And Now We Drink Episode 259 with Max Fleuret from Dilgo

This week drinking the French summer favorite Pastis, Max Fleuret. Max talks about growing up in France and why he moved to California to pursue a career in gaming. Max discusses why he got into making dildos for the masses and how and why he transitioned from gaming to his entrepreneurship. Matt Slayer and Max briefly stop talking about dildos discuss gaming strategies for various online and retro games. The duo also talks about issues playing online. The talk quickly turns back to Dilgo as Max talks about how he comes up with names and designs for products. For the video audience, Max brought samples! He also discusses the artisanal method used to create their most exclusive products. Max creates collectable products with every detail engineered by him and executed with precision. A great deal of insight to Max’s product and production is discussed. Max also gives an peek into the sex toys industry and how he feels he is entering that scene. Further discussion includes the life of a game developer, the banes and boons of working for certain game production companies and more this week on And Now We Drink

  • Matt Slayer Max. What the fuck's going on? Welcome.

    Max from Dilgo Well, thank you for having me. Like, I'm super new to all this. Or, like.

    There should be a fine.

    Matt Slayer Like, oh, should have you be in front of a camera and do the media mogul shit.

    I know. It's, like, freaky.

    Matt Slayer So you brought pasties.


    Max from Dilgo So this is like the official French, like, careful, like the summertime, like, everybody drinks. That is, like.

    Awesome. Like a specialty. Of, like, Marseille. Like, you play, like, pit like.

    Max from Dilgo An old sport that I even built, like.

    Like a court in front of my house, like, just cool. I have my little part of France, like, over there. And, like, we drink that, like, all summer long.

    In pretty good.

    Matt Slayer Well, let me my initial reaction on camera, right?

    Don't fail me.

    Matt Slayer Interesting. It reminds me a lot of.

    Max from Dilgo It's an is based.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Kind of reminds me a little bit like Fernet. A little bit, maybe. No, no, no, no. I'm thinking I'm something else. I'm maybe a little bit like chartreuse Yeah.

    I mean, we do pretty much everything.

    Max from Dilgo We like the same plants.

    And like stuff. It's just like.

    Max from Dilgo Monk getting drunk in, like, the mountain. It would be like, all right, I was going to do this because we're not supposed to, like, drink beer or something, so.

    Make some hot liquor.

    Matt Slayer I don't know why. God's like, oh, now beer is not good. But.

    Yeah, we're good with that. Like, you know, they get their own.

    Max from Dilgo Ways of, like, doing stuff so.

    Matt Slayer So antiquated at this point. Like, but it is not bad. I'm I'm always down to try new letters.

    Yeah. I mean, and this one is like, the good stuff.

    Matt Slayer How the hell.

    Are you going to find that? It, like, was you, Marcel, like, you know, in the Grove.

    Max from Dilgo Or like, something, like, very expensive, but I think.

    Like, lake worth it, like, instead of, like, being, like, doing porn and, like, shipping and, like, everything.

    Is be like, all right, let's.

    Max from Dilgo Just go there. I get, like, a big case of it, and.

    They'll ask me, like, the whole.

    Matt Slayer Year. Nice. Yeah. I would rather just go to France and, like, bring some back with me.

    I could do that.

    Matt Slayer Slightly more expensive route, but.

    Yeah, I don't know, like, maybe like the shipping and like everything.

    Max from Dilgo And like the exchange rate, like, it's not that bad. And bring other stuff like, you know.

    Matt Slayer And plus you get to go to France for a little while.

    Max from Dilgo That too. But I don't know, like.

    French asshole asshole.

    So I left.

    Matt Slayer I didn't have any bad experiences there, but I was only there for like a day. So yeah, most of the Parisians I encountered, as long as I attempted some French, were pretty cool.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, Persian. They're like the on.

    Breeder would say, like.

    I got some friends that like from.

    Max from Dilgo Paris and they were like making fun of me because like, I'm kind of like from the countryside.

    Honestly. Oh, you guys like, even, like, running water and shit. I'm like, really like. Yeah, but I don't know that, like.

    Max from Dilgo Oh, it's very nice. Like, my or my parents are living in the office is, like, super nice.

    So you can get, like, our, like, skiing resort to like 40 minutes drive and like stuff and.

    It's like, it's free. It's pretty nice.

    Max from Dilgo But there's not.

    Much jobs like for me, like over there so that's why I moved to California, like kind like ten.

    Years ago or something.

    And been living there since then. Like me and my girlfriend here to celebrate.

    Guys have been good.

    Matt Slayer Do you miss it at all? Or.

    Max from Dilgo I miss some of the food.

    Yeah, like.

    Max from Dilgo Mostly the food, but not much like the people and like stuff like that.

    And I'll miss like health.

    Care and all that kind of shit, but.

    Matt Slayer Well, health care. Yeah, well, it's health care now is.

    Like you're not supposed, you know, like.


    Okay. It's like.

    A little secret that we have, like, in Europe and like, in some countries, like, you know.

    It's pretty good, but we keep that secret.

    Like, well, go ahead.

    Matt Slayer One of these days, we'll figure it out.

    Maybe, maybe, you know.

    Matt Slayer So all we need is someone to bomb us and bomber citizen to rubble. And then, like, oh, we got to provide for all our people. We rebuild society.

    We they do that, though.

    Matt Slayer Probably not.



    But I mean, we've seen, like, what is going on right now, so it's be like. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer A time of recording Roe versus Wade was just overturned. Mm hmm. Thankfully, here in California, we can still print freely. Cream pie people.

    Indeed. But it's still, like, pretty fucked up.

    Max from Dilgo Like, when you're, like, think of it like I mean, not like our Twitter.

    Like, the only thing that I like doing it all my girlfriends would be like, she was like, oh, we.

    Max from Dilgo Like, post something over there. And I was like.

    The only thing I want to pass is just saying like, fuck off, like.

    And she wrote, like, something a little bit more.

    Like, eloquent, but, like, that was my first thought was like, how is this, like, so backward and, like, everything so it's fucked.

    Matt Slayer It's absolutely fucked. And I don't want to bring down the mood even more to get really deep in the woods about it. But this is like, come on, guys, really, this has been how it's been for 50 years and like, oh, we're just going to take the giant leap backwards.


    Matt Slayer It's unreal. But I'm doing my part. I mean, I'm getting the vasectomy, so.

