny jokes this whole time, so I won't. I'm serious. You'll know.

    But way to lower the expectations. Like, my funny, so my funny. We're not going to go for fall funny.

    Matt Slayer Well, you always. I always. I always.

    BTS Jack Lower, like, with most things, lower expectations if it comes up, if it's necessary, because.

    Joke. Is that how life works?

    Matt Slayer How am I what?

    How you did in life works. You're just like, yo, girl, I'm going to just keep it. Yeah, it's simple.

    Matt Slayer Keep telling.

    BTS Jack Me you got three and then you pop.

    Matt Slayer Out of.

    BTS Jack Five then you're only going to.

    You like, doubled doubled their expectations.

    BTS Jack You're going to exceed. Yeah, exactly.

    Matt Slayer So that's it goes to the same goes for everything, you know, man, that's real shit. The Ilsa, it is.

    BTS Jack Not the numbers. I really like it to do it for.

    Matt Slayer Know.

    When you're really into her. It's only that you do it for.

    BTS Jack That for fuck. That's just pump and strong. I'll tell you, we don't have, you know, I don't have anything to show you, but maybe, I don't know. Maybe in the future. In the future.

    Or are you much like me? We were just like, I've never had any fucking interests of being on talent, on camera talent.

    Matt Slayer Dude, I don't.

    BTS Jack I've had any. The interest is there, man and shit. Yeah. I mean, like, I've. I've had like a well, I would say like the roughly like two or three. I want to say three, but I'm pretty damn sure it's been three times where I've had like a P.O.V. situation where, you know, like, I got fucking lucky to share with a few different girls and like then to put it on their only fans, but it wasn't advertised that it was me and you know, being like, I guess that's more of an interest it's happened.

    BTS Jack But yet I was like, you know, no one really knows it's me besides her. Well, I don't know.

    Well, before we got on there, you didn't even have a full stage name, so. Yeah. Now they're going to advertise.

    Matt Slayer Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't have a stage name.

    BTS Jack And like, he's like, yeah, I was asking to share.

    Matt Slayer Do like you don't have a last name like you have. You have last names. Is Jack like how?

    BTS Jack You know.

    How am I supposed to market new Jack?

    BTS Jack I don't know. Yeah. What do I go back? Shit. Like what my friends call me. I don't know if that works, but.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, it's.

    BTS Jack Jack behind the scenes, Jack.

    And we got it done. We got it fucking done. So you can go back to those girls with their only friends. But, yeah, branded that's my cock. That's my.

    Matt Slayer Four inches. Yeah, they like, that's where, like.

    BTS Jack That's where it's kind of going. If the interest is there, like, the interest is there. I don't know, like that first. I don't know. Do I have, like, so much family and, like.

    Matt Slayer I feel like they've.

    Already worked in the fucking industry.

    BTS Jack Yeah, dude, you know, I've dealt with that as well, but, fuck, I don't know. I don't know. It's holding me back, really. I really don't even know the. It's just. I don't know. Do you understand what I'm saying? Like, I don't know what the quite the threshold I'm scared of passing is because opportunities there, it's like, you know, I'm a pretty, you know, decently long and earthy, pretty thing, you know, like.

    It's for my, for.

    BTS Jack You would be you'd be mesmerized. Let's just there.

    I don't know as much as it's weird. Just clam on the Internet. I've seen a lot of dick. Jack.

    BTS Jack Yeah. Like I said, the expectations should be low, but it's good enough.

    Matt Slayer Is good enough. I've been on set long enough.

    BTS Jack To know that my show is good enough. Feel like I don't know the threshold man. I don't know quite what to say to you, but.

    But at the end of the day, you've been on set long enough to also know that, like, at the end of the day, it doesn't necessarily have to be a monster as long as it fucking performs what it.

    Matt Slayer Needs, right?

    BTS Jack Yeah, Papa. Super, man. And I'm good, you know, but, like, dude, you know, I've acted in a few scenes as an extra. We did a few scenes. I don't know, I could say the companies or what.

    Yeah. How about. Yeah, I was like, yes, as long as they're not embarrassed to be.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, they're not. Yeah. Like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

    Well, goddamn, why why would you mention us on the fucking show?

    Matt Slayer Yeah, right. That was the deal as part of the deal. No.

    BTS Jack Yeah, fucking. I work with Maestro Claudio for a few of his companies, but we did a little series for a part of city where Michael Stefano played my my dad, and it was like four or five times that we, like, kept the series going where it was like, Mike Stefano, Ramona Maher and John Strong. So Mike was the dad, and then his two boys, like, his two best boys.

    BTS Jack And for some reason, I'm at the house and, like, leave my new girlfriend there. For whatever reason, I got to leave. Or she comes to the house while I'm not there wondering, you know, what the fuck's going on, right?

    Matt Slayer And like.

    BTS Jack Basically, you know, obviously his point goes, my dad and his boys fuck the shit up.

    Matt Slayer Of this shit out of the girl, you know?

    So how could they do that to you? That's so.

    BTS Jack Wrong. Like the worst part is like after like the like, third, fourth time, I was like, fuck, do you like.

    Matt Slayer Why do I feel like this is actually happening to me? Even though it's, like, super funny and fun and.

    BTS Jack It's totally like, what would you call it? Like, fictional?

    So did you like you start to feel like you're doing cuckolded.

    Matt Slayer Dude. Yeah. And I wasn't even there, like, for this. I wasn't like the.

    BTS Jack Guy off in the corner like, actually, but, like, I was gone. And then for some reason, I come back at the end. Girl, not full of face. Of course, you know, guys like, fuck. They're like.

    Matt Slayer Let's just actually hurts.

    BTS Jack After this. Like, Goddammit, Dad, I'm thinking I was my dad and my dad's.

    Matt Slayer My actual dad's great. So, like, they have to do it ever, ever.

    BTS Jack Resent towards my actual father.

    None go home for Christmas to be like, what the fuck? Yeah.

    Matt Slayer That you better fucking reconcile your behavior. I do.

    You know, you're never bringing home, like, significant other for Christmas, like, no, no, I can't bring you there. They'll fuck you.

    Matt Slayer Up and would say, is, man, I'm traumatized.

    She's like, baby, that just happened on set. No, no, you don't understand the fuck you Bill. Fuck you.

    Matt Slayer And that's what makes me scared.

    BTS Jack Of having an actual girlfriend. It's fucked up in the trauma.

    Matt Slayer To be fucking. But yeah, PTSD.

    BTS Jack From my dad and the boys who aren't even my dad or or they're the boys, but it's fucked up, man. I don't know how to get past that.

    Matt Slayer No. Yeah, so that's.

    Got to. You got to start saying it, and then just have a revenge scene where, like, if you do a reverse gangbang, like the the set up, it's their family dinner. Like, everyone brings their girlfriends for Thanksgiving. Or some shit. They're like, going to go deep, fried the turkey outside or some shit, and you reverse gangbang, you bang all their girlfriends.

    Matt Slayer The girls, and we need your help.

    BTS Jack You know, they're going to have, you know, he bring some foil or bring her.

    Like because they mock you. They're like, oh, Jack will help you in the kitchen.

    Matt Slayer Right? Like he's a bitch. Like, they got them. Yeah, fucking dude. I got to jot that down. I got.

    A good.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah.

    BTS Jack Video documentation. Yeah, I'll hear it for fears. When this when this idea comes out, we'll have to.

    I want to fucking writers credit God damn yeah.

    Matt Slayer But it might not amount.

    BTS Jack To any money or fruition, but at least.

    Matt Slayer You'll get writer's credit.

    I mean, just like every other thing I've ever written.

    Matt Slayer And Hanson a little bit but every fucking.

    Every other shit I've ever written. No, no. My management hands are just like, hey, matt, can you help us? Yeah, sure.

    BTS Jack You know, so you.

    Matt Slayer Got to start, right?

    BTS Jack If I can. Percentage is and contracts, my man. You got you got great ideas. You know.

    It was a couple of times for Burning Angel joint. I was like, hey, Matt, can you like and the like is it fucking setups? It was just shit like, oh, we're writing like a gamer girl scene. You game, can you help? Yeah, I'm on this, right?

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    I can make this plenty toxic just.

    Matt Slayer And then the and then like from there the no fuck and you're like, you're getting your girlfriend's getting fucked and the senior the cuckold is like way out of it was supposed to be a writer, man. What the fuck? Why am I jerking off in the corner on this video? God dammit. Oh, man, my audience.

    My dick is on the Internet. It's still no matter how many people try to get it on there, it's not on the Internet.

    BTS Jack Or maybe today's a day. Stay tuned.

    Now I'm going to have to drink a lot more for that shit.

    Matt Slayer Oh, man. Well, I wasn't.

    BTS Jack OK, so let it be known that wasn't I wasn't there.

    Josh is not sexually harassing me 5 minutes into the show because he's got to wait a good half hour for that, right?

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I get a couple of drinks in, and that's. That's my play.

    BTS Jack That's my play. But, dammit, the jig is up, though.

    You'll be the second guest. This will be, like, sure you don't want you content?

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, you had you had someone ask you for.

    BTS Jack Like, a girl, hopefully a girl. Yeah.

    OK, once again, it was like, no, I'm cool. I appreciate the offer.

    BTS Jack Right. But like, even if it's like, how I did, like, not advertises me.

    I'm cool.

    BTS Jack I have no you have no desire.

    Nope. I like choosing who I fuck. I don't want to have to like to have good angles. I just want to enjoy myself.

    BTS Jack Right, right. Like the camera a little bit.

    I mean, I've never actually even fucking tried it. It's just one of those things like, I know what goes into, like, porn, so it's just like, yeah, the the idea of wanting to, like, have to open up when I'm actually fucking someone like that. Cool.

    Matt Slayer I mean, if you're doing running a POV.

    BTS Jack Thing, you know, I don't know, it's just yeah.

    It's a distraction from, you know, me wanting to do what I actually want to do in the situation.

    BTS Jack Right, right. Yeah. You're an animal. I but yeah, you want to be that, you want to be that fucking Tasmanian devil and you know what I mean. Yeah.

    Who told you, Jack? Who fucking told you who's who's right now? Who's writing me out on that intuition?

    BTS Jack Jesus Christ. He lives right here. Yeah, he's telling me that he lives right here.

    Matt Slayer Oh, God, no. Yeah, fuckin. Yeah, it is, though.

    BTS Jack Maybe there's like a little bit of the same thing where it's like, I don't really know exactly how to say what's stopping me from being in there. It's like there's some certain things, obvious things, but. Well, maybe one day, I don't know.

    List for me at this point, it's just like a point of pride being like, nah, I'm cool.

    BTS Jack Right?

    Because when I got in, yeah, I've been around fucking 20, ten, 20, 11. Shooting content wasn't a fucking thing.

    Matt Slayer Right? If it was. Yeah.

    If you were working, you were on set, you were someone might be doing some amateurish shit, but it's still like a set and the idea of being like, Oh, hey, I'm ready, I'll email talent. And I don't even know honestly if I could do the job in a set situation. Like it's not an easy job.

    BTS Jack Oh, hell no.

    So I did not want to, like, fuck that up and be like, Yo, yeah, I just never had any interest. And like, you also, you hear these horror stories from like, dudes that have been in the industry forever when they first got in, like, just some of the talent they had to work with. And I'm like, Nah, I'm cool.

    I like choosing who I fuck, right? I very often make poor choices, but I made those choices sometimes with alcohol, but.

    BTS Jack I mean, shit. I mean, I guess if you're drunk enough, we might be able to get the.

    Matt Slayer Camera the right chick will come along, my man. So you going to fucking they're going to get you drunk.

    BTS Jack Ish, and you won't even realize that happened to, like, shit. I don't know, only fans I ac now. Like what the fuck happened here?

    Like, I mean, the the closest I got is my arm is in one girl's only pants in was she was amused by that tattoo and want to write it for her fucking only fan.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah, you dirty dog you. So you have been a star. God, I thought I saw that tattoo so like, oh man, you're not fooling anybody. You can't fib to me.

    BTS Jack First of all, you might be.

    Able to enlighten my whole fucking audience like.

    Matt Slayer That.

    And that was, that was a post podcast thing was she was just like, I love your tattoo. I'd want to write it for my own. Whatever. Sure, I'm sure.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    And then, like, afterwards, she kind of, like, made some. It was like, you know, really surreal. Even though I'm like, no, I'm cool.

    BTS Jack She fucking banging.

    Matt Slayer Or.

    And she's fine. She's fine.

    Matt Slayer It was. Yeah, yeah.

    But it's just.

    BTS Jack Like you wouldn't bang her without the camera or you would.

    I would have without the camera. But it's also like one of those things where, like, it felt very transactional at that point. Like, Oh, I'm only, I'm only down to fucking like, it's on or if something no, I'm cool.

    Matt Slayer Like, yeah.

    I won't say it's completely out of the realm of possibility of like I ended up actively dating a performer who was like, OK.

    BTS Jack Let's work our way.

    Yeah, let's let's shoot some kind of like I actually was attached to them and was like, OK, I'm willing to like do this because you're my girl.

    BTS Jack Right?

    But like, I'm not fucking slamming my dick just for a random hookup.

    BTS Jack Well, you could still even find a way if it's a girl to like a still don't really want to be advertised as you maybe or.

    Matt Slayer But you're the regular like pervy.

    BTS Jack Fuck fuck here, like, you know, the mouth fuck or I mean, I don't know, whatever.

    You I mean, I have some very distinctive tattoos.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, OK. All right. Well.

    It's like, oh, hey.

    Matt Slayer I've done a dick bump off that. I remember that. That's like.

    I've. I have a very distinctive just tattoo. I like.

    Matt Slayer I so yeah.

    My arm, like, it's.

    Matt Slayer I feel you, dude.

    BTS Jack You know, I feel you, man.

    But you. I don't know why you're not doing it.

    BTS Jack Dude. They're like I said, like, I don't know the threads. I don't know what the threshold is. I mean, like, you know, and all confidence and seriousness. It's like, you know, the opportunity is there, you know? You know, I work for pretty dope fucking, you know, successful people and no fuck kind of girls, and it's been offered before.

    BTS Jack I've done it before. But as a player, you think, like, if I got fall in, it's like, shit, that's kind of going to ruin it for me. But then, then again, it's like.

    Being on set every day doesn't ruin it for you already.

    BTS Jack Now it doesn't ruin it for me. I have a good time I have a good time. I do. But after a while, it's like like, OK, this is my regular every day. It wasn't as cool as it was three or four years ago, you.

    Matt Slayer Know, but.

    Yeah, for me, every time I'm on. So it's just like, when do I get to go home?

    BTS Jack Really?

    Yeah, I super don't care what are.

    BTS Jack You doing on? So like, be it like filming, putting up lights for me.

    All of it. All that shit depends on what I do. Yeah, yeah. You know how it goes as a porn P.A.. It's like, whatever the director needs you're doing.

    BTS Jack Yeah. And I mean, my like, thank God my situation is reasonable and it's fun and work with people who are funny and, you know, it's not, like, all day. Fuck, I'm not there. 12, 10 hours. Well, for 5 hours where I was so easy there.

    But it's not that I'm not having a good time. Don't get me wrong, because people hire me like I need work. But right at the end of day, it's still work. It's not like, oh, my God.

    Matt Slayer Oh, no, no, no. That's the thing. Like, there's.

    BTS Jack There's never there's never been since day one, like a, like a.

    Away from the court just.

    Matt Slayer Hit my.

    Bad. It may interfere.

    BTS Jack With I had that. This is cool right here.

    Yeah, it's fine that way.