    Well, good for you.

    Matt Slayer I don't want kids this way. I'm going to make sure I don't have kids.

    Yeah, like, we're kind of like the.

    Max from Dilgo Same boat.

    Like my girlfriend, that we're unmarried. We've been together for like, like nine.

    Years or something.

    And, you know, we're just, like, good and we don't need, like, you, like, build a family. And we say, like, we're.

    Max from Dilgo Not going to, like, ready yet. So it'll be.

    Like, yeah, we're doing our own thing on time, and we'll see what happens, like. But, yeah, there's, like, no pressure.

    Max from Dilgo But we want it.

    To, like, you know, like, move to, like, maybe Utah or something. And now we're like.

    Matt Slayer Fuck, why Utah?

    Well, because we like to travel.

    And, you know, like, check, like, a lot of, like, landscapes and like stuff. And we get an RV and just, like, doing, like, little trips like that, like, left and right, like on the weekend. And we've like, worked from home with our two jobs that now we're like totally remote. That's like kind of like a nice place because I think that we're like seen everything in California.

    At this point. So we're like, oh, it's move like.

    To that spot and we can like move like faster between like Zion Bryce and then like seeing like and order a landscape that we haven't visited yet. And now we're like, well, okay, now she would rather be in prison cause she's like, get a IUD or.

    Matt Slayer Right. I guess move to eastern Washington. It was shut down that way. And Washington should be good.

    Yeah, I don't know. So now we're like, Oh, maybe.

    You like Northern California or like, stay on that coast, but not like going to, like, cuckoo country and like, see what's going.

    Matt Slayer On. I mean, we're crazy in our own way, but.

    Yeah, but not that bad. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Just our gas prices. So I can't imagine trying to run an RV right now. Fuck.

    Max from Dilgo Well, now we don't travel for work.

    So we like because we used to do like, I don't know, like 40 minute an hour commute like every day.

    Matt Slayer So work that.

    I know and like I got a motorcycle because I was like, I cannot handle just being stuck.

    In traffic. So I was like, okay, I'm either die or like I write cheap. So like, so far I didn't die, so. Knock on wood.

    Matt Slayer Ax. I hate to break it to you. You're dead. This is hell.

    Shit. I'll speak it to me. Like, right now.

    Matt Slayer So you think so? You think.

    I mean. Yeah, it's been, like, downhill for, like, a.

    Few years, um, at this point, but.

    Like, you know.

    I always think it could be worse is getting worse.

    But it.

    Matt Slayer Could be worse. They'll prove it. Uh huh. It will find a way to prove it to us as we're like, oh, this is gonna be a fun show, is we just talk about the decline.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, I'm just, like, broad.

    Like, the heavy subject. Like, right away, I was like, I'm not going.

    To bring it up. I don't want.

    Max from Dilgo To keep it, like, light and everything, and.

    Like, well, here we go.

    But at least now it's out of the way.

    Matt Slayer It's all the way. And you're doing your part to help improve the world. You're bringing sex toys to the masses.

    Trying Well, yeah. I mean, I was like.

    I need.

    Max from Dilgo To, like, do something to.

    Like, make, like, people happy and, like, everything. And I was kind of like, my thing was like, I've.

    Max from Dilgo Been sculpting for like 15 years.

    At this point.

    And I did like a bunch of, like, big.

    Max from Dilgo Tripoli game.

    Studios and everything. And, you know.

    Max from Dilgo There's like ups and down and with all the, like, the crunching.

    And the that stuff where you don't.

    Feel like really rewarded or like.

    Some people get like credited for your work and like, I think I'm like.

    Max from Dilgo They, I'm good enough to just like go on my own and try to do my own, like little stupid thing, even if that doesn't make.

    As much cash.

    Max from Dilgo Or like whatever. At least I'll.

    Kind of like be free and like.

    Yeah, it'll be me.

    Like out to like the public. And if, like, people like it, like, that's even better.

    Matt Slayer Well, you can't put a price point on fucking happiness.

    I know, and that's what I was saying. It's like I was earning, like, good money, but I was going back home like at like.

    Max from Dilgo Every day at like 11, like.

    Midnight and just like mad and yeah, I'd like to like.

    Max from Dilgo Pretty much like drink myself to sleep. Just you like, good the next.

    Day and then I crunch again for like, yeah, we did that for like a year and a half on like the last project.

    Matt Slayer I thought obviously was like the default for the French.

    The what?

    Matt Slayer The default. I thought that's just how French society works.

    I know with Bitch, like.

    That's how it works.

    Now we bitch with strike and.

    Max from Dilgo Then stuff gets better. But yeah, you will never see like companies work like.

    In the US, like it's.

    Max from Dilgo Kind of like crazy that like here.

    You have like.

    Yeah, they, they bring.

    You all the stuff like for you, like you feel kind of like a superstar when you get hired like in the US. Like when I got here I was like, holy shit. Like they had a guy with like, you know, their little sign with my name on it, like pick me up from the airport and just be like, you go.

    Max from Dilgo Like, we're going to bring you to your.

    Hotel room in like everything and just be like, that's pretty nice.

    Max from Dilgo Because like when you get a job in France, like, at best, you have like a coffee.

    Machine. You know, you have to, like, pay for it. And here you have like.

    Max from Dilgo Full on stock.

    Kitchen and like, everything. But at the same time, it's kind of like a prison. Like, they want.

    Max from Dilgo You to be comfortable, stay.

    There and kind of like, yeah, you'll like miserable, but like you're happy.

    Matt Slayer So as they slowly boil you, you don't realize that you're being boiled alive. Yeah.

    You're like, I was cool. Once in a while, I got a glass leg. I get like, free game or like something and be like, yeah. And now I just.

    Max from Dilgo The more I was doing it, the more I discovered it was not.

    Like, super worth it. And just, like, giving, having, like, health problems, like, you know, like carpal tunnel and, like, stuff and like, nobody read give a shit and and like some friends. Yeah, they had to, like, stop working and get, like, injections and just.

    Do like a fucking.

    Stupid game. So, yeah, I was like this. That's not worth, like, all that trouble and just, like, your health and like, everything, like.

    Matt Slayer I wholeheartedly agree. And I never worked in gaming, but I definitely worked in corporate America for a while. And I like, yeah, this is, this is hell. This is I don't understand how this is someone's goal in life.