    BTS Jack What's fine where? No one. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Fuck, yeah.

    Not that far into the show, driver. I'm not that far into the show that.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I'm, I'm still waiting on.

    BTS Jack Like I see this. Kurt ends like I'm waiting for, like, the surprise gimp to fucking.

    Matt Slayer Come out, be like, oh the fuck they like. Oh.

    That would be expected if the gimp came out from the curtain, man. No, that going to come from somewhere completely.

    Matt Slayer Unexpected wrath of the fucking. Well, God. Oh, man.

    I know. You're just I'm fucking hurting like, a second now that comes coming out any fucking. No, no, no. Four more. You least expect it, right?

    Matt Slayer Did you pull off your Scooby Doo mask? Oh, man, you would for that.

    BTS Jack Would fucking blow my mind, man.

    Like it all. Like this is a fake face and there's a ball gag under it you like. How have you been talking this whole time?

    Matt Slayer You meddling kid? You.

    BTS Jack Goddammit. How do you read the whole time? Like I said, you can't fib to me here. Bullshit, bullshit.

    Or back to the whole, you know, being on something.

    BTS Jack Oh, yeah.

    It's work. It is. It's absolutely work. It's not the worst job in the world by any stretch of the imagination. No, but you got to. You got it. I know I've had a couple days where it's like, this is talented. I don't necessarily want to deal with. I'm sure that's happened for you.

    BTS Jack Like, in a way with like, either the male or female. Like, that's kind of just like they're.

    Having an off day.

    Matt Slayer Or a bad.

    BTS Jack Day.

    Like, yeah, they're having a bad day. They're kind of shitty or they're just, you know, not the best. Not everyone's great.

    BTS Jack Like, I feel like in the way that I'm understanding your question is for me, do like like maybe like maybe a handful of times and like, oh yeah. Once in a few hundred scenes where like and it's never the guys like the guys that I'm familiar with and that we use all the time on set are like a rotation of the same like ten or so guys.

    BTS Jack Like most of them are like.

    So you have half the male talent in the industry showing up.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, really it's almost I guess.

    BTS Jack I mean it like, but it's like, you know, so like all those guys like I'm solid with like, you know, I do the same thing. I come in the same approach and reaction, like how I talk to you or how I talk to anybody else. Like what the girl is like. I'm never starstruck. It's like, Hey, what's going on?

    BTS Jack Like, yeah, I'll try to fucking crack some dumb joke and make myself look like an idiot.

    Sexually harass them 10 minutes and.

    BTS Jack That all that's what I wait till I get their number and then I do that offset because.

    Matt Slayer No.

    Don't get so fired over it. It's not sexual harassment when it's not at work.

    BTS Jack Right, right, exactly. It's just harassment.

    Matt Slayer And that's just old.

    Fashioned harassment at that point.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    BTS Jack Like I'm saying like a like a few times maybe where like, like the girl is just like it's kind of like it's been a bitch June for no reason. Like, no matter how hard I try to say straighten you off, like, all right, fuck this. I still, like, try to have fun dance, but that just makes they like a few times thank God.

    BTS Jack I'm sure it happens, but I don't know if it's something about our sets or I don't know. I don't know.

    And people just have fucking off days. They're fucking humid.

    Matt Slayer Oh yeah.

    BTS Jack I guess that but like, there's more than just an off day, bro. Like, you could just tell that that girl or the dude or whoever is whatever is. That's just dick here. That's just the best sometimes, you know?

    Yeah, the, the the porn life has gotten to them. Like, I'm fucking famous. Like.

    BTS Jack Well, oh, yeah. I don't know if it's quite that it has my my experience is not that. I mean, my famous ones have been super dumb.

    No, no, actually, the majority of the really fucking famous performers I know are actually really cool people like, yeah, dude, I'm actually trying to think of anyone who's, like, really fucking famous. I know who.

    Matt Slayer Talks.

    BTS Jack Like, big league deal. Yeah, like, major league.

    Dude, I can't. I can't think of anyone who's, like, majorly me, you know, not everyone who's, like, a really big name. Like, pretty cool. It's always someone who's, like, up and coming, who's, like, been told that they're absolutely the shit who's been in for, like, 5 minutes.

    BTS Jack That's first now getting to their head before they, like, settle down after a while, maybe.

    Yeah. Some agent's been like, Oh, you're the next new thing. Like, you're.

    Matt Slayer Just it's just like nobody's ever.

    BTS Jack Told them they're cool before us. Yeah. Fucking floods.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, maybe.

    As I've talked about in the show, a lot of times, porn is the land of misfit toys. The majority of the people that are performing in porn, we're not like the popular kids in high school.

    BTS Jack Right? Like the performers or something like that. Like they're the. Yeah, they're the misfits. Yeah, it's. Yeah, shit. Never thought of it that way. We got them through here.

    I mean, how many people do you know that are performers, like male or female? We're like the popular fucking kid in high school. They're the fucking prom queen or.

    Matt Slayer Some shit.

    BTS Jack Like, dude, like, from what I know. Shit. I mean, like, I never thought of it as popular, but, like, I did my family like, I've just been the same way I have been for years. They're like, obviously, like, experiences and repertoire and my arsenal of jokes, which may or may not be funny to you, but we'll get there.

    Matt Slayer It's top down selling their, you know.

    Like, I accept this and try to get people to watch. You're just like, I'm going to be mediocre this whole fucking time. Please tune in.

    Matt Slayer Please watch. Oh, yeah. Fucking.

    BTS Jack So as an oh, yeah. No, like, I don't know, I've done well, like, I just been who I am, like, for years. So, I mean, I guess you could say popular, dude. Like, I was on the baseball team. Fucking had a good time. Like, knew everybody. I guess you could say popular, but you had to, like, most of the times, like, yeah, I was like, the theater girl or, you know what I mean?

    BTS Jack Like, it's, you know, the, you know, it's like regular actors. Those motherfuckers are like, they're the cast getting creamed in the fucking trashcans, you.

    Matt Slayer Know, in their day. So, yeah.

    Very few, even mainstream actors are like, fucking Mickey Rourke was like, oh, yeah, I was a boxer and like, legitimately a tough guy. And I just started doing this acting thing.

    Matt Slayer I beat the shit.

    BTS Jack Out of kids every day. Yeah, maybe. I don't know.

    Majority of people that are artistic, like, get into this shit are just like, Oh, yeah, they're theater kids that are fucking nerds.

    Matt Slayer They're rare. That's the thing, dude. Like, it's crazy. Do like the transition for.

    BTS Jack Me, and I feel like I've met the right people. Like, I had all these skills and social skills growing up. Thankful for that. They're, like, thankful that I know how to talk to people and can fuck with people. Not, like, fuck with them, but, like, you know, like, fuck around and like, yeah, you know, like, make, make the fucking energy.

    BTS Jack Just like, OK, this guy's just fucking just having fun being a dipshit. That's what I want. And so, like, this industry has been perfect for me in that way. It's like, I don't know, maybe I make feel it, make them feel more comfortable than most people. My on other sets, I don't know how it is. I don't know.

    BTS Jack But like, oh, this guy is actually talking to me. He's not scared or he's not like, maybe his director's like, oh, don't talk to the talent, you know, just, you know.

    I've never heard don't talk to Tom from any oh.

    Matt Slayer Not like that.

    BTS Jack And I've heard it multiple times, like, yeah. Just like, kind of like stay away and like, stay to your peace. Like, but I don't know, it's kind of weird to me, like, you want to feel comfortable? I don't know. Yeah. What I heard.

    The majority of talent, like, it's just like even directors were like, I've dealt with some talent where, like, they're notorious for being fucking. Like, Dick is just like, hey, what's up? Can I grab you something? Like, you know, just you know, immediately, like, peace offering, like, yeah, you need water. You good? Like, all right. Even people that are kind of standoffish to, like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    BTS Jack Water.

    Yeah. What water's life. Yeah, exactly. I could use water.

    BTS Jack Shit.

    Matt Slayer Hey, good.

    BTS Jack Talk to the director. Like, can he can I get a.

    Matt Slayer Water, like, from, like, fuck, no. Yeah.

    BTS Jack Fucking yeah. See, the difference with me is the water's already there, Matt. The water's already there.

    And you're better than me just.

    BTS Jack To waters and the rice.

    Oh, better than me.

    Matt Slayer I maybe I'd be in power.

    You're a better way than me. I only do it occasionally. You're there every fucking day.

    Matt Slayer So, yeah.

    Like, I'm the, you know, some shit, like I'm I'm the guy who gets call when you call off. Like, I'm not sure.

    Matt Slayer Dude, can I, like, refer the number do like I feel like I had dude, I had a.

    BTS Jack Bad string of, like, getting covered a couple times and, like, having a mess and, like, there's, like, a month and a half, and then there's, like, you know, like, I had family at my house get covered. I had to take care of shares. There's a bad string of luck there sometimes, but I'm like, I feel like now is my time, dude.

    BTS Jack Like, fuck, like I'm do, like, for like a good string of, like, fucking, I don't know, six months of like never having to miss a day again. Maybe.

    Hopefully, hopefully. I I'm curious. I want to dove back for a second. The baseball back here. So were you going to, like, try to play pro pro ball at some point?

    BTS Jack Dear God damn. It's a story in itself. Like, yeah, do I feel like I'm any kid who's like, I was good dude and like I played through high school, like, that had been my whole life, dude. Like, growing up, like, in little league all through high school, as I was just starting to get good there, going into, going into my senior year and fucking do, like, I got it.

    BTS Jack Like, I got to a fucking drug test through the school and it's the public school first. So it was still kind of blows my mind that that can even happen, but fucking pop. 34, we got kicked off the team and it totally fucking killed my vibe of like, what.

    Was this like? What?

    BTS Jack This was a go to high school in.

    In California.

    BTS Jack Shot Agoura Hills, California, GA High school. Fuck those motherfuckers.

    Matt Slayer Just let.

    Be in California.

    BTS Jack Like do like 20 minutes down the road California like right right in Malibu Calabasas or high school Westlake right next to Westlake. Yeah. How the.

    Fuck? Like, what year was this? The therapist.

    BTS Jack That's 2012.

    The fuck it was medicinally legal in California at that point.

    Matt Slayer What the fuck yeah man.

    BTS Jack So. But yeah, absolutely. I like, you know, all those kids who think, you know, they're getting good. They're starting on a pretty fucking competitive team in high school. Varsity level.

    I realize why. Why don't you in the summers and shit, dude?

    BTS Jack All year round, bro. All year round. Fucking. Yeah. I feel like all those kids are like, yeah, fuck it. Why? If I'm good enough, like, you know, maybe I'll try to go to college, whether it's community, then, you know, for year for you, whatever the case may be. Like, basically all the kids, at least that I knew over I knew or the concepts like, yeah, why can't I go pro?

    BTS Jack Why, why them? Why not me? You know? Yeah, absolutely for the longest time did and then you know, that should happen and fucking dude, it was deep and dark. I'm not going to lie deep and dark for a little while there. But then I look back here, you know, sitting here talking to you and realize.

    That you should be making more than playing pro baseball and, well, oh, no, you're talking to my ass. Like, about other people situations, man. Life's good.

    BTS Jack Life is good. Life is good now.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. If I can sit.

    Like, one little joint, I could have been you know, giving people, like, fucking gift baskets like A-Rod does after they fuck them. But, no, I got to watch other people fuck for a living now. Thank you. Marijuana.

    BTS Jack If I could say I was one little dry smoking all the goddamn time.

    Matt Slayer But yeah, be that as it.

    BTS Jack May do, like shit. Like, yeah, dude, I was down with it and, you know, shit. Happens, right? And then, I don't know, I've learned through that and like, a few other things. I feel like everyone may or may not have like it at least a few life, like major life, negative things that happen to them throughout life that, like, hey, like, maybe once shit's gone good, they can look back.

    BTS Jack I mean, oh, ok. I kind of get why that had to happen so that I could be here sitting hands free. Jacking under the table. I'm at Slayer's house.

    Matt Slayer I understand, but yeah.

    Fucking hands free. What?

    BTS Jack Really impressed they ever heard of a cock push up? I need one cock push up a day every day.

    Matt Slayer Bravo, bravo.

    With only four inches. That's really impressive.

    Matt Slayer See? Yes, it's less than Fresno did. If it was, like, eight inches like, damn, do this Logan pump eight, eight inches worth of blood. Like, get a cock falls off every day. Oh, man. I wish I could say that was true.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    BTS Jack Sad state of affairs, Jack.

    It's a sad state of affairs. Yeah. Maybe one day with hard training. Hard, hard training. He can do an.

    BTS Jack Emphasis on the hard right. Definitely. Yeah, definitely. No pun intended.

    And, you know, maybe we'll have to cut way like you're UFC fighter. Like, just like Connor McGregor. Cut to 145. Just look all strumpet. Like, OK, now that I'm super dehydrated, maybe I can do the cock push of the minute. You do the talk, push up, you got to put the IV back and rehydrate you because otherwise you going to die.

    Matt Slayer A fixie bum life affect your bottom line for pup opponent right here with no end. Goddamn, you know I fucking totally cocky about it. Oh, and then you got to sell. I do like you're going to recover like you want to see me want to see me cock push up you fucking puppy cock my butt. You know, like start tagging shit.

    BTS Jack So he's fucking popping a boner while looking in your eyes. Talking shit is like damn fool skillful goddamn damn.

    Matt Slayer Where did I go wrong that I can develop these skills if I have a point about that is like.

    BTS Jack For real. Like, for me, like, you know, all jokes aside, like, I was funny, like, damn dude. Like, just like the people I've met and that I'm cool now that, like, I don't know, dude. I'm just grateful for the experience in this industry because plenty of motherfuckers played ball in college. That I knew successful in their own ways, or maybe made some level of pro ball or in the major leagues.

    BTS Jack Like, that's cool, dude. Like, how many motherfuckers get to do what I do? Nah, I mean, like, but, like, not I mean, by.

    Comparison, there's a lot more porn pays than there are major league.

    Matt Slayer Ball player. OK, but actually, like.

    BTS Jack I consider myself more than a porn pay though, you know? I mean, like, I mean, like when I'm out, that's like, dude, I've been getting the film fucking I've been getting paid to fucking party. Well, not party party. After shooting the only fans content for some dope ass chicks and hot chicks and girls that I consider friends more than just business, you know what I mean?

    BTS Jack So, like, it's leveled into that. It's like, damn, how many motherfuckers would get to do that? I mean, not even comparing it to baseball, just, like, regular day jobs or whatever, you know?

    No, I 100% agree. Like, I've been around doing this for so long that, like, sometimes I do take it for granted because I've been doing it for so long.

    Matt Slayer You do? I can see it in your eyes.

    Like, I'm just a wildly jaded human being. And then I talk about experience was like selling my myself in front of the like back in the Midwest. And this is like, oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Right. Yes. Well, dude, like, yeah, it's like.

    BTS Jack You had all my fucking my clothes and I grew up with for 12 years in Oklahoma. I was like zero. I had two tornadoes this week. Like, you fucking you fucking smacked five asses like point like, what are you so sad of? Well, I'm not sad. Like, you're like, what are you so you are like, basically was saying, like, you should realize this, right?

    BTS Jack Right.

    So yeah, you should. It's easier said than done to take a step back and be like, oh, yeah, no, this is pretty rad.

    Matt Slayer Right, right. Yeah.

    BTS Jack I check myself all the time. I tell myself all that time, which is a skill in my eyes because a lot of motherfuckers can't do that no matter what their situation is.