    Yeah, it is live.

    Max from Dilgo It is a nice prison. But then, like, everything that you do around, like.

    Games and like when you see, like, making golf and like, stuff, like, it's all marketing just.

    Max from Dilgo To, like, appeal and is like so many kids that want to get.

    Into that.

    Max from Dilgo Industry that.

    Like, it.

    Doesn't matter. Like, they just, like, roll enroll and roll and they get like always like new people who want to work there, like, no matter what, even if it's like a shit show.

    Max from Dilgo But yeah, they just like have those people that stay at the.

    Company for like ten years and like kind of like call them like leeches because they there they become like more and.

    Max from Dilgo More useless.

    And they kind of like drain like the spirit and like the will of like younger guys. They want to do something but they don't like.

    Now which was here was shitty.

    Max from Dilgo And we just like don't change anything. So we just like drains.

    Every like creative aspect to like a lot of people. So like.

    Max from Dilgo The new blood leaves old people stay and it just like.

    Keeps going. It's like a circle, like.

    Matt Slayer The the old people, I'm assuming just get complacent and they're just afraid to go out into the world and make changes and.

    Yeah, it's.

    Max from Dilgo Pretty much just like they do the exact.

    Same games because that's what sells and like, they don't really try to like anything like, different.

    Max from Dilgo And I mean, I was much more creative when.

    I was, like, fresh out of school. I had, like, all those, like, crazy ideas and stuff, and that would never fly at, like.

    Max from Dilgo A big studio.

    They were, like, thinking like, yeah, we need to, like, sell this amount of copies and, like, what? Not, like.

    Matt Slayer Add in all the transactions they can.

    Oh, fuck that.

    Max from Dilgo Like, at least they didn't work in, like, a game company that was like, super heavy fuckers focused on like, microtransactions and all that kind of stuff. That was more.

    Like story driven. So at least know I'm like, I don't have to like journal new assets like every week because.

    Max from Dilgo Like, people that are in those.

    Kind of games.

    They don't stop like like the game.

    Max from Dilgo Ships, but it's just the.

    Beginning of just like having more and more and more.

    Matt Slayer And more and more. I mean, there's a reason GTA Online has made through three generations of consoles.

    I know, and we still again get like the.

    Sixth one and I'm like crazy, but.

    Matt Slayer Why would they how many people are they going to lose when GTA six? If people's GTA online stuff doesn't transfer.

    Over Yeah, I know they make so much more money. Like it's ridiculous.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, because I mean at the end of the day, GTA Online is at this point is essentially becoming an MMO. They just got to keep patching it.

    Yeah, it's bad, but that's what sells. So it's kind of like.

    Talk to the people.

    Max from Dilgo Just stop buying like crap like.

    Matt Slayer But shitty online is fun as long as you're not dealing with hackers or trolls.

    Yeah, but I mean, I'm cool now to.

    Play online games. I would just be like.

    Max from Dilgo I just want my like all my weekend, like, adventure game or whatever. Like ten to 12 hours. I'm like, be immersed.

    In like historians be done.

    Matt Slayer Like, what games do you plan?

    Max from Dilgo Well, the last big one that.

    I play in, I just said like ten to 12 hours, but I lied because I played Elder Ring, which took me like a year, like 200 hours.

    Max from Dilgo Which like.

    Is like.

    Max from Dilgo The game that I probably spend the.

    Most time in, like the last, like five years or something. Like, that's kind of like fantastic. I kind.

    Of hated it at first.

    Max from Dilgo Because it's get like, like.


    Max from Dilgo You know, like employee ideas and like stuff.

    And like the.

    The UI is terrible.

    But then you get into it and I'm like, okay, like, now I get it. Why? It's like amazing because like the art.

    Max from Dilgo Like, for me kind of looks like.


    But they have so much that you're like.

    Max from Dilgo Okay, I give them a pass.

    Because they had like so much work to do and there's like so many content. I'm like, it's kind of crazy that they even did that.

    Matt Slayer Like from Soft has done some great stuff that they've gotten so many people to get on board with. Just basically being masochists.

    It's great. Like, yeah, like.

    Max from Dilgo The last one. I was never initially.

    Yeah, like the doc solves games because all his fault, like.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah was like kind of iffy and.

    Like BresaGen, everything was glowy and like super wet and.

    Max from Dilgo Then like whatever, like the direction is good, but the execution.

    Was pretty bad and I, it's like flawless. Kind of like, yeah, I can take all that away and just like, enjoy the game and just be like, I even told my girlfriend lol.

    You need to like play and like make your like, weird characters.

    Matt Slayer And so I never got into those games just because, like, I'm not into something that's going to punish me constantly.

    It's not that bad.

    Matt Slayer Everything I've ever seen says otherwise.

    Yeah. Okay, so it's.

    Max from Dilgo Not like that where you get, like, punished and you're like.

    Why am I doing this.

    Max from Dilgo To myself? Like, is terrible. But they are like, at least in that one, they have like, so many ways of making you progress.

    Without, like, feel like a chore. Like, you know, you just, like, get your ass kicked like 20 times. But that guy.

    Max from Dilgo We just move to, like, another area and you play there, and then you discover that.

    Actually that's like where you supposed to be and not like, that is dude.

    Max from Dilgo And then you make your own adventure. And then when you're like strong enough.

    You come back and then you kick his ass so you feel like much better and accomplished.

    Matt Slayer Like, I may have check it out some point. I have some friends. I've really enjoyed every episode. Everything I was doing was just like, Oh, that looks punishingly hard. And the only thing that I put in recent memory that was really hard that I kind of enjoyed was Copperhead.

    So it's.

    That one is like brutally hard like I tried.

    Max from Dilgo To play with a friend of mine, like, we can't even.

    Beat it. We're like.

    Give up. Like, I'm.

    Matt Slayer Honestly playing it too. Player makes it harder.


    Max from Dilgo But, you know, like.

    Really Like, is.

    Max from Dilgo Too much.

    Matt Slayer Well, and the thing about competitive was I had so much fun with it, like, playing it with a friend that it was just like. And every time you lost, you're like, Oh, no, I think I know what I did. I got this. I got this. Like, you just psychologically tricked me to keep playing it.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. It's like one of those things that it's just like, you get addicted by, like, dying. It'll be like.

    Okay, the next time.

    Max from Dilgo Like, we know the timing of this, and then.

    Like, you still fucking die. There's, like, an infinite circle of just, like.

    Max from Dilgo Misery.

    And, like, dying.

    Matt Slayer But very beautiful misery.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. Oh, it was gorgeous, but, yeah, like, eternal. It's, like, one of the latest. One of the. Well, that kind of, like, playing to that.

    Kind of, like, gameplay.

    Max from Dilgo Like rust pretty good as well. Like, and if you go back to it, cause I hated, like, the Fighter, you can say evil, like, between, like.


    Matt Slayer Oh, that sucks.

    Max from Dilgo So, yeah, so you had to, like.

    Dedicate like 3 hours of your life.

    Max from Dilgo And leave the console.

    On because you couldn't, like, stop and like save your progress somewhere and be like, cool.

    Max from Dilgo Like, it was not super user friendly.


    Max from Dilgo I think they.

    Fix that now.

    Matt Slayer I hope so. Yeah. That reminds me of like way back in the day of playing on like the original position when my friends didn't have memory cards.

    Mm hmm.

    Matt Slayer I was just like Oh, we can't actually see a progress because we don't have memory cards. I guess we're just not turning it off. Fuck.


    Max from Dilgo That happened to me, like, when I bought my PS2 way back then. Like, I had enough money to get the memory card and.

    Like when it.

    Max from Dilgo Came out. So I just had like the same shitty fighting game that I just play over and over with, like, the same, like, three characters.

    And I was miserable until Christmas. And then, like, my parents finally gave me a memory card, so that's much better.

    Matt Slayer Speaking of games, what are what are your fighting game jams? What are you into?

    Max from Dilgo How I really suck at them. So it's mostly like if they look good and they've kind of like feel all right. So like the last one, though, was like super energy.

    It was like Dragon ball fight of the because like I'm like a big like Dragonball nerd and yeah, I loved it because like.

    Max from Dilgo It looks gorgeous. He plays like Will and.

    But yeah, otherwise, like, I suck at like fighting him.

    Max from Dilgo You have to like, like learn so much and get like so involved into the game that, like.

    I don't have time for that. I just want to have like.

    Little fun, like once in a while.

    And just like, you know, like I have friends body and then like, if I get like buddies that are like super into fighting games, they kick my ass and then I just like stand back and just.

    Like look of regardless like fun.

    Matt Slayer I get that feeling like I thought I was good at fighting in fact the day and then like actually watching people that are really fighting odds. Like, I'm not good at fighting games.


    Max from Dilgo And especially here, like, I mean game studios, like we had like cure guys.

    Like during the break which.

    Max from Dilgo They went through just play like street fighters.

    And like stuff like, just for like fun. I'm like.

    Max from Dilgo I'm never going to compete. So I was like.

    Just watch.

    Max from Dilgo And just like spam, like the same like hate cocaine or whatever.

    And you're good to go.

    So long as you having fun. But yeah, exactly.

    Matt Slayer I mean, at the end of the day, isn't that the point of gaming to just have fun?

    Yeah, you get competitive and then it's not fun anymore because like.

    Getting your ass.

    Max from Dilgo Kicked like ten times in a row by the same dude who gets like.

    More and.



    Snarky about it. Like.

    That's not fun.

    Matt Slayer I know, I know. I. Unfortunately, back in the day was that guy for my group of friends and then I was really good attacking Tiger back in the day. Really good.

    And then you discover there's, like, better people.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah. Then I went out into the wild outside of my group of friends. Oh, no, I'm not that good. I'm just better than them.


    Matt Slayer With my advanced age, I don't think I could compete with young kids and their twitch fucking reflexes, just like, nope. Just going to get my ass kicked.

    Uh huh, yeah. No, like.

    Max from Dilgo Same thing I give.

    Up on, like, all online gaming and, like, stuff, like, because like.

    One I don't want my poor mother to be insulted, like, all the time.

    Max from Dilgo I like all that stuff, like, based.

    On, like, the avatar that I had, like, got on.

    Max from Dilgo The Xbox Live, like, in the days I was changing and just like, my dude, like, based on like a movie or whatever. And, yeah, just kept.

    Getting, like, insults, like, left and right just because it's like.

    Oh, you fucking ginger and like, I'm like, no, like, I mean.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, people are just.

    Like, awful online. Like, no matter.

    Matt Slayer I got to a point where I just turned off, like, if you weren't on my friends list, you could not communicate with me and X-Box live.

    Yeah, that's what I do every time. Like, now I just, like, go in the lobby, just, like.

    Max from Dilgo Mute everybody and just be like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, I have Universal know, like, you could not message me. You could not, like, Wow. I played a lot of UFC two online for a while, and I played kind of dirty, so I would get a little lot of people just sending me hate messages after matches. I used to ground and pound people.


    Matt Slayer And get all these, you know, stand up and fight pussy like it's I'm a my dog learned to defend it.

    80% is on the ground. Like, I had like something funny though.

    Max from Dilgo Like, I played like a VR game when it was like shooting. It's kind of.

    Like, yeah, like a shooting gallery kind of like thing. And I think a matched with like probably like a little kid that was like under.

    Max from Dilgo Ten or something but in the VR world, like, he could see like.

    My height.

    Max from Dilgo So it was just like, you know, we had like our two avatars lying next to each other and he was like.

    Holy shit, you're super tall. Like, because I guess he was not used to like.

    Max from Dilgo Play with just like adults like in VR games like that.

    So it was kind of like funny and I still didn't like reply to him. I was like, I'm not listening.

    Matt Slayer I have zero interest in communicating with someone who's ten online.


    Matt Slayer So you end up on a list. Nope, nope. Not going out like that. Not happening. I had Twitter stream and occasionally I have people like, Oh, can we jump in your game? And it's like, are you, you know, the no, the fuck. No, you can't.


    Matt Slayer I'm going to say some horrible dick joke and your mother's going to report me not happening.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, I could see that.

    Like I don't play, you know, like, on Twitter or like, anything, but.

    That's like a fun.

    Max from Dilgo Story about, like, you know, like one of the got to want to develop her. Like, she.

    Get, like, tons of, like.

    Max from Dilgo Like messages or whatever. And then, like, she reported them to the mother.

    Which was like very funny.

    Matt Slayer One of the mothers. So I think.