    I know hat's off to you on that shit because that is a fucking skill, right? Because I often, I often am just like, oh, it could no it could be better could it could be fucking better. Little more.

    Matt Slayer Mundane.

    BTS Jack Like, oh, dude, there's fucking 3 hours to stack impact right there. Yeah, like, no normal every day, you know? Yeah. I got, you know.

    I got someone in the top 100, a pornhub just coming over to my apartment to hang out and drink.

    Matt Slayer That.

    Bullshit with me for a couple hours.

    Like, oh, yeah, other motherfuckers would kill me. Literally kill me. Could get away with it for that bro.

    BTS Jack Like, yeah, that's another thing. Like, that's a good point because I've thought of this before as, like, millions or billions. If you think about history till now, like, millions, billions, whatever. Fucking number, like, would fucking pay like an arm and a leg just to hang out or like, I mean, like, motherfuckers go to convention and say, hey, take a picture.

    BTS Jack But I'm saying, like, hang out and, like, have a day or whatever.

    Matt Slayer And I get paid.

    BTS Jack To fucking not only shoot them and, like, have fun on Wall Street or them party with them, drink with them, indulge in some generic killers.

    Matt Slayer And we'll.

    Go with the extracurriculars.

    Matt Slayer Or extracurriculars.

    BTS Jack You know, just whatever you can imagine through that, it's up to you. That's your imagination. Run wild. You know.

    We will not incriminate the guilty.

    Matt Slayer Guilty of what? Not like wait. But that's what we're.

    BTS Jack Not trying to here.

    But I also feel like anyone who would be fucking starstruck and just like, oh my God, you get to do that would not be there wouldn't last though just.

    Matt Slayer To say we kicked out.

    BTS Jack Of being creepy the first day after.

    Day one. That would never even make it on to a fucking set because a veteran director be like, yeah, now.

    BTS Jack You see it in your eyes, right? When you walk in this phone call. Can you know, I just got I don't know, I got lucky. You know, I got lucky. I'm sure you should tell yourself, how are you? Like you said, you met you tell me earlier you met some people at some bars where you're having to do porn.

    BTS Jack Yep. I'm sure you told that story a hundred times. Don't to drive into it, but yeah, that's locked in there. Not luck, you know, whatever fate or whatever you want to call it.

    There's a little bit of luck. It was a little bit of engineering. It was definitely like me fucking though, putting it out there that I was interested in doing work. But like, I think it also part of it where the not wanting to be male talent and came in was like, I made a really big point, especially when I first got in.

    Like, I'm not here to be male talent. I'm not trying to fuck you.

    BTS Jack This isn't where is leading either, right? Like, is whatever. Yeah, yeah.

    I wanted to fucking make movies, like, look in my living room. Look at the fucking. Yeah, I love.

    BTS Jack Movies. I'm a movie buff as well, so I filia.

    So I want to fucking make movies. I didn't know anyone who fucking made real movies. I only I only met people that did porn, so it's like, well, this better than working my bullshit nine to five.

    BTS Jack Yeah, I do. That's the main point is I can do that. Like, out of all the jobs I've had, like, did, I've had some cool jobs in a lot of different industries.

    Dude, what else have you done?

    BTS Jack Shit. Like from start like doing security at, like, some high end weddings, doing ballet at those same weddings, whatever. A given day for work. Like, I work for a moving company. I worked in a couple of different restaurants, you know, no, I mean, never really a retail store, like, you know, selling clothes or nothing, thank God. Because I would dread, like, going after people randomly.

    BTS Jack Hey, let me know if I can help you out. With I hate to. So they, like, let me know if I can help you out with anything. You know, I don't know. I'm just grateful. Like, this is a day office thing. Like, I make more like I make like a god ton of more money than I've ever made at any other job.

    BTS Jack Working, like, half as much. Dude, you know.

    That's the fucking dream.

    Matt Slayer If I can work.

    BTS Jack You know, like, I'm slapping ass or not. OK, hold on. Let the record say it's not like that.

    Like, I'm essentially slaughtering houses consensually.

    BTS Jack I mean, like that. I mean, I don't know. That's just been a reason since it's like a party kicks in after, like, some of the only fan shoots happen, like.

    Yeah, it's all rolls into work. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. How are you. Good morning.

    BTS Jack Good morning. Good morning. And over at your back. Good morning. You know, like social like that. It's not really like.

    That as Jack just walks through the such a slap and analysis just not cloudy on the good morning.

    Matt Slayer Yeah it is a yeah yeah yeah no. But for Vince is like a musical symbol. We may end up writing.

    BTS Jack A musical to this.

    Matt Slayer And other ideas out.

    Jesus Christ. Like, that's all my ideas of this show. Like, we got a year's worth of production. I'll just Matt running his mouth.

    Matt Slayer So document it, bro. You're waiting for. Maybe I'm the guy to light that fire under your ass. Is this called up or death?

    BTS Jack OK, I don't I don't know if you're trying to.

    Matt Slayer Advertise or not. I don't know.

    The advertisers are drinking. Yeah, I feel.

    Matt Slayer You know, like the labels want to label for you.

    I'm of the opinion that if any of these alcohol brands want to send me a cease and desist for showing their product on the air, it's a win for me.

    BTS Jack More content for you, right?

    It's more content for me. Be this fucking press because I'm going to go to fucking YouTube and be like, Yo, Tito's vodka sent me this, this, and this. This is my guest. Was drinking it on air.

    BTS Jack Or you just mentioned.

    Matt Slayer It. Oh, yeah. Well, I'm sorry.

    That I, I'm drinking 94 privilege a friend. Boom.

    BTS Jack People. This is a, this is quite a rarity for me too. It's only because the host of the show who's such a great host did not supply the tequila.

    Matt Slayer Today, honestly. I mean, yeah.

    To be fair, to be fair, I didn't know Jack was actually on the show up.

    BTS Jack That's on me because.

    Matt Slayer Luckily the last two dates we had three.

    Last three. This is the.

    Matt Slayer Report. Yeah. Dude, do you have the proof? OK, we got.

    I think this is.

    Matt Slayer The fourth.

    BTS Jack You know, dude, I thought it was two. Oh, fuck.

    Matt Slayer We're we're pitter patter, and.

    It doesn't really matter. We're here now.

    Matt Slayer We're we're like.

    BTS Jack Dude, like, like, to be gods on us. Like, I was fucking sick, and I had to make miss that one. I forgot. Like the other one. Like the other one that I remember is like, I was severely fucked up and, like, rip shit, and I'm like, a two day fucking, like, party mode, like, barely any sleep.

    I mean, it's fine, it's good. But at the end of the day, it's just like.

    BTS Jack And then I had to go to work on my.

    Matt Slayer I've.

    Been in there.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, like.

    I'm not going to fault anyone for a fucking party. And it was just one of those things. Like, I'm also not going to build the set till you show up.

    BTS Jack And that exactly what he did. I showed up and, you know, he let me in and he's like, Start setting up to come. I don't know, whatever you're doing, 30 minutes or whatever.

    It's all going.

    Matt Slayer To be just so, you know.

    BTS Jack Like, you know, it's going to be 20, 30 minutes kill time. Like.

    Matt Slayer I made sure you got a clock.

    I made sure you had a cocktail immediately dirty.

    BTS Jack I know he's a great host. But, uh, but a horrible friend.

    Matt Slayer No, but.

    That's also also fucking. I hear I didn't come out and see your band play.

    Matt Slayer Mm. There we.

    BTS Jack Go. That was my first show. I just. I just started drumming, like, practicing about a month and a half or so ago with this new band, Hanna, H.A., and Nate. I'm here to.

    Matt Slayer Promote, and I wasn't really like. I mean, I remember, like.

    BTS Jack But may as well, since you brought up H.A., and then h right. Hannah did has such a good time. My first show drumming with them, I had, like, I don't know, maybe like, 20 heads of good friends that came through.


    BTS Jack They all did. We got a show July 16th. I don't know. It doesn't even matter whether or not this will come out, but.

    That is two days after my vasectomy, I will not be there.

    BTS Jack Uh, we have chosen, I don't know how long you were like, Dude, I'll keep you updated.

    Yeah, let me know. Let me know.

    BTS Jack That'd be great to have you there.

    Did I just. I don't want to be, like, there with my balls.

    BTS Jack Sore after balls are sore. Then you got to push through.

    Matt Slayer Sometimes it's not as thing. Yeah, before it was great.

    BTS Jack Dude was such a good time like this. Is cause asked me to start jamming with them, and we've been having fun at practices couple of times a week like here.

    And so how did that come about? Like.

    BTS Jack I just known this guy. My buddy Nathan had been I've been known him for a few years, and he had me up this crazy knee. Now, who who introduced me to Matt, by the way, you know, Charlotte Nino shout out Tony two times. Martina is right. And those are some of the best boys right there.

    And Tony's alive again as well. So that that is a run long running gag with Nina. So the first time Nina did the show, right where her and Tony were having a little bit of a tiff, and she was talking about this time that she just murdered him like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, like.

    BTS Jack Some like, damn.

    Matt Slayer Why was he incriminate herself?

    She didn't say the name at the time, so I murdered my dude and yeah.

    Matt Slayer I didn't know what that got.

    Done last time she did the show, she. Yeah, I blew them back to life.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah. OK, so it's a.

    Long running bit for the old school fans of the show. It's a long running bit. Listen to both new episodes we talk about in detail. I guess we reveal to the boyfriend was just right now.

    BTS Jack But all this we said we this whole thing is in a way, this is.

    Matt Slayer You're here and you're presence. You say or you're incriminating me. Now go down and I'm an accomplice.

    Accomplice here and that's it.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah. Wait.

    BTS Jack Confess to you're I was an accomplice to her blowing him. Let the record say I was not an accomplice to Nina blowing Tony.

    This time around.

    Matt Slayer Moving on from there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um.

    Yeah. Look, I totally derailed you there. Sorry, I fucked. Oh, yeah. But, yeah, I know. Jack and I met at a party at Nina's place a while back.

    Matt Slayer It was a good time. It was some UFC fights.

    BTS Jack Uh, drank, got to know everybody was cool. Man.

    Matt Slayer That was a fun night.

    BTS Jack Obviously, it's class. I'm glad I met you because we're doing the show. I do, like, by the way, this doesn't even feel like I didn't know what to expect. I've never done a podcast or nothing like this. This feels like we were talking before. I don't feel like I have to show out or there's no, like, it's cool.

    BTS Jack It's cool to know that it's just natural, you know?

    Yeah. This is what gets people in trouble on the show. They forget that there's mikes on cameras that all of a sudden they're just like, Yeah, I watched in a blow Tony back to life.

    Matt Slayer I didn't say that, but.

    You will impose.

    Matt Slayer Right? Yeah, I don't impose.

    This is going to be like your lips moving out of sync. I want.

    Matt Slayer Some Godzilla. I've said, You bastard. God.

    So read that waiver never wavered.

    Matt Slayer I didn't sign anything. By the way, allowed professionals is I don't know what's going on is that you waiver. I'm like, this is all against my will, by the way.

    Yes, that's right. That's actually what's behind the curtain, the firing squad. Because if Jack fucks up.

    Matt Slayer There's a firing, there's like a fucking Gibbs, like a virus guy. Fucking feces.

    They're going to beat you up for large dildos.

    Matt Slayer All right, actually, OK, I'm not too scary with those still. I guess so. Slapped me like, fuck, you're just going to tilt down the fucking camera. Like, look, it is fucking is just.

    One of these days. I am going to do a show that that's that while there, it's just like, oh, I don't believe it. I just fucking people pile.

    Matt Slayer Me over there. I'll be well, I'll be one of the guests for this one thing.

    I just got to find a guest that will be down for that. Like just a completely deranged derailed episodes like would go completely off format tonight, but fuck it.

    Matt Slayer Maybe. I guess maybe you just feel like I'm not.

    BTS Jack Fucking like, weird ass piece of.

    Matt Slayer Shit. They've been looking for results.

    Jack, where have you been my whole life?

    BTS Jack That I'm fucking half your age?

    Seven fucking and you, my child. Tonight I fuck you and the existence.

    BTS Jack Of the now my history school when you're.

    Matt Slayer Fucking not even. How are you, Matt?


    BTS Jack OK, well, I mean a God, I'd be like 13 and pregnant if you were in.

    Well, were you born 93?

    BTS Jack I'm 28.

    OK, yeah.

    BTS Jack Turning 27 now. There's one Tony nine in August.

    Yeah. I was not quite, quite sexually active in 93.

    Matt Slayer Yes. I'm trying to milk the.

    BTS Jack 28 until I can, I even give a shit and.

    Nothing got word here for me than like when I started showing up on set like occasionally like being an extra playing someone's father. I'm like oh shit. I really could have bothered you.

    Matt Slayer Fuck. And like I kind of want to fuck you so it makes it even more weird, you know what I mean? Like, yeah.

    Right. Oh, you were born in what hole?

    BTS Jack Like, dude, I'm even getting to that point now. Girls like, oh, it was like, 2003. Yeah, it's. You're born in 2003, like, for. I mean, I guess it's not that crazy. It was ten years after.

    Yeah. This year, but.

    Matt Slayer Like, you know, like, oh.

    BTS Jack I was like, graduating high school near, like, fourth grade or the fuck like, and now I want to fuck shit.

    Matt Slayer That dudes is fucked up, dude.

    Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer It's not that fucked. I mean.

    It's a weird feeling. It's a weird feeling. It's like, yo, girl, where were you on 911? Oh.

    Matt Slayer You're not even in your daddy's that's like.

    You were in another. Or at least that's on the girls. Is this like, oh, you were still wearing diapers? I was at a bar, right?

    BTS Jack I was like, wearing a diaper as well at the bar, but I was at a bar.

    Matt Slayer Nonetheless, you know.

    Like, I normally wear diapers in a bar. It just is more efficient that way.

    Matt Slayer Yes. I mean, like, is people, like.

    BTS Jack Realize we wear a diaper at the bar and shit hits the fan or. Well, I guess shit hits the diaper, but either way, you know what I'm saying?

    Like, I'm the shit hits the fan after a bunch of drinks and I take the diaper off.

    Matt Slayer And it's just so my.

    They generally don't let me come back to the bar after that one.

    Matt Slayer Right. Well, there's plenty of bars out there.

    BTS Jack There are houses. There are plenty of kids out there. You know, if I can.

    Hopefully I'm going to make I'm not going to make any of them. So.

    BTS Jack Yeah, sounds the plan is.

    That is the plan like the plan is to have the vasectomy and.

    Matt Slayer Oh, of.

    BTS Jack Course I forgot about that. Yeah.

    The day this airs, if everything goes to schedule, I will be going into surgery. I will have gone into surgery by the time this actually airs.

    BTS Jack So really. OK, so have you had I mean, I'm sure everyone has like you had a scare where you either had to like pay for a girls abortion or.

    Not a one. Not a one, not a one.

    Matt Slayer I'm not like one cream pie that you're like, fuck, I hope she don't call me. And Oh.

    No, there's plenty of like I hope she don't call me. There's been never been a call, though.

    BTS Jack Right?

    In all reality, if I was smarter, I would go get a fraternity, a fertility test. I can talk and make sure I actually have good swimmers before I get this, like should sniff because I you know in my what I've been sexually active 25, 26 years at this point I have never had anyone be like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, oh I'm late.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man, I wish I could say the same.

    Oh, look at you. Fertile Myrtle.

    BTS Jack Fertile poking my head out you know?

    Matt Slayer Yeah, man. I mean, there's been the two.