    I don't remember that.

    Probably disappoint is, oh, my little angel, you would never say that.

    Matt Slayer You would never do anything like that because unfortunately, mom, that reflects on you and how you raise the mother fucker.


    Matt Slayer Since you're big, divisive and you're going to roll out some sex toys.

    And I have I do have.

    Max from Dilgo Like actually like one which.

    Is like pretty popular right now.

    Max from Dilgo Like, people are asking me, I even get like a bunch of like custom orders for it. I made.


    Like so I don't use like the real names.

    Matt Slayer I don't get sued.

    Max from Dilgo So it's like all everything is parody. So like, I try to use my like shitty.

    Sense of humor and my.

    Max from Dilgo Dad like puns and jokes. You just like, come over like, names and like stuff. So if you know, like the, like the Dragonball Z, like lore and whatever, I named my.

    Yeah, my Goku one Corcoran.

    Matt Slayer Oh, yeah. I did see that.

    Yeah. So this guy.

    I do have that one.

    So they all come in.

    Max from Dilgo Like a nice, like custom box though that say.

    So they'll come in like a.

    Max from Dilgo Nice custom box that we like. Drew, like my girlfriend and like just to get like something like nicer and it like most of like the, the, the little company are like doing out there, like, go there like I come from like the, like the collectibles as well. Like I've been like a sculptor for like, you know, like a long time.

    Max from Dilgo And so we're like, you know, what's amazing is like everytime when you receive like.

    Like a sex toy from like another.

    Max from Dilgo Company most of our time, it's just like.

    In a plastic bag just.

    Max from Dilgo Like wrapped and we're like, OK, what can we do better to like, you know, like bring like the collab to collectible aspect to like the sex toy industry. So we made like, you know, like boxes where you can see like a window. So if you don't have one and use it, then just like collect them as like the.

    Matt Slayer Boxes open, you already have an open box like.

    Well but OK, now one like the bottom crash.

    Matt Slayer OK, it should not. It's no longer in mint.

    Well, but those ones are not mint yet. Oh, I need.

    Matt Slayer To bring you're bringing you sex toys on the show.

    Oh yeah. They use like, you know.

    Max from Dilgo Don't touch.

    Matt Slayer It. Didn't even sanitize it before you brought it.

    It is hot enough like 99% alcohol for that one.

    So there's the bad boy.

    Max from Dilgo So yeah, what are we trying to do, like a little bit differently? Like so most of the time in like the sex toy and whatever, everything is like kind of like one mold. And so I want to try to like, bring me like, like the aspect that you like buying.

    Like a toy that you.

    Max from Dilgo Actually can fuck. So like, they need to look good. So I made like tons of like different molds.

    Like and like crazy engineering just to get that out of the box.

    Max from Dilgo So we have like this one that I call like the designer edition. So yeah, they're made like specifically to be able to like replicate.

    As much as I can, like what I have in mind with like a character like, like for like the other brands, like a.

    Max from Dilgo Food or like something.

    Like that.

    Max from Dilgo And they'll like piece together using like sealed boxes, which is like body safe, but it's not as.

    Strong as like just making like a one mold.

    Max from Dilgo So like those ones, I, we have like a big disclaimer saying like they look good because they're made like this where it's kind of like the most like artisanal way of like making like a sex toy kind of thing. Like, I spend hours to just try to like glue them like perfectly and make like the seams and everything.

    Max from Dilgo So they, they just take like a tremendous amount of work. Just you like finish like the product.

    Matt Slayer How much of a pounding can that sucker take as frigate?

    Like, I mean, like.

    Max from Dilgo Like all the way there? It's like extremely solid. Like it was issued last.

    For like a long time, but it's not.

    Max from Dilgo As like solid as like a full piece that we make as well, which is like.

    Those ones are for like heavy uses, but.

    Max from Dilgo That is more like.

    If you kind of like a more.

    Max from Dilgo Like delicate on like.

    You know, you use like a sex toy once in a.

    Max from Dilgo While, but you have you want to have like something a bit.

    Special. Like that's what like the designer additions are made for.

    Max from Dilgo It's like you want to have like a nice display and kind of like a.


    Max from Dilgo Yeah, like a conversation piece and you can have like, like, I mean, some people that contacted us, they just want to have like some different coherent addition. We have like different like hair color. So I get like the regular like you super saying one and I get one with like the blue hair and one with like the pink hair and they just with the piece.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, just.

    Be like, hey, look, they'll go acoustic and like stuff like that. So it's like, it's really fun.

    Max from Dilgo Like for me to just like come up with, like.

    What the.

    Cactus should look like or.

    Like, yeah, like the Munsters or like.

    Max from Dilgo The food item and like, stuff like, and it's this like. Yeah, it's like really just having fun with that and then try to, like, bring something a little bit different to, like, the sex toy industry that like, and I don't think I've seen that, like a lot of like really like.

    Playful and like I made.

    Max from Dilgo Like a ton of like.


    Commercial videos as well.

    Of like a.

    Max from Dilgo Random them and like 3D and then like animated them and like get like music animation and like sound just you like.

    Yeah, just like push.

    Max from Dilgo Like a little bit and more like the, the fun.

    Factor into all of this.

    Max from Dilgo So like those was like a tremendous amount of work. Like you just get that.

    But it seems like people are like.

    Max from Dilgo Really grasping like the idea and just like the fun that we like put into it. And it's not just be.

    Like, I just guys are just making like Coxsone like.

    Max from Dilgo Whatever it's like.

    Matt Slayer And even if you were just making clocks, whatever, there's nothing wrong with that.

    Yeah, but like what.

    Max from Dilgo I wanted to do is just, like, bring, like, the fun factor and just like, I think like it's something like a little bit different for, like, people that might not, like, collect like toys or they use them.

    Like a lot.

    Max from Dilgo Just like bachelorette party. And it would be like, hey, if you're like super true anime or whatever, and like, bam, here you go. You get that one. That's kind of like a.

    Bit different than like seeing, like, horse or leg dragon leg dicks or whatever.

    Matt Slayer Are you going to try to sell some anime expo next weekend?

    Well, I.

    Max from Dilgo Try to look for like a booth or whatever. It's like already like way too late. So now I'm like trying to like find like where I would be accepted and then like stuff like that. So like maybe monster palooza, like if, you.

    Know, it's like a big like monster.

    Max from Dilgo Convention in like Burbank but because they have like a booth with.

    Like the girls and.

    Max from Dilgo Zombie like magazine or something. So I'm like, corpses.

    Matt Slayer Yep.

    Yeah. So I was like, okay, maybe I can like if those guys are like allowed me.

    Max from Dilgo Yea, maybe I can have like my booth in the corner with just like, you know, 18 plus and just be like, you have.

    To, like, knock and just like go behind a curtain and like.

    Matt Slayer Repeated curtain like an old school pawnshop. Yeah.

    Max from Dilgo Like, I.

    Mean, that would be fun, like.

    Max from Dilgo But everything is like super colorful. Like, we have like a tiny, cute mascot and then like, anything and yeah, like, seems like, like people. Yeah. Really dig, like, just the silliness of it and like, like.

    A lady.

    Max from Dilgo Like, contacted us and she was like, oh dude. Like, I spend an hour on your Etsy just reading like the description for your toys and like.

    The name's good. Yeah, that's pretty much like all that comes. It's just like.

    Max from Dilgo How can I make puns and make like, a dick at the same time?

    Matt Slayer Oh, for sure. Have you ever thought about getting into strollers as well? Are you just going to stay with dicks?

    I tried to make one.

    Max from Dilgo And I was actually not super.

    Successful with it. I broke like the mold, like.

    Max from Dilgo Pretty much like the first time. So, like, I want to expand like the.

    Brand we were having, like grinders and.

    Max from Dilgo Like structures and all that stuff. But yeah, it takes like a lot of time of like just like engineering, like on my end because like.

    Right now I'm like the only.

    Max from Dilgo One, like, doing all that. So like sculpting, printing and all that kind of stuff. Like, it just takes like a really long time. So yeah, I want to expand, but like not fun. I want to just like bring like more designs. But yeah, like people were asking like we have like a banana for scale because like.

    You know.

    Max from Dilgo There's like the meme online where like people.

    Use like bananas to like measure like mirrors and like fridge and.

    Matt Slayer Stuff. I mean, you should hold that next to the liquor bottles so people can really yeah.

    Max from Dilgo No one is a beast. Like, I mean, like his thing is like it's over nine inches.

    You know, like the meme or whatever.

    Matt Slayer Over 9000.

    Max from Dilgo Yes. So I made that one specifically over nine inches. So it's like the larger version.

    And something.

    Max from Dilgo As well that we or at least that I try to do differently. It's like we don't make like different sizes for like each like, like.

    AP or like, like brands.

    Max from Dilgo I try to like just make one there represent that character or like that type of.

    Food or.

    Max from Dilgo Like that.

    Monster or whatever.

    Max from Dilgo And then within that range, like we're going to have like, like this companion friend that's like in the same style or whatever, which would be like the size underneath and not like this one like as like a smaller version and then like a medium and stuff like.

    Another character would take that spot.

    Matt Slayer So what are you going to do? But you does the medium.

    Yes. And is like the.

    Max from Dilgo Next in line. So we can have like fajitas, the medium freezers, like the.


    Max from Dilgo Like sell is probably like.


    Max from Dilgo Than like this. And like broccoli.

    Is like the XXL, like.

    It's like a different.

    Matt Slayer Scale of one to a little.

    Anthony Yeah. Yeah.

    Piccolo Bu like all those guys are like plan. So it's like there's too many anyways. And then I want to like work on then like, do like.

    Max from Dilgo Maybe an attack and tighten maybe that was already done and maybe that one is.

    Matt Slayer Huge.

    It's just like, yeah, having.

    Fun with like what I can like find and like stuff and like.

    Max from Dilgo Stuff that like I find interesting and I'm like super into.

    And be like, okay, I'm just going to tackle that like.

    Matt Slayer So are you going to do some of them is limited runs or so.

    Yeah, all those.

    Max from Dilgo Ones because they take like so long to make like I only make like 25 of them and, but like then like the regular like swirls and like colors and stuff like this one.

    Will just like keep going and whatever. But yeah, like.

    Max from Dilgo The really specific ones I kind of like yeah, like a collector item because you're like by the time I like finish one, they'll like made like this way I can probably like for like ten other ones. So like technically it doesn't make any sense for me to just make them because like I'm pretty much like losing money, but I just love like the look.

    And like what, how different.

    They are and like.

    Max from Dilgo That. Everything that I'm like, okay is like worth.

    It for me because that's kind of like my like, yeah, like sculpture brain and like collectibles, like stuff that I'm like.

    Max from Dilgo Okay, I want to like still bring those ones to like people that really enjoy just, like.

    Having, like, a nice toy and just, like.

    Max from Dilgo Can display it and then like, stuff nicely. Yeah, those ones I like for like mostly like collectibles and like.


    Matt Slayer You know, start dropping certificates of authenticity to be like, this is one of 20.

    Yeah, actually they do.

    Max from Dilgo Like, I even bring like a box to like one of.

    Them, but like I do put like, like.

    Max from Dilgo A specific like sticker on the side with like the designer edition and they all like hand sign with like number and like everything. So like if you buy like the very.

    First one, like that's it. Like you have.

    Max from Dilgo Like the.

    One out of 25.

    Max from Dilgo So yeah, we try to just make it like it'll be.

    Special for like.

    Max from Dilgo Those people that like spend the money to just like buy like one of those like special ones that are like, I try to spend like a lot of time. So like for me it's special. So I try to make it special for like people as well.

    Matt Slayer What sort of stress testing are you putting this thing through?

    Well, we've.

    Max from Dilgo Been like pulling them like everything, like twisting and like anything and like so far.

    They haven't moved, but like I haven't done that for like many years or like, I don't.

    Max from Dilgo Know, like in the long run, like, you know, if they would like last forever, probably not as much as like a regular toy. So that's what we were trying to explain as well. It's like there's wonderful like gentle use kind of thing.

    Like but all the other ones, like you can go to town like.

    Matt Slayer You're not going to town and your significant other, you know, part of product testing Well.

    No, because you know.

    Max from Dilgo What they say, like you don't.

    Like use your own products or whatever, like.

    Matt Slayer Well, how else are you supposed to do it? You can't particularly give this to me.

    Like I'm a small guy. Like, I don't want to stretch out too much.