    BTS Jack Three that I can do. I don't want to like, dove into those, but there's been the tour. I mean.

    You already did. How do you think you got that?

    BTS Jack Well, like, Dove into the hole, like, and start crying.

    Matt Slayer On our set, like.

    Oh, don't keep them.

    BTS Jack No, they're like, I like, like, this is like, two scares. It wasn't even like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, that.

    BTS Jack They catch them.

    Or not. I mean, this why you're shy about doing other people's content that there was that babies.

    BTS Jack That you had to like. Like I said, there's three or four times where you even had to convince me to come on the show.

    Matt Slayer So scared of coming on your show that I'm starting? Yeah, that's the thing. I'm scared to.

    BTS Jack Like, act or act or perform whatever and call it or go on a Slayer show like we ride dog and randoms. Well, let me ride dog at random so I can fill in the month.

    Matt Slayer I'm like to like, what do you expect when that happens? I don't know.

    You expect to give them a bad phone number so they can't get a hold of you. Duh.

    BTS Jack Fuck. Maybe this is this is what I needed to hear for.

    Matt Slayer My.

    This is why you like you set up a Google voice number and give them the Google voice number. And on the Google Voice, the Marines like, oh, that's the pregnancy bat phone.

    Matt Slayer Right.

    BTS Jack Right. The Matt phone them Matt Slayer's number.

    Do not give them my fucking.

    Matt Slayer But they kind of look like they're built. They use you if they're drunk enough.

    And then after next week, I'll be like, Sorry, lady, I have a vasectomy. Mine.

    Matt Slayer Oh, shit. Sometimes it's sexy.

    BTS Jack But the vasectomy doesn't work.

    No, we'd better work. I've spent the fucking money. Well, to be fair, I'm spending other people's money on this. I, I did do a go fund me for the vasectomy.

    Matt Slayer What the fuck are we talking about? Like, a.

    BTS Jack Matter of, like, 800 bucks or four.

    Like it's like 1200.

    BTS Jack 1200

    But, yeah, I do. I did go for me because it was my mother's idea. It was my fucking mother's story.

    BTS Jack Your mom's or under lifetime? Sure.

    No, but.

    Matt Slayer I just thought.

    It was a hilarious idea, so I went, You know what, Mom? You're right.

    BTS Jack Why not? Did you feel like you're still banging? You know, obviously you're banging shit, like you don't want to get some rando fucking pregnant.

    Oh, I definitely don't. Hell, I don't want to get anyone pregnant, Randall or not.

    BTS Jack OK, I serious then. I mean, like, you know, I don't know. I don't even know if I want kids. That's the crazy thing.

    I don't know. Do you want to do you want to continue living the life you're living?

    BTS Jack Yeah, dude, I like I think I feel like in a few years, I want to, like, keep doing, like, most of the stuff I do, but, like, you know, maybe probably settle down and I could check his stuff, like, if it happens. You I'm in no rush. I don't know, like.

    Yeah, but think how much the kids would fuck that off.

    BTS Jack I would have a dope ass kid, bruh.

    Yeah, but you have to know how much you would have to give up to have that dopest kid.

    BTS Jack Every a lot, huh? I got to think about some.

    Huh? Like, oh, shit. Well, we wrapped no after party because I got to get little Timmy to baseball.

    Matt Slayer You know, maybe I fucking.

    BTS Jack Find somebody at the baseball game, though.

    Well, I'm. But I'm saying.

    Matt Slayer At the point some.

    BTS Jack Of the check on worth.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, maybe.

    BTS Jack She's down with that. Maybe she'll fuck me and the that.

    But you still got to take care of the kid at some point. You just gotta let the you can't let the kid.

    BTS Jack Like nine dude and put him to bed and then start, you know.

    Yeah, but there's a good shot right now. All right, now you can be like, OK, we wrap for the day, I can suck it and fucking wrecked because I don't have to put a fucking kid to bed.

    BTS Jack Right? Yeah. That's the thing. Do I like my freedom like that?


    BTS Jack And like, not just kids were like having like a serious, like, check where it's like she ain't from the same, like, mentality or your background and mindset. It's like, that's hard to find, I guess, like.

    Dad, dad, that is almost fucking impossible. I mean, that's you're around the shit. That's why for the most part, performers did performers.

    BTS Jack Right? Right.

    Because having no money.

    BTS Jack And then history and.

    Having to explain the shit to fucking civilians and then be cool with it.

    BTS Jack I've had it, I've had a couple say they're cool and shit when it comes this is shove or whatever fucking push comes, push comes to shit. But yeah, like it's like, ok, like lisbeth's acting up like she really wasn't cool with it. She just wanted to like change me or.

    Hell end up in some of those situations. Those girls may have been honestly thought that they were down until they like were really put in the situation.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, Manson's.

    BTS Jack Like, dude, if you're trying to get involved me and say you're down, if you're that interested, you know what the fuck you're getting into like with me, dude.

    Matt Slayer But I'm not bringing like fucking other chicks on.

    BTS Jack Kind of like, I mean, like, I'm below motherfucker, you know? I mean, if I'm interested in the girl below motherfucker and I'm not performing, so it's not like I'm fucking the shit out of sex every day, you know?

    But unfortunately, like, civilian boys who have never been in the life don't know that. And all they see is your fucking social media of, like, the girl that was on Saturday set on your fucking lap yeah. And if they got self-esteem issues, they've got fucking jealousy issues. That's going to trigger it right there.

    BTS Jack He knew what you're getting into, dude.

    Oh, I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. It's the same.

    BTS Jack Thing still happens, right?

    Yeah, that's what happens. It's just like, you know, you know, performers, when they get involved with some civilian dude who's the captain fucking state of Ohio who's like, oh, no, I'm totally done with your life. I'm totally I love what you do. And then the next time they have to fucking go to stuff, they're like, Oh, don't go.

    How many times you.

    Matt Slayer Can.

    Tell as old as fucking time.

    BTS Jack So, like, dude, like, yeah, that blows my mind. It I've dealt with this. I give them blow my mind. Well, Mike, I was hoping that was, like, a commonly known thing. Like, that's. It's good to hear from you. It's like, oh, I'm not the only one, but I already knew that. But reassurance is always good, you know?

    Yeah, I've had civilian checks because I am very upfront about this shit. These days. Like when I first moved to L.A., like, I just kind of kept it on the DL. I was just kind of like, Yeah, this is my life. This is what I work. But I wasn't doing anything that was public facing on the industry front, like, right.

    I was doing PR work, I was doing roadie work, like I was going on the road with girls for fucking, you know.

    Matt Slayer That's that's fucking like you go on the road with girls. That's like the first like it if.

    BTS Jack You know that it's like Columbia. It's like, you know, like they'll be tripping over me if you want to get involved. But, you know, I'm going on the road with the girls and who knows what? I'll meet them. Like, come on, dude.

    But it's just one of those things. Like, I didn't advertise that shit, like, on dating sites or like when I meet chicks and be like, oh, they're all like, oh, I do security. Like, I just kept it like, these days, like, I'm completely upfront about that shit, like, because I would much rather you be like, Oh, I'm not cool with this.

    Right? Let me out. I want to spend my time and energy be like, Oh, yeah, I actually really like you. I'm not changing.

    BTS Jack Exactly where I'm thinking well, dude, like, my point is like, say, girl, it's like, OK, like, you know, you're getting into so this is happening. I get it. Like human emotion or female emotion or whatever the fuck, like natural whatever the fuck like like, you know, where you're getting into. And if you think about it, it's like, OK, the picture you see about me in that girl is like five, 10 seconds a pose.

    BTS Jack Like, let's pose like this. Let's get a picture poster. As for me to have fun, like, here's what I'm doing.

    And she's you're helping her sell her image as well. Like.

    BTS Jack You know, like, I just have fun with it. There's, there's no I don't really, really know what the the gain or the goal of me post and all that. Like the picture is documentation, dude. Like I feel like I have thousands of pictures of the girls and like make a whole collage and it's there's nothing there. It's not like this.

    BTS Jack Like nothing. I don't know. It's hard to.

    Explain what there's nothing malicious about it.

    BTS Jack No, no.

    At the end of the day, you're not trying to fuck everyone. These girls.

    Matt Slayer Well.

    BTS Jack I mean, if I'm with a girl that I'm loyal, like, I'm right.

    But I really don't. At the end of the day, the intent of this picture, correct me if I'm wrong here, is not to fuck these girls.

    Matt Slayer Now, the picture doesn't know.

    The picture is to help sell the brand of the company you work for, help sell the girls brand because, you know, nine out of ten girls in the industry want to make it look like they are fun. You know, it's part of being a porn star. Like, Oh, I'm this fun, slutty girl, right?

    BTS Jack And to boost my ego a little bit.

    I mean, that doesn't that's a nice side effect.

    Matt Slayer But it's just to have fun. It's like is.

    BTS Jack Just like, fuck you. Like, look what's going on. Like, do you know anyone else? Like, an able to do it? Like, I got lucky. Here I am. Kind of shit.

    Exactly. I don't know your help. It's looks cool on social media. There is nothing wrong with this.

    BTS Jack I like I'm way cooler in real life. Than like a picture with some, like, fucking bomb chick like 12 times a month. I'm just like, I'm dope as fuck in real life, you know, like let's have fun, let's kick it. Let's party like I don't like none of that shit even comes up when you kick it with me and like, let's just have fun like that.

    BTS Jack It doesn't matter. I don't. Social media is just, I.

    Don't know, social media is curated. Social media isn't real.

    BTS Jack You know here that might say or just some.

    I want to say some you know semi wise things on this fucking thing occasionally.

    BTS Jack So like my like point with all that being said is so it's like, yeah, the picture in me about insecurity is how like most females made our experience.

    That's, that's not just females. The amount of dudes that are dating female talent they'll get fucking weird.

    BTS Jack OK, maybe I've been correct and well from my experience.

    Oh yeah. Yeah.

    BTS Jack So so our kids I don't know, I don't want to single out females so that's a good point. But like, you know, like, it's like, OK, I have this one date picture with the girl, but like so like when I'm at work, I work like ten, 12 days a month onset and then there's like if you do like, I work half the month, I'm grateful I have so much free time.

    BTS Jack It's tough, dude. I'm so psyched. I want to get to do Lucky or whatever fuck you want to call it grateful for it. I try to, you know, I've had to make this point to two girls that I remember that I was serious with two girls that I remember. I drink a lot and I was saying to girls, Yeah, girl, like I get your concerns.

    BTS Jack Like it comes to that point, you.

    Know, happen. They're like, you know, like about.

    BTS Jack You know, like girl you know, what the fuck you're getting into. I've been posting this for fucking years. Like, how to.

    Matt Slayer Like, you know?

    BTS Jack Well, like, you know, like, you know.

    So, like, how, how far, how.

    Matt Slayer Far you got to stop posting.

    How far into the relationship were you guys? Like, how long were you with this child?

    BTS Jack The first one was like a couple of years. And then the second one was like a few months to like.

    So you're with her a couple of years and like how long into the relationship that the should come up? Like a couple of years in?

    BTS Jack Well, that was the thing. Do you like do like I was with her for like a year and a half before I even started this job. So that was a more understandable thing, you know what I mean? But like, mostly, I guess.

    So how did you take it? Like, how did that conversation.

    BTS Jack Just got to the point where it's like, OK, he she is dealt with like trying and, you know, OK, you want to try this or sex on this opportunity or whatever. Yeah. But like, you know, then I starts you.

    Matt Slayer Know, like pros and pictures.

    BTS Jack Girls and like it's understandable, really, like, I get it.

    Matt Slayer But like, OK, like mostly like the.

    BTS Jack Second girl, like, you know, I mean, I guess mostly the second goal is like, did you've been seeing what the fuck I'm about, like, why you surprise, like, now you want to like, you know, it's like, dude, if you think about it this way and I even told the first show, like, check to that. Oh, you're so worried about this.

    BTS Jack Those pictures, me and exactly everything we talked about, it's like just for fun. It's like document like don't take it so fucking whatever. Like, if I was at a bar or working at a bar as a bartender, like at a restaurant or like you name the job at a fucking clothing store did you know how many girls would be coming in?

    BTS Jack Like fucking at least 20 to fucking hundreds of girls maybe depending on the spot. How many opportunities and chances and I as I would catch care and catch them like you know, how many. I'm just seeing one girl a day did.

    You get to. Thing about it is those women that are coming into the other place of business don't have sex for a living. So that person in their heads like oh people have this fucking horrible disconnect where it's like, oh, just because this person has sexual living, but it's not like anybody. That is definitely not the case.

    BTS Jack This is why me Jack's fucking fuck him then behind my back on set.

    Yeah, yeah. Like, no.

    BTS Jack I do understand this, but I'm trying to make them understand, like, I get where you're coming from. But do you understand that the fact, like, I could have cut 30 numbers tonight if I was working at a bar, right?

    Like, well, the reality of the situation is most talent ain't going to fucking kill me. Anyone who's working on set. Oh, yeah.

    BTS Jack And it's professional.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, right.

    Yeah, exactly. You know, I didn't mean, like, fuck you, Jack. They're not going to fuck. You know, I was there like.

    Matt Slayer Them as I heard him.

    They're not there to fuck anyone. Mix up their scene partner.

    BTS Jack I do realize this and everything do.

    And I realize this because we work in this industry. The girl. Yeah, yeah. Like, so it's hard to.

    BTS Jack Explain to them, bro.

    Yeah, well, it's hard to convince them because the reality of the situation is, yes, most performers are only going to fuck their scene partners on any given day on set. Right but they're selling an image of, Oh, I'll fuck anybody, because that's what brings fans into their only fans. That brings fans, their social media that these dudes besides watching them fuck in the back of their brain, think that they may have a shot.

    BTS Jack I mean, even if they. Yeah, even if they know, like, for hardly like, I ain't never even going to meet this chick, let alone fuck her. But like, when I'm jerking off to the scene, like, I feel like that's me, you know, they want to give them that, you know, fuck. Did trust me. I tried the whole convincing.

    BTS Jack It's like it doesn't make sense to them, bro. Doesn't make sense to them for some reason.

    So this chick was a couple months in and she just she broke up with you was like, give me an ultimatum on how to go.

    Matt Slayer She was tripping on it, and I was like, yeah.

    BTS Jack I mean, you know, it's just now I'm the first chick was the ultimatum, bro. Like, the main chick was like, you know, leave them chicks alone, you know, like, dude.

    Matt Slayer I'm a skater, bro. Like, I'm only.

    BTS Jack Like, medium shakes alone. I'm a skater.

    So did you just call it quits with the first one? And just, like, I know I didn't change and I'm out.

    BTS Jack Like, you know, I basically told her that and, like, you know, you know, she fucking called it you know what it is like? That was a few years back. Did some crazy shit. A lot of shit. I learned from that, and I'm way better because of it. Yeah, I'm thankful that.

    Matt Slayer At.

    BTS Jack The time, you're.

    Matt Slayer Like, fuck, do. Like.

    BTS Jack You know, you're all hurt, but, like, do like a month or two after that, I was like, you know, like, fix your mentality. I'm good with that a lot of motherfucker.

    The two letters you're getting, your dick sucked on someone's only friends.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    Yeah, life's good. It's fine.

    Matt Slayer They shit.

    BTS Jack I think I made the right call. Yeah, I did a lot of, like, opportunities and life like that. Like, I don't know, like meaning, like everything that's happened. I don't like to think of what could have been or would have been different. It's like dude, like, that was the best thing that could have happened for me, bro. Like, well.

    Think about it. If you had stayed with her, what.

    BTS Jack You would have found another excuse to follow.

    She would have. I don't know. It's just. But in the short term, you would've been working some retail job or fucking security or some shit you.

    Matt Slayer Fucking headed.

    BTS Jack Who knows? Like, so I lose my job and her to see it like shit like a day later she going to dump me anyways. Thank God I had the intuition of being like, yeah, yeah, fuck off the couch, you know, because like, I know at the time I wasn't as far as I am now. Like, I was about to be like, OK, you know, tell him I can't do it.

    Matt Slayer I was like, well.

    It's not even a smart thing.

    BTS Jack I was so close to being fucked over. It's crazy.

    Matt Slayer Bro.

    Assignments right? And like when you're emotionally invested, when the brain chemicals are like, but I love her.

    BTS Jack Love makes me crazy here.

    Oh yeah. Love is chemically as addictive as cocaine.

    BTS Jack Mom, I've never done cocaine, so I'm not a.

    Matt Slayer Mother, but yeah, yeah, sure.

    Love is chemically addictive, so it makes you do dumb shit like but but I love her. She's like, no, no, no.

    BTS Jack Yeah, that's a that's the moment mom acted as the devil tech in you. And my mom and I ride all the time, people. Mom and I ride all the time.

    Matt Slayer Well, all.

    BTS Jack The devils that real time mom was right all the time. You make her believe your that.

    That's the thing. Your momma was probably a love junkie at one point to mom.

    BTS Jack Still is all always has been. Oh, she loves me. And I love her, too.

    Matt Slayer Oh, Dad. Oh.

    What the fuck are you doing coming from a healthy household?

    BTS Jack That's the thing, though. Past healthy household, their parents, extended family, brothers, like three older brothers.

    And you turned to the marijuana and ruined your life. Where did they go wrong?

    BTS Jack The devil got a ho.

    Matt Slayer It's not as bad. Yeah, no, I did. They didn't go.

    BTS Jack Wrong. Cause, like, it was. The thing is, like, to, like, if you really think all this bad thing, you really think all this or whatever, this is bad. It's like, if you know me, you know I'm being. I'm a positive. I'm just. How I am I'm a positive influence in this dark industries, and maybe I'm helping shit. You know, that was my mentality.

    BTS Jack It's hard to explain, like, the girl thing, like, you know, with the parents thing. It's like it's hard to explain. It's hard to explain. Right? You understand? Like, I.

    Mean, I don't think it's that difficult. I think it's.

    BTS Jack It's hard to get them to realize. Yeah. What I'm explaining is what I'm.

    Saying, because we're in an outlier industry. It's hard to explain what this industry is to someone who's never experienced it.

    BTS Jack Right.

    Well, especially if you're dealing with one who's never been in any form of entertainment. Like, I feel like it might be easier to explain this gig to someone who's been an actor. Or something like that, who's like been on set, you know, maybe had an onscreen kiss or some shit, like, understands how meaningless that shit is.

    BTS Jack I heard that yeah. Think about some, like, serious relationship. It would feel about, oh, I had to fucking make out with.

    Fucking Brad Pitt or some shit.

    Matt Slayer Or me or.

    Well, I mean, you're saying you wouldn't make out Brad Pitt if it paid.

    BTS Jack You're talking about like some what would you call it with that movie Brokeback Mountain?

    Matt Slayer Oh, you fucking read my mind. Goddamn shut out Brokeback Mountain.

    BTS Jack Rest in peace, Heath Ledger. I've dedicated a couple of that movie.

    Matt Slayer Oh, just fucking. Yes, here. Are you really? Ask me what I.

    BTS Jack Make out with Brad Pitt. Like, among, like, a whole roll and, like, a dope movie.

    Matt Slayer Dad, dude, if I got millions, fuck.

    BTS Jack You serious? You serious? Well, yeah. I feel like the easy answer I.

    Agree, I agree. But a lot of dudes and confident enough to be like, that's an easy answer. Big no.

    Matt Slayer Man. I'm saying that in front of fucking whoever. I don't know who's going to be.

    BTS Jack This Brad Pitt.

    Then I'll tell you. I'll tell you I'm in the post up hog.

    Matt Slayer Good luck with them.

    Because publicists will be like, the fuck is this?

    Matt Slayer I know a couple.

    BTS Jack People that may or may not know, you know, what's in the box. Whatever. I'm the box. Master. Let that be me now.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    BTS Jack Then I'll say that in front of everybody. I say that in front of the world. But yeah.

    You know what I'm saying? If you're sort of Hollywood freak out with you, making out Angelina Jolie are fucking some A-list fucking celebrity. Like, nah, they don't understand what it is that is being done is just fucking entertainment.

    BTS Jack It's like, damn, dude. Like, I don't know, it's just mind blowing. I don't know. It's not really my mind, but I get how they I get their perspective, but, like, it's.

    Matt Slayer Like, if you're.

    BTS Jack Not going to listen to what I got to say, then, like, what's the point of me? Waste and all this breath. It's like, I'm trying to reassure you that, dude, I'm just how I am, but this is what's going on. There's one girl compared to I could have met 100 of girls tonight if I was at a bar.

    Well, I'd also you're saying you don't fucking trust me. And if you don't trust me, why are we even here?

    BTS Jack That was the bottom line, dude. It's like if. If the trust is so far gone that that's really what I thought I was. Trust. Trust is so far gone that, like, you know, you say, you know, leave this fucking job is the job for me. It's like I'm pissed, you know, this bitch kind of fucking bitch is going to pull the same shit she's doing.

    BTS Jack So she's trying to get she's trying to pull. She's doing on me already. I'm smart enough, and she trying to make me lose my job. So now she can laugh with her and her fucking friends, like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, dear god, I dare you, motherfucker. You're like college for me.

    BTS Jack And I still fuck them over. I'm smarter than that, dude. You know, no names, like, may not ever know or see it. You know who the fuck you are you my ass. Not like you did before, because I was amazing, but.

    Matt Slayer Oh, God, who knows?

    There was this girl with that one.

    BTS Jack Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was scary. Like, the real situation. That was, like, way back. I'm not relevant. Like.

    So do throw down a flight of stairs. What'd you do?

    BTS Jack No, no.

    I wish that.

    BTS Jack Hindsight. In hindsight.

    Matt Slayer It's just like. Yeah.

    BTS Jack No. Yeah, fucking. Yeah, man. Fucking Imus, motherfucker. But, um, I mean, she did.

    It that way.

    BTS Jack Uh, not in that, but the aftermath of that. Yeah, I'm fucking. Yeah, I did. Thank you, though. Thank you to, like I said, all these good times that have had. Like, there's a lot more we can dove into if you want, but.

    Oh, yeah.

    BTS Jack Totally fucking.

    Matt Slayer Shows. Not like, some, some, some.

    BTS Jack New and any, like, mile, like your own life experience. My life experiences, a lot of shit wouldn't have happened that I'm like, fuck, yeah. I'm so glad I made the decision for it time and time again. If I was only fucked this to like the trust is already gone. Like, realize, like, what you said. Yeah.

    And you're.

    BTS Jack Totally positive.

    If you don't have trust in a relationship, you have fucking nothing.

    BTS Jack And that's in friendship. That's with family. Any, any relationship, right?

    Yeah. Well, like.

    BTS Jack The trust, like.

    Matt Slayer Dude.

    BTS Jack Like, you know, you wouldn't let me through your door if you're like, OK, you know, from what I know from Jack, it's like, you know, Jack might drink all my alcohol, but he ain't going to fucking. Well, you don't know that. I'm not going to pull a gun on you. Any moment.

    Matt Slayer Now.

    Yeah, I'm not so worried about it here. And if you drink on my alcohol, that's fine. That's part of the fucking show. There's only been a couple episodes where, like, I booked just for I didn't really know them, and I was like, Oh, well, this person a little sketchy. Yeah, there's definitely. I'm not going to say which episode, but there are like one or two episodes where, like, I had a gun hidden, like.

    Matt Slayer No yeah. Why would you why would you want that.

    Though? There's no don't worry about it.

    Matt Slayer I'm like, wait, hold up. Hold of like like people.

    Like, vetted you because occasionally I know I've been doing the show long enough. I have people fucking just randoms on the fucking Internet that are trying to promote whatever the fuck they're doing, right? I want to come do the show and if I think they're going to be entertaining for the show, I'm down, but I'm still letting them into my fucking house.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man.

    So that's like, yeah, the couple of times where that's happened, it's never been an issue. The guest had no clue that there was like a firearm nearby. If I need to do.

    Matt Slayer So, if this makes sense, if this rings a bell for any of you out there that we're all the guests.

    BTS Jack Just know that my slayer had not just as a love gun, but a different gun pointed in your direction. I do not.

    Know. I did not point at anyone. I don't.

    BTS Jack Know. You're letting your love gun was you're kind of facing now.

    Matt Slayer I was like.

    That's neutral at the moment. It's neutral.

    Matt Slayer Three to say no, hang to the right or not. Well, maybe I should adjust my fucking it's a.

    Little obsessed with the third track.

    BTS Jack We're getting there. We're slowly getting there. I think I got about ten more minutes before I get what I want.

    Oh, yet another very disappointed guest order. Now we drink.

    Matt Slayer And with that. Oh, like.

    This is still a good up, so.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    BTS Jack Again, shout out for your next layer. If I fucking curved us love gun pointing right at me. God damn you.

    Matt Slayer Man. It's been a good time.

    BTS Jack Did I mean, like, you call this? I'm here to tell them with you. I don't know how long you want to.

    Oh, we all know.

    BTS Jack It feels fucking natural.

    They're like, we got plenty of time left. Don't worry.

    BTS Jack Keep fucking around in mind.

    That's the point. Those. Look, at that point, we want to just sit here and fuck around. But I'm curious. You're doing the thing now. Do you have a plan to, like, actually do your own fucking production down the road?

    BTS Jack Like, um. Yeah. Do you like that? Thought for me is like, I want to. I want to be with and stay loyal to the motherfuckers who, like, put me on and, like, even that even jolted some sort of interest for me. And, like, I had no idea. I never thought, like, no interest in getting into this game, bro.

    BTS Jack Like, no interest in filming or like, photographing anything, dude. Like Maestro, his wife Tatiana, you know, all the, you know, all the productions, the fan on Michael Stefano, you know, Nina El Tony two times. Martinez Oh, shit. Yeah. Fucking everyone who's, like, kind of like, like along the way, like a, you know, like, did your good, like, fucking push a little more.

    BTS Jack I would've never thought so. I want to stay loyal to those main companies. They're older cats, so God knows, like, it could be if I can, a year or two years. Five years, ten years. So they they're done. They leave. I'm not going to have my own production until my show and his wife stop doing what they're doing retirement or they may have it, whatever.

    BTS Jack But like on the side, I be filming only fan stuff for girls like me now. And Tony, you put me on two and you know, the girls hire me now, like, trying to build that little side project. So, like, I don't even have my own production company and still make money and have a good time.

    I mean, you technically are your own production company, the fashion people's only fans and all that shit.

    BTS Jack Yeah, yeah. So it's like. But it's not like. Yeah, so I guess I know what you're trying to say.

    I'm just saying I'm just. Yeah, know, your future is what your future plans are.

    BTS Jack Yeah.

    With that, I mean, would you be interested in if the if purpose of expanding and like running your own fucking career for them at one point?

    BTS Jack Absolutely, dude. Absolutely. That would be my main goal. Like I'm going to kind of catch a vibe and like win and you know, they're honest and open with me like at my shows, like, Yo Jack, like, bro, I feel like after these nice couple months of the day, we, I'm not, yeah, I want to fuck an entire and so I don't want to do shit anymore, like, you know, like you, you know, I don't know what his options are.

    BTS Jack Like, I'm going to sell it to these people or like, you know, maybe you can take it over and pay me so much or whatever his fucking deal is.

    Or maybe he'll just sit back and, like, trust you to fucking do the day to day and he just collects.

    BTS Jack Whatever he wants it. I'm going to wait for his, his thing on that. And I've told him this, but I really want to reiterate this to him in person. Obviously, he's not going to let's or maybe he was just I don't know, but I don't want to say he's not going to I'm going to tell him I did this.

    BTS Jack I told him today I was on site with him. I am going to do whatever. But yeah. Do you like I'm just going to wait for their, you know, loyal, you know, loyalty to their dope. It's obvious. Focus me, dude. Treat me well, pay me well. You know, good times, funny times, like nothing I could have ever dreamed or imagined, bro.

    BTS Jack Honestly, I'm going to pay for their fucking little whatever they want to do with the rest of their lives type of shit. And move it from there, bro. I mean, once it comes to finance, like, OK, like now that times, like, then then I'll then I'll, like, have a little. All right. Or boom. Yeah, I'm taking over the shares like, you know, beta stack productions.

    BTS Jack I've got enough. Yeah, I just like where I'm at.

    That's awesome. That's fucking awesome. Like, I know very few people can be like, I'm happy where the fuck I'm at.

    BTS Jack I really am, dude. It's like, I don't really have much. I just got good friends, good family, good, good work environment. You know, like.

    What else could you fucking ask for?

    BTS Jack Nothing, dude. That's why I said I'd be checking myself. Like, do, like you're in the bond mill, you know, you just fuck them. You just prone bone and you know, I'm like, not very smart. Leave rat dogged and filled up a jerk, but you still got to do it, right?

    Matt Slayer Like, just be.

    Grateful if that happened. To you today.

    BTS Jack Not today.

    Yes or no?

    BTS Jack No. Then.

    Matt Slayer I mean, like.

    BTS Jack There's, like, how often whoever this is, there is it's been about three years, but I still remember that.

    I hope it hasn't been three years. Jesus.

    Matt Slayer Honestly, I.

    BTS Jack No, yeah. No, like, analysis, like, yeah, man, fucking. I don't know. I'm grateful, dude. I'm grateful. That's a good thing to be, like, motherfuckers like, realize what you got to be grateful for. This is a this is my TED talk. A damn thing about what you got to be grateful for. You got it. Good. If you're watching this if you have the access to watch this fucking episode, like, you should be grateful for, like, 90% of things that are happening in your life, then.

    Why the fuck motherfucker war worldwide? People are in impoverished countries watching this shit.

    BTS Jack You think so?

    I know so.

    BTS Jack You know so. Yeah, OK.

    Demographics breaks down the fucking listenership.

    BTS Jack Well, if they're in poverty and they're able to watch this, that means hopefully that they have access to water and food regularly. So.

    Or, I mean, I hope so.

    BTS Jack I mean.

    As of this starve to death, I can't watch the show anymore.

    BTS Jack That's what I'm saying. That's exactly what I'm saying. It's like I have a more. I should be more.

    I want you to stay alive just to be able to watch a nowwe drink. I don't give a fuck what else you do with your life. I do to stay alive long enough to get the next week and the weeks after and just keep watching the show. Just that's the only reason to live. That's all I give a fuck about.

    I don't care if you procreate. I don't care if you're happy. I just want you to watch the fucking show.

    Matt Slayer You can't eat. You don't even got a pot the person is right.

    As long as you have a device. And hell, I don't even care if you do the whole fucking episode. Just download it. So I did the fucking numbers.

    Matt Slayer How you got a pot to piss and be watched fucking mess. Layers of now.

    BTS Jack Drank. They're like.

    You. Really? Priorities.

    Matt Slayer Do you think like a priority? Think about it.

    BTS Jack You're like, what? Like my opponent was like, you think motherfuckers who are so impoverished don't have fucking at least shelter, food and water regularly where they don't really have to worry anything. Motherfuckers are really watching it without all that that.