    Matt Slayer So if she could pump a kid out, she can handle caca, right?

    We don't want kids.

    Matt Slayer Right. But she could I mean, theoretically.

    All right. Wealthy. I mean, like she's been like intermediate. I mean, like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, no.

    Oh, no.

    This one.

    Matt Slayer Jesus. The Jesus.

    I mean.

    That's for, like.

    Max from Dilgo The most brave out there.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, yeah. That I for the ideal audience, this is something you have to watch on video. And I don't know if I can actually show this on YouTube. We'll find out the hard way, I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure that is thicker than my fucking ankle.

    Oh, yeah. Like definitely.

    Max from Dilgo Anyway, it's like.

    Oh, but like £5, probably something like that.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, that is like.

    It's a hefty one. Yeah, like, that's like.

    The Challenger mode. Like.

    I don't really.

    Max from Dilgo Expect, like you're saying, like, to sell too much of that one was just to be like, like, to me, looks so fine.

    And, like, good. I'm like, I have to, like, make it, like, no matter what.

    Matt Slayer Ridiculous. So for the audio audience, um, it's based on the Hulk. And apparently the Hulk is more girth than length.

    Yes, it's called The Incredible Hulk.

    But if you look at like the details.


    Matt Slayer Jesus, I could barely lift this motherfucker one hand is like, I mean, doing reps with this fucking thing.

    I mean, it is a good.

    Max from Dilgo Workout, like lifting like the silicone bottles and, like, everything and just like, pouring those blood boys, like.

    Matt Slayer It's fucking like, by comparison, grab the fucking liquor bottle. They're like.

    Look, what could the bucket.

    Matt Slayer Is dirtier than a bottle. This is really fucking tequilas. How many of these have you sold.

    So right now, like, that's like.

    Max from Dilgo I just started, like, two weeks ago, so I didn't sold any of those ones yet, but people have been putting in their carts, so there's like their.

    Favorites or like there is.

    A lot.

    Of like interest for it. And I actually like much.

    Matt Slayer More than a giant green thumb.

    Much more than I thought.

    Yeah. And so that one is so big that like, it doesn't fit in our like standard box, obviously.

    Max from Dilgo Because I try to, like, make all of them to just like, fit into that one to like and like ship them and like everything is like kind of like standardized or like, I can't do this, this, this one. So like this one comes with like.

    Like a little bag that I made as well.

    Max from Dilgo Just for him. And we, like, try to sell him as well because I was like.

    I need to buy.

    Max from Dilgo Like 150 of those bad boys.

    Or like.

    Matt Slayer Oh shit, that thing is ridiculous.

    Yeah, but it's fun, right?

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I, I'm sure someone will have a good time once and like, are you having people sign waivers before they try to rid themselves of that thing?

    Well, nobody bought it.

    Yet, so like.

    Matt Slayer I don't know, I feel like you should have some legal paperwork with that. Motherfucker. Be, like, use at your own risk.

    Yeah. I mean, it can be useful, like paper. We'd all work out like anything.

    Matt Slayer God damn, that Yeah, that is that. That would just ruin somebody.

    I don't. I've seen stuff, and.

    Matt Slayer I mean, I've seen some stuff do with Jesus. That, that that would be impressive.

    Max from Dilgo I know, like, we were, like, thinking about doing maybe, like, the incredible hung challenge and, like, if you, like, send us, like, a video of, like, you like managing.

    To use it, like, properly and everything.

    Like, until you get like a free dildo or something.

    Matt Slayer Like you have to give someone more than a free dildo of it.

    But if they can take it, I mean, like they used to it, so shouldn't be like.

    Max from Dilgo Much of a challenge and like nobody's going to like as a casual gambling enthusiast going.

    To buy that one just for like fun and be like, OK, this is what I'm going to do.

    Max from Dilgo Like tonight.

    Matt Slayer Max, no matter what happens, you're not going to get me drunk enough to try one. So just putting that out there.

    Like you have a lot of bottles or like, oh, and.

    Matt Slayer I'm a very, very well-practiced drunk.

    So I will start. You will like.

    Max from Dilgo One of the easier one and then like.

    You can move through.

    Max from Dilgo Like this guy.

    I mean, we do have like broad like a zombie one as well, which is like the I called him like the but deal goes.

    Max from Dilgo Hook line, which I like based on like and like horror, like movies and like stuff like that. So I made like one for like Goldie like the thingy for like John Carpenter, like Masterpiece. Those ones called like the Winking.

    Dead because it's.

    Max from Dilgo Like I like stupid puns. So I'm like.

    I'm going to make one would like.

    Brain as like a head and like everything.

    So now for you look pretty interesting and that was manageable.

    Matt Slayer I mean, that is a proper representation of male anatomy right there.

    All right.

    Matt Slayer Well, this dumb brains, that's what we really think.

    I know. So that's why I was like.

    I need to make one. Like, that's like dig for brains or like something and that.

    So that was kind of cool.

    Matt Slayer I don't know how much of this I'm going to have to censor for you to. We'll find out.

    Just pixelate everything.

    Matt Slayer Yep, yep. Just a lot of mosaic. Thank you for all the extra post-production work.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, you're welcome.

    I can help with that.

    Max from Dilgo Like, I've been doing that like a lot recently.


    Matt Slayer I got it. Don't worry.

    Matt Slayer So what else is in the works? What else do you got? Like what other, you know, molds are you thinking about?

    Yeah. So you can say like.

    Max from Dilgo We have like yeah. Like the, the pop culture ones, which are like, based on.


    Max from Dilgo Anime superhero, like our own, like movies, like anything that, like, you could see at, like, Comic-Con and like stuff. So those are like the line like this.

    So I got.

    Max from Dilgo Like, already like.

    The doc nob. Like, if you can guess what it is.

    Max from Dilgo The wandering spider dick as well.

    Matt Slayer Nice.


    Matt Slayer Eventually you got to make another version of the spider dick that actually sprays shoots weapon.

    Yeah. I mean, it could like, just like a little tube, like, and yeah, it should be doable. Um, and then we.

    Max from Dilgo Have like, yeah, like the, the spook lion, which is just like horror based, like it was saying just like set off on either, like, funny or those like monsters and.

    Whatnot. So like, we have like the, the Frankie, which is like.

    Got like a pretty big one because like, you know, it's got a pretty big, like.