    I mean, I hope. I hope they're going to internet cafes.

    BTS Jack But you said, you know, so you know for sure.

    Well, I know there are some people that are watching from impoverished countries. They may be the one percenters in that impoverished country. Yeah, I don't fucking know. I'm not like, Yo, Uganda, let's do a fucking survey.

    Matt Slayer Oh, man, I'm not talking about that.

    BTS Jack Like, you know, so.

    Let's do a survey of like, yo, what's your financial situation? You know, watching the show.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, did that survey. I forgot them and tag me. I don't know. I'm just.

    I'm just happy that you're fucking listening. Like, as I said, star of other people. As long as you listen.

    Matt Slayer We would know, like.

    BTS Jack Everybody is for a scene. I don't know, like trying to prove something on the scene. Yeah, I'm going to. I'm going to switch. Just hide up a little bit for a second. Just real quick, you know, quick, quick shout out.

    Matt Slayer Right, right, right. It just.

    BTS Jack So happens, you know, I'm not here to promote.

    Matt Slayer Or. No, no. Yeah. My boy Eddie Big Eddie.

    BTS Jack Eddie, Big Eddie shut out fucking living in hell. And everybody with the hat, merch, clothing, right? That's all I got. To say.

    What is all that about?

    BTS Jack This is all in little, dopest little fucking clothing in. You know, I just met him through Nina l one time. He was up a shirt, rock and a hat. You know, I ain't got a nude. Nothing with me. Nothing to do with nothing about your hair. I don't know what that nothing is but.

    Nihilist rb as my friend Niall.

    BTS Jack Nihilist Arby's, that your buddies or yours.

    Or. No, it's a hilarious Twitter account.

    BTS Jack Oh, shit. Shout out. Now, let's Arby's look it up at and I lost Arby's.

    Matt Slayer And I don't know that.

    Nihilist on this garbage pusher is actually you, of all people. The counter is run by the lead singer of the Lawrence Arms.

    BTS Jack The Lawrence Arms. I feel like I've.

    Heard of that. They're a national touring punk band.

    BTS Jack Dude. And my, like, fucking complete piece of shit ass if I can take a leak right now.

    No, you can take a leak before you go right here. No.

    Matt Slayer It's a car. Car thing. He was clever. I think.

    We have listeners in both Ethiopia and Somalia, so, like.

    Matt Slayer Really? Yeah. Is this live? Is this.

    Talk? No, it's.

    Matt Slayer To say, like, what the fuck? Like, what are you doing to me?

    I'm just say there are some people from some impoverished countries watching this motherfucker.

    Matt Slayer No, I believe you.

    That some people are VPN into those countries to watch the show. I don't fucking.

    BTS Jack Know knows and.

    Matt Slayer Only God only knows.

    But only only God and Mark Zuckerberg.

    BTS Jack So not Somalia, Somalia and where else Ethiopia.

    Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Like, shut up, y'all. Dude, I don't know how or why you are, but hey, I have a song about my slayer.

    BTS Jack No, you. No fucking I no.

    I have a feeling it has to do with someone with some tats that, like, they're into more than it has to do with me.

    Matt Slayer But all my tits. Your tits. I don't know who's well.

    On this episode. I don't know. On on past episodes. So it's someone with some tits, I would assume, right?

    BTS Jack I'm hoping to break some numbers.

    Or just happy.

    BTS Jack With like, I'm expecting to get like half the viewers of a regular, like, hot porn sake.

    Matt Slayer Then don't.

    Say that. And Jack is back from urination.

    Matt Slayer I'm back shit. I'll give you a woman.

    BTS Jack I didn't wash my hands. That's fine.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I definitely want.

    To spread covered all over my apartment.

    Matt Slayer Shit.

    Still smell like, oh, whatever. Like that. Mike has been inside so many people with.

    Matt Slayer Having said that, all.

    Everyone that Mike's ever been inside of has a Clinton, so.

    BTS Jack Oh, shit. I will. Not ever. I can't say the same for myself. Not everyone I've been inside and has had a client.

    Assumes the same thing.

    Matt Slayer Usually most motherfuckers that. I mean.

    I often like to tell people like, oh yeah. In all reality, I am probably a bigger threat to the performer than they are to me. Whenever, like, someone like James. Oh, my God, you're hooking up with a dirty remote. Yeah. I don't get tested every 14 days. I get tested regularly, but I don't get tested every fucking 14 days.

    BTS Jack There's some, like, companies who want the seven days too. So it's like even more is hearing.

    That's fucking wild. Like, you better be paying performers. Well, if you want a fucking seven day test that shit in free.

    BTS Jack Like, sometimes I see some sex, like, especially for the girls like, no names, obviously, but, like, damn girl. For, like, five, maybe like 6 hours of your time and like, three other half of that. It's like three of those hours are actually work for you, like, because they work, like, it's not easy doing, like, side easy. My songs can be like 3 hours or like work and double that of your time.

    BTS Jack Like, from what I've seen, like, damn, dude, three G's.

    Matt Slayer Like, fuck.

    BTS Jack You. That's a goddamn good month for me.

    Matt Slayer Do like.

    Yeah, but also you got to figure with that three G's, a lot of fucking there's a lot of things that are hard to easily just classify be like, Oh yes, I'm getting paid three G's for this actual sex act for performing. But there's also a lot of intangibles, like, Oh, I got to deal with fucking weirdos on the internet.

    I got to deal with. Yeah, it potentially being fucking lonely because I can't meet a dude who can get over what the fuck I do for a living.

    BTS Jack You're damned if you do or.

    I may have problems getting a fucking apartment because of what I fucking do for a living. I may have problems doing banking because of what I do for a living. So yeah.

    BTS Jack Yeah.

    The three GS.

    BTS Jack I'm assuming once A is getting that much money though.

    Matt Slayer That's it.

    BTS Jack Figure it out by serious then.

    Yeah. The weird dudes never go away.

    BTS Jack Yeah.

    The weird dudes are really weird dudes.

    BTS Jack They're going to be there with that. You're fucking making the three GS or not. Like you go to a bar. Those weird dudes, you can be a nobody girl. You can be a fly on.

    Your money with higher exposure means higher exposure to weird dudes coming out of the woodwork.

    BTS Jack Absolutely. Yeah. That's why you got to be careful about where you're going and make sure you got my focus here with I kind of have like a head on a swivel, you know, like, who's got your back? You know, for girls, especially him and like, you got eyes on you, man. Oh, yeah, yeah.

    And we're dudes who like, oh, because you fuck on film, you'll fuck me. No, no, no, bro. That she would never fuck you.

    BTS Jack Yeah, yeah. I mean, so, like, unless you come with some strong game like this, my vote like, these girls won't fuck you, man. They won't even, like, look, they don't even want to hang out there, dude. They don't want to be here having you.

    Matt Slayer Talk to, like, in the first place.

    BTS Jack You know? I don't know. I feel like that's where we get by, man. It's like, yeah, you know, I fuck around, like, crack jokes. Like, I love women. They're like, I'm, you know, maybe it's not, like, a crippling addiction, but, like, I'm addicted to fucking finance women, but you know, like, I, you know, so let's just have fun.

    BTS Jack I'm not trying to make anyone uncomfortable. Let's have fun. I crack jokes, and that's the goal. If you if you fucking where? Dude, you're going to be caught within the first 2 minutes or whatever, you know, like.

    They can smell it. They can smell it on there.

    BTS Jack They can see that. They could see it before they can smell you dude. And like, when you walk in the room and I'm.

    Like, that is a weird motherfucker.

    BTS Jack I mean, yeah. I mean, like, I guess we're all aware of like a weird like yeah. Like, like, weirded.

    Uncomfortable, comfortable.

    BTS Jack Comfortable. Yeah.

    Oh, no, I'm weird. Don't, don't get me wrong.

    BTS Jack As am I.

    I accosted a poor unsuspecting podcaster about his you know, masturbation, clean up habits on his own show last.

    Matt Slayer Week so.

    I can make sure we're all well being a floating head.

    BTS Jack You masturbated on someone shows that you.

    Matt Slayer Said no, honestly, you.

    BTS Jack Asked him about his habits. Yeah. Now, what do you like? Is he, like, a normal.

    I showed you the clips.

    BTS Jack No, I mean, or without the clip. We're talking about.

    Matt Slayer The.

    BTS Jack Shit.

    That I did someone else's podcast, and I just thought.

    BTS Jack I remember. I remember all that. But generally.

    I don't even know where I am right now.

    BTS Jack That's where the game comes out.

    Matt Slayer Oh, shit. They come in like, fucking beat the shit out of me. They're like, Goddammit, you introduce me this fucking weirdo.

    BTS Jack Oh, man.

    I mean, would you expect anything less from dinner? Would you expect anything less than that? Introduced you to a weirdo?

    BTS Jack I mean, like, Nina has introduced me to some core cats, and I was.

    Speaking to and Tony, I remember vaguely, vaguely while I was at the party that you and Tony wanted to start your own podcast.

    BTS Jack Yeah, dude, we just talked about this the other day. And first there's like a little 4th of July shindig. She had you may lost your invite in the mail. I don't know. Well.

    I didn't get one know.

    BTS Jack I didn't get well, I'm going to stay more on top of that and make sure you come through because.

    Well, it's also one of the things I don't know, you guys live in the middle of fucking nowhere, so like you.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, OK, well, you're in the.

    BTS Jack Like here and there. So, like, hollywood.

    Like, i live in Hollywood. This is l.a. Proper.

    Matt Slayer Well, I.

    Don't even live in this county.

    BTS Jack I live in ventura county with as much better than l.a. county in many ways.

    Matt Slayer Sure, sure, sure.

    BTS Jack Well, you all can do the math for yourselves, you know, check me out on. Is that.

    Matt Slayer So?

    BTS Jack What was the question again?

    So you guys want to actually start a podcast?

    BTS Jack Yeah. Yeah. OK, so we just talked about this the other day. I was like, you know, Tony, like, fuck all the equipment and shit. Like, we'll get to that. Like, you have your dope set, dude. I give you props. Like, you're fucking. You're doing your thing, bro. Like, I.

    Fucking hope so after six years of doing this shit.

    BTS Jack Well, it's like.

    Matt Slayer You know, like, at least you got.

    BTS Jack The equipment, you know, like, but, like, his idea, let's just, you know, we got tripod, we can set a camera, get a little boom, like, you know, like, simplistic, like what you need. Like, you can't just like, like, raw dog shoot this shit. Like, how are we doing the girls? But, like, I mean.

    Like, plenty of people do fuck them, I guess, on their fucking iPhone.

    BTS Jack He just saying you, like, for the first one, like, dude, me, like me and you, Jack, let's get all fucked up. And just to let sporadic couple things out on a piece of paper and like, what are current events? And, like, they will get to, like, we'll get it. Me and Tony, we'll get to the point one and just fucking talk for 2 hours like, dude, there's.

    BTS Jack You've had no points, Matt. Like, like we're just talking. Yeah, I mean, Tony, like, we're just talking, bro. It'll flow. Like, we won't even finish our story. And that story will never be finished because we're just rambled on and whatever the.

    Fuck you want to call me out on my own show, like, you got no points.

    Matt Slayer No, no, no.

    BTS Jack I'm just saying, like, you know, like, you may have your points. I don't see you're not one.

    Not a single.

    BTS Jack Fucking. That's good. That's that's why it's nicer, but you're not forcing anything. That's that's that's what I like. I don't know how.

    Yeah, because I don't want to. I want the overall goal for this show has always been. I want the audience to feel like, hey, I walked into a bar, I saw these two assholes talking at the end of the bar. I overheard their conversation. What did it sound like? Well, it sounded like this, right?

    BTS Jack And then now we drink more. Right.


    Matt Slayer Exactly. That's why I took a piss. But it's really just.

    BTS Jack To fill up some more fucking alcohol. You know, I wasn't going to admit that, but I guess why.

    Why would you deny that? Why?

    BTS Jack Oh, because.

    What are you afraid of? Afraid of my audience judging, you know.

    BTS Jack After all, selling them. Come on the show. Because I made myself look like a real asshole today.

    Matt Slayer Oh, God, no, no. Yeah. They're like, I just want to have fun. Did Tony's, like, do. Let's set up a blue mike tripod. Let's talk about some shit.

    BTS Jack We may go for 3 hours, bro. Like me and Tony could just roll off. And then the next one is like me, Tony and Nina at home. Girl. Eva, I have, like, Heb, like you fucking some other, like, we know of people do, like, there's like it's not even there.

    I promise I'll show you just normal.

    BTS Jack Well, what are you saying?

    Matt Slayer No.

    I was more referring to the last podcast I did with someone else where I showed up as a floating head.

    Matt Slayer Right, because, you know, like, we would actually talk.

    BTS Jack Like it's not going to and I don't want to, like. Yeah, I don't dig into that.

    Matt Slayer But yeah, like, sell your own shit out. Well, I do.

    BTS Jack Like, you know, because you know about those plans, like, we're going to have fun there and, like, just kind of be natural and like, not going to be weird or uncomfortable like Jagger. Let's just have fun there. We can just like, dude, let's check, let's talk like bullshit how we do, like, do like, that's the thing that's reassurance to me today.

    BTS Jack Because this doesn't even feel like nothing did it really doesn't do like I don't know if I can convince people that this feels like real dude. Like this doesn't feel like some bullshit that, like, I'm forcing myself. Like.

    I hate to break it to Jack. This is real.

    Matt Slayer Or. Yeah, I mean.

    This is not a fever dream. This is a real thing. This is happening. Was going on the internet fucked in?

    BTS Jack Well, I didn't sign anything yet, so maybe I can still stop that from happening.

    Your lawyer can meet my lawyer at high noon.

    BTS Jack Well, I guess we'll have a shoot out of my hair.

    I know the lawyers. Well, that's what you hire lawyers for the show.

    Matt Slayer So we'll be fucking set an arm. And I'm like, if you're a lawyer wins, like, I'll give you a my. We're talking about 100 bucks for life. Yeah, man.

    BTS Jack Like me and Tony want to start a podcast? I guess well, you know, like, shit, we just got to do it. You did it. You did it at one point, and now you're 300 whatever episodes. The man, like, congrats to you, by the way.

    Thank you. I mean, that's honestly the hardest part about the podcast game for almost anybody is like, the motivation to keep fucking going. Because I promise you when you start, no one is going to fucking listen.

    BTS Jack It isn't that. It's not the point for me exactly.

    But that that friends.

    BTS Jack Are going to listen, they're going to laugh, they're like, that's.

    The proper response. So many because I produce for other fucking people.

    Matt Slayer Right?

    And no shit to any of my former clients. A lot of people start these fucking things and think they're going to be fucking rich from them overnight.

    BTS Jack They're going to be like some Joe Rogan and three months.

    Matt Slayer Right? I come on and.

    I tell people this shit all the fucking time. No matter what you think of Joe Rogan on the Jerry. Joe Rogan did this shit for eight years before the Jerry was a big show.

    BTS Jack And then two years after that, before he got the 100 million.

    Right. And on top of that dude, the man was on nationally tour and comic the host of Fear Factor on multiple sitcoms and the voice of the UFC with that level of fame.

    Matt Slayer With all those connections like he finally hit it off ten.

    BTS Jack Years later right that's not the goal of the podcast and yeah, that's what you're saying.

    Right? That's how it should be. Yeah. Like you mean no one, no one should be getting into podcasting except for the love of the game.

    BTS Jack That's like, like that's. Yeah, thank you. Because I didn't hear that. Hear that. But I realize that. But not most motherfuckers would realize that. So you got to make that point B now. And like, it'd be like, dude telling me were so fucking dumb and dipshit, like, let's have fun and document some shit. Like words mean you talking like me, you and Nina, and like some of our best friends that are involved with anything, they're not famous from anything, but, you know, like, like real fucking people's life experience.

    BTS Jack Says that we're just fucking around. Like, we're fucking around and we're documenting it, like, do like an hour or two like we are. And then the rest of the time we're doing our regular shit right we're like, What? What are we waiting for, bro? At least, like, when we're all, when this is all said and done for either of us, like, we're all dead and gone.

    BTS Jack Like, you know, shit's documented, bro. Like, motherfuckers like, I don't know, like certain grandkids or cousins or family or whoever the fuck can laugh.

    Thank God. No grandkids.

    Matt Slayer Well, head.

    BTS Jack Back to the vasectomy. Right? Well.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, great. You know, like, whoever.

    BTS Jack The fuck, like, you're for your friend's grandkids, like, eh, my boy Matt. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, let's document it, bro. It's not worth.

    My. My years of dick jokes are my legacy. Wow.

    BTS Jack I heard one dick joke today.

    So that young man oh, wait. You haven't heard one dick joke? Are you fucking kidding me? We've been talking about your four inches on and off for the last two.

    Matt Slayer Oh, that was my dick joke, though.

    You fucking still ran with that shit.

    Matt Slayer You can take my joke and claim it is.

    I just know I got tagged. I threw some tags on your dick joke.

    BTS Jack So we're talking about some like like cows get tagged, so, like, in the slaughter type shit.

    Matt Slayer Or like my big sister got a number four on it. Like four for.

    The fucking brand or dickless for.

    Matt Slayer This. Oh, my God.

    I mean, that's one way to bring your podcast out from the mold is just, you know, let us brand your dick on camera.

    Matt Slayer So, like, if.

    BTS Jack You know, not if I'm like.

    When when we brand your dick, we're going to.

    Matt Slayer Put it in there.

    We're going to take a predator to Jack's penis. You heard it here. First of all, Jack is agreeing to have his dick branded on camera.

    Matt Slayer I'm thinking.

    BTS Jack I.

    Matt Slayer Better.

    Didn't and.

    BTS Jack I didn't sign anything. That, too. So we don't even know if this episode is coming out because I haven't got a model.

    Matt Slayer Release or not that. No, but.

    BTS Jack Like we're thinking south mild shit. Talk the name for our podcast. Matt will be one of the first guests. Like, I'm manifesting this. I'm not saying if if I said F my bad.

    You don't have to mention.

    Matt Slayer Manifest Manifesto.

    And do it.

    BTS Jack Manifesting it like this will come sooner than later, folks. I mean.

    I hate to break it to you. You don't have to manifest it because it's literally you just have to fucking do it. Manifest involves like some other outside forces potentially preventing you from doing it. Literally. You just have to get off your ass and do it.

    BTS Jack That's, that's the thing that. Huh. So you manifest like.

    There's nothing to manifest.

    BTS Jack So if I can do it. Yeah, yeah.

    There's nothing to fucking manifest, right? That's like manifesting like, man, I need a manifestation of shit today. No, you just go take a shit.

    Matt Slayer I mean, it's a little like it's a little more like.

    BTS Jack Yeah, but it's like the simplicity that I offer is, like, me and Tony are talking they're like, why don't we just set up a boom, like, tripod? We have all this shit, right?

    You don't have a massive dog. We're have fucking doing.

    BTS Jack Oh, like, what is it? You have, like, a little set up you know, like, covertly. We don't even need, like, we need, like, less than half of what you have in there. So we have the resources. We do this every fucking night or little every oh, shit. You all hear that? Oh, yeah. We fucking have the resources for this.

    BTS Jack Like, let's just fucking bullshit how we do, dude.

    Yeah, dude, the thing.

    BTS Jack You know, fucking like, who knows in, like, at the end of the day, like, what's the worst that can happen? We have fun like that. We already do.


    BTS Jack I mean, no expectations. We have fucking fun. God forbid we have a good little bit of a good time.

    Exactly. What are you fucking afraid of? That you're not going to get rich from it?

    Matt Slayer No.

    BTS Jack Oh, dude. Like we already do. We already bullshit. Like, we spend money and, like, spend time. Like, I'm doing the same things we're going to be doing and talking about.

    Like, it sounds like you should start the fucking podcast.

    BTS Jack Yeah, dude, this is where we talk.

    I mean, you guys talk to me about this shit six months ago, at least there.

    BTS Jack Yeah, there's been some other shit that's, you know, like, each personally that's been priority, but, like, it's come back up lately, so hopefully this is the fire. And the last we need, dude, you know, and, you know, like, fucking when that happens, like I say, mentality. And if when you meet one of the first guest, my man.

    Hey, I'm totally down home. Totally down. I hopefully will make you regret that, but I'm totally down.

    Matt Slayer Well, of course, if.

    BTS Jack You say that now, then you're never going to notice then, uh, hopefully, like, I'm.


    Matt Slayer Doing head as fucking.

    You're saying I'm trying to take a shit in the middle of the podcast.

    BTS Jack We'll sit and we might make a little money on only fans if that's the case.

    I'm not. I'm trying to prove to some paperwork.

    Matt Slayer Fuck that.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man. Fucking I think that's in the works. And then the word.

    That shit drew that shit.

    BTS Jack Why not? Because the the goal is to have fun dudes. Not to be Joe Rogan. Like, nobody can match up to that. Like, you know, the network boys, right? Those boys are funny. Like, all those for, like, have major fucking like, let's just have fun talking.

    Matt Slayer And none of them fun.

    None of them happened overnight.

    BTS Jack No, dude, no, like, my shit has, like, dude, like, what, three and a half years later, I'm finally, like, making money, like, shooting some, like, financed girls, only fans, the, like, minimal work, a little bit of my time. Minimum work, like fucking partying with these folks after, like, now that's finally come to fruition three and a half years later.

    Fucking also.

    BTS Jack That's what happened.

    I mean, that's.

    BTS Jack I am like, that's that's.

    How life works.

    Matt Slayer For it led.

    BTS Jack To like.

    Matt Slayer Holy shit, you know.

    That's how life fucking works, man. Like none of us I'm assuming on career day when we were fucking kids were like, yeah, I want to work in adult entertainment.

    Matt Slayer And I didn't like.

    BTS Jack No, I mean, maybe like, I don't know, that's like, kind of like you're talking about like, children. Let's move on from the children subject.

    Matt Slayer No, I'm just saying.

    Like most people, even in fucking high school weren't like, oh yeah, I want to be porn.

    BTS Jack Nah, dude.

    I mean, maybe, maybe it was the younger generation. That's the thing now. But like.

    BTS Jack Now, most people, even still most.

    Most people don't.

    Matt Slayer But until they're like.

    BTS Jack They're not going to admit it, even if they are like, oh, I want to be fucking scientists or whatever, fuck like. And then it's like, OK, like a year later, this versus fucking this friend, your cheeks, you know? I mean, like, they see my face and say, this chick is 11 years older than me, but she's 18, barely.

    BTS Jack They go for a game.

    Game on.

    Matt Slayer This. Game on, game on. Oh, God.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man. Fair game, dude. I think Hugh Hefner got his fucking yeah. Made his bill for $19 like this motherfucker was 60 something and banging the shit out of 18 year old.

    Like the age difference between him and Crystal Hefner, which was his last wife and the mother of his last two kids. Like she's younger than his daughter.

    BTS Jack Oh yeah like yeah fuck.

    Matt Slayer All that thing.

    I'm curious, how old is Crystal Hefner? Is Crystal Hunter.

    Matt Slayer Is she still.

    BTS Jack There? Well, no, she Kris Jenner.

    Matt Slayer Knows nothing.

    BTS Jack Thing about the same person. Kris Jenner.

    Yeah. I don't think she had a choice. Kids.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, yeah, that'd be crazy.

    BTS Jack Imagine.

    I don't think the biology works like that. I mean, oh, my God. Crystal Hunter's younger than me. Jesus Christ. Really?

    BTS Jack Oh, this girl.

    She's 36.

    BTS Jack Yeah, well, she got some years on me, so I don't know if that makes you feel old, but not you.

    Yeah, I mean, that was one of the first moments in my life where I started to feel old. It's like when I started being older than the Playmates.

    Matt Slayer Right there. They're like.

    BTS Jack I'm like eight years older than this fucking dirty whore who's, like, making a shit ton of money. Like, it looks hot. As though, like, I feel the same way. Sometimes they're like, damn, it's. You're, like, eight years younger than me. You made like fucking 2300 today. Yeah. And it's like, it's like almost God damn near what I make money.

    BTS Jack It's like.

    Matt Slayer Fuck.

    BTS Jack You, David, you dirty whore. But a good whore nonetheless.

    Hugh Hefner was 60 years older than her.

    BTS Jack So at the time she was what, like 20?

    And they said, yeah, it was 2009, the one they hooked up.

    BTS Jack At 36 years older, you.

    Know, 60 years old.

    BTS Jack 00 my God. So yeah, I had a boy, I had a boy named someone who's done and on his level, I don't know, probably hard. I mean, like, I mean.

    There's a lot of bad allegations about half as well. And he just did a whole talk about them that I didn't get a chance to watch but alleges some pretty horrible shit that he did over the years.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    BTS Jack Whether whoever believes it or not is like shit, why all of a sudden once he's dead and gone and can't defend himself, like all this shit comes out, I call him out while he's around. Like, that's my thing. Like, I could believe everything, but, like, why not call his ass out while he's still around and can be like.

    Well, because no one like, he probably wasn't very long for this fucking world at the point where like, they start putting this doc together.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    So do you really like as much as half has done, according to this documentary, some really questionable and horrible shit. He also do a lot of good things too. Like.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man. It's like these girls knew who the fuck Hugh Hefner was, and he knew that, like, hey, you're going to be taken in and partying. Like, I kind of want to fuck here. They're like, I don't know what the allegations are.

    That's why I'm not 100% on what they are either. But here's I don't know. I also have to do a bunch of shit with Playboy for the civil rights movement.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man.

    The he have did a lot of shit to challenge obscenity laws challenged and like you and I probably would not have the careers we have right now if Playboy didn't exist because.

    BTS Jack You're talking circle effect. Yeah, that's like some.

    Yeah, because if Playboy hadn't fucked again social safety laws in the sixties, seventies, whatever, where the fuck would mainstream pornography be now?

    BTS Jack Who the fuck knows the mainstream? Like where with the sort of come from? Like.

    Well, it's one of those things.

    BTS Jack Like that was like one of the first, like, big ass movement. Like, how would like without the Beatles or the Stones kind of thing. You know, where would have.

    Yeah, well, it's one of those things where like, I talk to people about that now where they're just like, you know, why did feature feature length porn exist among because it was a First Amendment thing. Porn had to justify that it was artistic expression by making fucking features and having plot.

    Matt Slayer Right?

    Till the obscenity laws were loosened. You couldn't just do gonzo because you had to justify like, this is we're making art people just happened to be fucking on it.

    BTS Jack Right? So like, what's the difference between like, that's what I always tell Tom is like, like a motherfucker buys a.

    Matt Slayer Hooker.

    BTS Jack Or whatever the fuck and then set up the motherfucker goes to jail and like, you know, all this bullshit is like just the fact that there's that tripod rolling on me now is the fact that makes it like, not.

    Matt Slayer Hooker, like not prostitution.

    I mean, that's questionable because it's intent.

    BTS Jack Right?

    Like, if you could prove in a court of law that, you know, gave money to that sex worker for sexual gratification purposes, that's still prostitution. Pornography is making a product.

    BTS Jack Right?

    Pornography by the letter of the law doesn't give a fuck if either part of the talent gets a fucking nut.

    BTS Jack Right.

    The end product is what matters. And it's the intent that changes the difference between pornography and prostitution.

    BTS Jack The last four years with all the fans and all that shit existing.

    Matt Slayer Like Dee.

    BTS Jack Dee, like we got them. It's like a lawyer ain't going to take a case or the DEA her like convicting like.

    Depends on where you are in this country. It really.

    BTS Jack Is.

    And like I was talking about this on a recent episode with another guest, it's only actually legal to make porn in like two states.

    BTS Jack Which is here and New Hampshire. Who the fuck does that?

    They're No. One, but they.

    BTS Jack Have California, New Hampshire.

    Now New Hampshire.

    BTS Jack Here's supposed to be with the condom, right?

    Matt Slayer Still.

    So L.A. County only maybe five is or not. Every prop Prop 60 failed so that was going to be statewide condoms, right? Measure B was L.A. County only. So it's L.A. County.

    BTS Jack Where everything happens and nobody wears condoms. Sorry to break it to you. Sorry to break it to you, but.

    Matt Slayer Well.

    The thing about it is, like a couple of years ago, I know some people that were fined tens of thousands of dollars for violations for no condoms.

    BTS Jack Really? Somebody must have sold those motherfuckers.

    They did. All it takes is one disgruntled guy.

    BTS Jack And the little.

    One disgruntled employee to come forward. And if you especially if you're using the same fucking shoot location over and over again. Right. It's real easy to direct OSHA to write to your fucking door. And now it's a crazy situation.

    BTS Jack I can say if I come and I wish I could kiss my ass now, I don't know, like, yeah.

    I won't be. You pay the fine. If they fucking come knocking.

    BTS Jack It'll be me fucking, you know, performing. They can down.

    Matt Slayer The you know.

    Maybe strap in one on or there's a card.

    Matt Slayer No, I'm just. They're getting pegged like, yo, the flag. Like this is the one time I get on camera daily contact at the records. They had never been.

    BTS Jack Pegged like an artist.

    But he's looking. He's looking for the right girl to take a life.

    Matt Slayer I've had, like, dude.

    BTS Jack Have had the most perfect fucking opportunity and.

    So we all know what happened here. What happened.

    BTS Jack Dude. So, like, I've had the most perfect, like, dude, like, the baddest chick that could, like, one of the badass chicks that could ever offer you, like, a, like you, you know, like, I want to fucking peg you, like, it'll be for content and then, like, can.

    You name names?

    BTS Jack I would, like, offer a texture, like.

    Matt Slayer I don't know, I want to be that guy that. Oh, yeah.

    BTS Jack Does that sound like bad.

    No, no, no.

    Matt Slayer Like about bad name. Her name, like it's.

    More than five. It's more than five. Not to name her name, right? I'm just I'm just doing my job and trying to get all the dirt. Yeah, because that hole in the like, if you want to blow up or something.

    Matt Slayer It happens. It happens at all. Yeah.

    If you want to blow over.

    Matt Slayer I would.

    BTS Jack Do like it's not blown up her as far as to say I don't know. Like, I don't know. It's crazy. Kind of.

    Yeah. Don't want to betray your trust.

    BTS Jack That's a.

    Jack. That's more.

    BTS Jack Like, trust me on this, but.

    It's just my job to try to get.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. Right, right. Yeah.

    Try to get everything. Maybe a little do tell the.

    BTS Jack Media, right? Yeah. Twist it and turn it.

    I'm not what I'm trying to tell you to tell the whole truth. Yeah. And like, especially if it's like a bad ass performer that know my audience will be familiar with. Maybe they want a vision like that, but bad ass performer Pagan you.

    BTS Jack Well, here's the thing. Like, absolutely badass performer, well known, super fucking bomb. Like, like the ideal sheik that could offer you, like, hey, do you, like, do you let us like, I got a dump truck on me, like, whether that's when I saw you looking a little bit earlier.

    Matt Slayer Like, did like three real, like, one of the.

    BTS Jack Most, like, perfect situations ever. It's like a I want to pay you for content. Like, I want to fuck that.

    Matt Slayer As opposed to like, you're really joking. Like.

    BTS Jack They now feels like that offer.

    Matt Slayer Like.

    BTS Jack You know, that opportunities on the table, I guess whenever it was, I don't know, maybe this shows what takes it for.

    Matt Slayer Me to actually take her up on it. If it ever.

    BTS Jack Happens, you'll see it because it'll be the only check. But dude. Yeah, perfect situation. Perfect girl fucking. Hey, you know, so now you let me pay you for content and then you can fuck me in the ass like and in return type shit like title.

    Why didn't you do it?

    BTS Jack Deal. Like my boys would fucking hop all over that and give me the fucking give me shit. They're like, that's the only thing holding me back. And I don't know if that's where like the other day, right?

    I mean, at the end of the.

    BTS Jack Day, who cares, right?

    Right. Well, also, you get to turn around and tell your boys, oh, did.

    Matt Slayer You fuck her?

    No, no. You got to turn around. Tell your boys, like, oh, you're jerking off to me. All right, I see you.

    BTS Jack Yeah, man.

    Matt Slayer Over there. Like, it's like you're.

    But you're buying my you're buying my content to rub one out.

    BTS Jack Like, maybe they did or maybe they did or didn't, but it's like, mostly they did, like, you know, like, hey, bro, actually took her up on this offer. Maybe I was on to admit or not. I don't know. I didn't. I don't know what's holding me back has the texture and.

    Texture right now.

    BTS Jack And I need it piss right now. Again, I'm.

    Matt Slayer Pissed off this again. Matt got me person like a racehorse. Get it, then? I don't want to buy my pants. You have a small bladder.

    The most girls that do this show. Damn, Jack.

    Matt Slayer Well, I'd fuck all those girls here and then. Oh.

    Jack's back from his second urination.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, he's.

    Let the record show he has paid more than most female performers I've ever done this show.

    BTS Jack Well, most females performer got them. Most female performers don't have the Johnson that I have, which is a home for friends.

    And also now.

    Matt Slayer Also.

    Is also not where you start. You urine just a fly on the biology love world lesson sure. But Sterling is that point in the show I'm posting about alcohol confirmed.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    BTS Jack And now we probably shouldn't drink anymore because.

    Possibly, possibly.

    Matt Slayer I mean.

    BTS Jack Oh, yeah. What's it was going on.

    July and you should hit up one girl and let's see if we can make a little.

    BTS Jack Texture. So color or.

    I mean, you could put it on speaker if you want.

    BTS Jack So first thing I should tell her right.

    There, she does. I mean, you should definitely Warner on air if you.

    BTS Jack If she doesn't answer, then OK, we'll see if I can.

    Let's see what happens because I like so.

    BTS Jack OK, let's see here. Oh shit. I didn't have got any phone. I got any phone.

    To lose her number.

    BTS Jack I have her number.

    I'll do not transfer your contacts over.

    BTS Jack Did I was the one thing that didn't transfer over. I'm dead ass. I like I don't like that. No, but like, did I forgot I had a new phone that didn't have.

    I mean, you always do like the damn fucking Instagram call. Um, is a technology.

    BTS Jack OK? I don't even know if she has or I got it on Twitter. Let's see if that's the case. Let me see.

    We're just trying to get that ass rail. Jack. That's all we're trying to do.

    BTS Jack See the point of it? Wouldn't you.

    Matt Slayer Mean to get my ass.

    BTS Jack Rail is just my return opportunity? That was maybe one of the few bitches I would even, like, consider, like, even thinking about this because she's so hot. Like, I get to fuck her my ass. And in return.

    Do you prefer anal over vaginal?

    BTS Jack I've never had anal sex. I've never fucked a or asked before.

    That's a lie.

    BTS Jack That's not. Why would I admit that? Like, that's the goddamn truth.

    Because I thought you were doing a bit.

    Matt Slayer Of bit about that.

    How have you never fucked someone in the ass? It's never like you're almost 30 years old. How's that? How's that possible?

    BTS Jack Well, let's be fair. Did like I've had like I'm going to guesstimate like 30, 35 like sexual partners in my life like.

    Yeah, because the average.

    Matt Slayer Guy is like seven, right? I was like, let's, let's do, let's do the math there. Give me a little more credit.

    BTS Jack Like I'm scoring, I'm beating some of the fucker like 30 to seven right now.

    Right. But never in the sticks. Da.

    BTS Jack I remember, I think it's, I'm thinking I'm on my way, I think I'm right there. You'll be the first person I call.

    OK, I was but I'm not going to be your first person.

    Matt Slayer Why Well, for all you know I mean if you really pull out those. All right.

    BTS Jack They're really not. They're really not. There are people just say no.

    Matt Slayer But seriously.

    Like you've never been with a woman who's just like, you're sticking in my ass.

    BTS Jack Like, huh? Do you not? Yeah. Then I would say the child to me.

    I would.

    BTS Jack I want to admit that I haven't fucked. I would rather be like, yeah. To fuck me out of. It's like why would I lie about like.

    I mean, I'm not I don't think you're lying.

    Matt Slayer About you're all like you're you're surprised they're a surprise.

    Yeah, I am surprised for a worldly gentleman such as yourself.

    BTS Jack Yeah. I mean, I've, like, helped other like, there's I've helped chicks. Like, I didn't know how to spread their ass or stretch their ass or clean their ass on set multiple to.

    I'm just amazed you like having a chick.

    BTS Jack And that makes me question myself, huh?

    I was I'm amazed you've never broached the subject. Really? Deal, girl, let me fuck you in the ass.

    BTS Jack I have do, but it just hasn't happened. Yeah, I've definitely done. I've definitely, like, brought it up before.

    And they're just like, now fuck my pussy, you know?

    BTS Jack It's like, mostly regular chicks. The real, like, you know, like the girls that I fucked and then she, like, it's just been vaginal or, like, jerk sausage or whatever the fuck it's been. Like, I just thought, like, like the amount of girls, like two or three that I've worked on camera for, they're only fans is all the opportunities I've gotten.

    BTS Jack But like, I, it just hasn't happened yet. I wouldn't. So why would I want to make myself to, like, I wish I could.

    Matt Slayer Be like that fucking man. It's just, I mean, like, but it's not like, it's like.

    End of the day, it's not like, oh, my God, it's so crazy.

    Matt Slayer This is a perv city.

    BTS Jack Jack should be fucking business, too, because every fucking David Cunanan content, right? You know? So.

    Yeah, yeah, but I mean, they're being paid to shoot anal content doesn't mean that they're into it in real life.

    BTS Jack From what I gain from them. Like, not most of them, but, you know, a good amount of them are like, yeah, I get, like, the baddest orgasms for man. Also, like, from what I know is, like, them, then I'm not. I'm in a rush for that. I like, you know, I'll fuck some chicken ass. You'll be one of the first cats I call since this happened.

    I mean, call me all your insider, just like.

    Matt Slayer It's just like, hey, bad fucking face of such.

    But is the answer first. I'm like, what the fuck?

    Matt Slayer Like, meadow face, like, oh, you fucking pizza. It's like you call me while you're busted, and.

    BTS Jack Uh, that won't happen. Sorry to break us here. Well, I'm not going to call you, man.

    Bust shows over fucking shows over. What the fuck, Jack? I thought you.

    Matt Slayer Were this fight. You really did thing.

    To ruin this whole thing. You won't even fucking call me, like, and let me know, like, finally. Not after 40 years of being alive. I get to fuck you on the ass.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, well, let's hope it's not.

    BTS Jack Fucking 13 years or 12 years from now that I finally get a face time. You're like, you're going to be sixties.

    Don't worry, I'll be dead before then.

    Matt Slayer Well, what do you think?

    BTS Jack What do you think your death threshold is like? You think you're going to die like that.

    Any minute now?

    BTS Jack Really, bro? Like they do what? What age? What's your ideal age, bro?

    Like, dude, I've said this before, like the age I'm at now. There's a fictional age in my mind, OK?

    BTS Jack But like, given, like the circumstances now, like, you really think like you could die. Well, anybody could die at any moment. I got to, like, what would be an ideal age for, like, dude, I'm, like, 60 or 70. Like what? You got any ideas?

    Or one hand, it's like, oh, I don't want to check out anytime soon. On the other hand, holy fuck. I am in pain constantly. Just random, like little shit.

    BTS Jack Are you really?

    I mean, it.

    BTS Jack Just muscles and you're.

    Just like, fucking wear and tear on the body over the fucking years.

    BTS Jack Your mental is good. All right.

    Who are you?

    BTS Jack It's Jack City. Jack versity at Harvard.

    Matt Slayer You know, like.

    BTS Jack Like, are you. You feel like you're over lifer. Like you're. You got some years to live. You got some time to experience.

    No, I got plenty of years left. I fucking. Yeah, yeah. No, I got like, on one hand, it's like, mentally, I'm like, I totally feel like I'm in my fucking twenties.

    BTS Jack Still right.

    And then there are times where I was like, I wake up because I slept funny and I'm just like, oh, my fucking neck.

    BTS Jack Yeah, sure.

    Matt Slayer Hell.

    Not too long ago, like, less late last year, I went to a thing in Vegas, end up sleeping in a bathtub, and it was just like, oh, am I won is I would been fired all fuck my life. This is.

    Matt Slayer All like, yeah, man.

    There's always this stark reminder. So I'm like, part of me is really afraid of like in another 20 years. Like, how? Shit. Yeah, quality of life will be. Yeah. Hey, all I know is right now my dick still works a lot of pill.

    BTS Jack Right? This is great for you. Should be grateful.

    Right? And I have most of my fucking hair like there's a 40 year old fucking Jew. I should be fucking bald already. Like, completely bald in my dictionary. Questionable. So I think I'm doing all right.

    BTS Jack I mean, like, all joke like Jewish do with the boner runs full speed into law and broke his nose kind of thing. You don't have that, so you should be grateful for that.

    I am grateful, which is judging by the amount of male talent that is members of the tribe in this industry, that is a wrong fucking. Yeah it's a bad stereotype.

    BTS Jack What's on my like let the record say that my that was not my no. God damn it. I'm on there. I keep saying God, goddammit, I keep talking.

    You didn't write that joke.

    Matt Slayer It's like, OK, I.

    BTS Jack Didn't write it, but I fucking recited it. God damn it. Any Jewish people out there let the record say nothing for. Yeah, if I can.

    Name Jewish and any other any other member from fellow members of the tribe feel free to take Jack's and Cherry as recompense.

    BTS Jack A girl joke girls only pegging whatever you may have.

    Matt Slayer You have like.

    I'll jump on, I'll call June wild for you right now social PAC.

    BTS Jack You go ahead and call Jane Wilde right now. Face time. Jane Wild. I know, I know Jane well the party with her she's cool shit face time Jane Well, why not we'll see what happens I go right. Let the record say if Jane well offers a baby right now, that's going to be my first coming out content. If she actually did.

    Well, I'm just I'm. I'm texting her this picture.

    BTS Jack Yeah, we could talk about whatever it will she may or may not get back to, you know, honey, God only knows what you're texting right now. This piece of shit claims to.

    Matt Slayer Where the fuck? I don't know. I got I got proof.

    Oh, no. I'll show you exactly what it says. Well, let me.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah, I.

    BTS Jack Can.

    Actually spell words correctly, but.

    BTS Jack You.

    Can't send messages illiterate to yo you can read to the class if you want.

    BTS Jack Jack is doing the show, and my sister.

    Matt Slayer Wants you to strap one on and take yours. True. This is the c like. This is what the media does. It first spreads you.

    And sent you.

    BTS Jack That's good.

    Matt Slayer And it well, ok. Hopefully the show before she says, oh, sure. Like, what's the address again?

    BTS Jack Like, fuck, I'm going to be here all night. And then.

    Matt Slayer Don't.

    Worry, I'm not going to let it here. I'm not cleaning up after that.

    BTS Jack Well, I didn't if she pays me good enough, I'll clean up after myself. And I was like, I if, if we're going to wait this whole time.

    Matt Slayer No, we want to see some good movies. If you're.

    BTS Jack Quite the movie buff, I'd.

    Matt Slayer Rather better see some good content in between, because if I'm taking one, that's you better fucking.

    BTS Jack Get me. You better get me drunk, more drunk and not you.

    Matt Slayer Like you better give me more drug.

    BTS Jack And show me some good movies before she takes. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Mm. I feel like it's a moving on moment that we're talking too much.

    Now that we've auctioned off here, it'll turn to Jane Wilde on air.

    Matt Slayer I don't.

    BTS Jack Yeah. You got me drunk enough to talk about this shit, you bastard. So the media does, people.

    Jane is not such a DMZ, so you're asshole. So for the moment.

    BTS Jack And fucking asshole has been, say, for almost 29 years. You know, once I hit 30, who knows what the fuck will happen?

    Prolapse. Prolapse will happen in 30.

    Matt Slayer That will happen to you. I know.

    BTS Jack From experience or.

    Nope, nope, nope, nope. That happened at 21.

    Matt Slayer Oh. Oh, God damn. So I got ten years on you fucking ass. So they're talking about all this.

    BTS Jack They're making me seem silly. But you had a fucking rosebud sense. Yeah. Good for you, man. How's I feel every day. Horrible.

    Absolutely horrible.

    Matt Slayer Head out. I smell that.

    BTS Jack The smell that I have multiple.

    Multiple doctors got involved. It's fucking horrible. I still hear shit, right?

    BTS Jack I like could shit left the house.

    The budget is about that time. We're going to call. Let's call him as a motherfucker.

    BTS Jack Well, so do I have a last call? You do this sort of speech, or do you want to leave the.

    No, no, no. Just tell him where you can find where people can find you there.

    BTS Jack So I'll get there in a second. Shout out my show. Claudio, his wife, Tatiana, who? Fucking take good care of me. Pay me well, good times, good laughs, whatever. And that's one of the, like, dude, like, easily the best job I've ever had. Right? Um, shut out all the male and female performers that I've worked with. You, like, all good times, good love, good money, good times.

    BTS Jack Right. Uh, Tony, two times. Martinez, you know, all my fucking friends and family among them, but they've, like, they've expanded my opportunities and, you know, paid me to be the peace shit. I am here before you today, you know? Shit. Shout out shit. I don't know. I guess I might be. I might be good enough. Find me on Twitter.

    BTS Jack Uh, uh, capital lock beats underscore capital j. Regular Case J. Oh, sorry. Capital beats underscore capital j. Under Case A c k k beats jack ets underscore j c k k. Right. Twitter on Instagram at JQ What it do all one word all lowercase JQ w h a t i t d o j q What it do and yeah man, fuck, I've had a good time.

    BTS Jack Thanks for having me.

    My absolute pleasure, Jack.

    BTS Jack I don't even know what the fuck was I going to have to relive the show?

    I blacked out an hour ago.

    Matt Slayer Yes.

    As always, you can find me a Matt underscore Slater on Twitter, Matt Lauer on Instagram, Madoff and Sawyer on Facebook, slash Matt. You can find the patriot now patron dot com slash rents are where you can get the beats. You can get the uncensored episodes. The whole video catalog is there if you want to support my vasectomy, which as of date of air has already fucking happened hopefully hopefully my dick still works at W did on that slash snipped support the vasectomy support me not breathing you can always find the podcast and now we're drawing on twitter and now we're drawing underscore on Instagram and until next week drink up motherfuckers.

    Matt Slayer Oh.