    Matt Slayer Buzzer bolts in the bottom of it, you.

    Max from Dilgo Know, because that is copyrighted the bolts. Yeah, like the bolts are like, like the thing that makes like that Frankenstein, like, special. It's like the bolts or lasers neck.

    Matt Slayer That's not a neck.

    Max from Dilgo I know, but there's like a lot of things that you try to, like, go around and, like, see if that would, like, pass or whatever. So he's got a lot of stitching.

    And like.

    Max from Dilgo Try to, like, sculpt every like part of his leg anatomy with like different skin texture. So, like, that one is get.

    Like a lot of different, like, kind of like flavors and stuff like.

    Max from Dilgo That.

    Matt Slayer Are you going to get into some chemistry and develop some blood lube?

    That will be pretty good idea. And we'll see. Like right now, I'm like pretty busy already.

    Max from Dilgo Trying to like run this and like make like pause and like runs and like see actually what people want and I excited about cause like, well, the thing like I'm really new to this industry and like people are like, um, like different expectation that.

    Like, what?

    Max from Dilgo Like toy collectibles and like.

    Statue collectors is like one. So like, I'm just.

    Max from Dilgo Being like gathering like as much information and talking to like a lot of people and, and be like, OK, what do you like? What do you want? Li what kind of like colors are you into and like that kind of stuff. So like, right now, that's like the big part of my business is just going through like figure out like what people.

    Want and like the sizes and stuff.

    Max from Dilgo Like that, which is like, yeah, no, there's even like the firmness like, like people are specifically.

    Like what they want and.

    They have this just like it.

    Matt Slayer Makes sense. It's going inside them.

    Max from Dilgo And because we only like, like, so far just do like one size for like each model, like is.

    Got to be like out, like, perfect. You just be able to like sell one because like, they want like the color to like be good and like.

    Max from Dilgo The firmness and stuff and and right now, like the second price is when like through the roof again because all their.

    Like help blockades of like, um.

    Max from Dilgo Like ships and whatnot that like is getting like we're more expensive to, like, do anything.

    Matt Slayer They're all sitting on the port of Long Beach and.


    Max from Dilgo When they're like last week to just like.

    Bay like another big bucket.

    Max from Dilgo Of like.

    Second and I was asking him like.

    Hey, how come like.

    Max from Dilgo Like the same five gallon is like $200 more than like used to be and yeah, it will just be like or is because like some people they try to like.

    Pay off like you get their like shipment like faster. So like.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, it's just like the economy.

    Is like getting like fast like.

    Matt Slayer You thought about hoarding some of it. It's not like it goes bad, right?

    It does. It does. Yeah.

    Max from Dilgo Like, like especially here in California, I was like super hot.


    Max from Dilgo You cannot, like, live.

    It for, like, ever.

    Max from Dilgo Like at the bottom, you're still going to have like some like deposit and stuff and is going to stomach curing. So like, I would rather use like, you know, like stuff that I can like finish and like as fast as possible instead.

    Of like buying like a like a.

    Max from Dilgo Giant like hundred gallon like stuff because like, yeah, that would not last. And then it would.

    Not be safe to like using like a product.

    So try to be as safe as possible.

    And like give like the best product and like quality that I can do.

    Matt Slayer That makes sense. The last thing you want is a review of someone like my policy is on fire cause cataract.

    Yeah. I mean.

    Max from Dilgo It will be maybe eventually.

    Matt Slayer Hopefully in a good way, but.


    Matt Slayer Follow good lube. You just fucking lube the hopefully won't your channels will not be on fire.


    Max from Dilgo But yeah, like we'll try to.


    Matt Slayer Know, the big boy over there, the hunk, I don't know.

    Max from Dilgo Try to be as safe as we can and like, just use like. Yeah, like the best, like.

    Silicone that's like out there and.

    Max from Dilgo Not like, pretty much like all the like big toy companies are using like, smooth.

    On is just like the leader and like, I'm only use this for like, everything goes like you don't want like we're like knockoffs and just, like, stuff and.

    Max from Dilgo And people know what they want. Like, you just need you like, ensure like just like the firmness in like how like some was on like does this stuff is like 00 50 or zero or 31. And people know like because this for like a different crown that like the guy that goes through Spencer and just.

    Like by like a toilet they know what they want. They know like the product, they know.

    Max from Dilgo Everything about it.

    Matt Slayer So yeah I mean if you're going to spend that kind of money on a on a toilet, you should know what you're getting yourself into and yeah, none of this strike me as like, oh, this is just going to be my first toy.

    Yeah, I know. Like it's following people that are like.

    Max from Dilgo Already, like, into it and then just, like, collect and like.

    No, and like.

    Max from Dilgo I mean, I've seen like displays and.

    Like stuff or like people are like.

    Max from Dilgo U.V., like cabinets. We're like some of them are like UV reactive and like have like.

    Matt Slayer Gotta make a, you know, a hunk variant that's U.V. reactive.

    Max from Dilgo Well, they were like light of the whole room and, like, you wouldn't be able to.


    Matt Slayer Or maybe one of the Dragonball ones are like, you know, when it's U.V. reactive, looks like they're glowing, like they're powering up.

    Well, actually, the the hair on that one.

    Max from Dilgo Is like, slightly like glowing as well because they use like to.

    Get like that, right?

    Max from Dilgo Like hue of color. The one of the yellow is usually reactive. So if you put in like under like a UV light, you're still going to see like a faint like.

    You know, like.

    Glowingly UV reaction. It's not like.

    Max from Dilgo Glowing because it's not like a glowing powder.

    There's some products they use it.

    Max from Dilgo But yeah, it makes something like a little bit different in the dark.

    So that's pretty.

    Matt Slayer Cool. That is pretty red. There's pretty red like.

    Yeah. And I made like a.

    Max from Dilgo Thingy like, you know, like, based on like a toxic Avenger and that one. Yeah. And mixed, like.

    Everything kind of like yellow and like green. And that one is like super UV reactive. So like, in the dark, it looks like half transparent.

    Max from Dilgo We would like.


    Max from Dilgo Like stuff in it.

    Matt Slayer Like, surprised. Troma wouldn't let you just flat out license toxic and render surprise there, wouldn't Al?

    We'll see. I mean, like, the goal is.

    Max from Dilgo To try to see if there's like some companies that would just be open to like do that kind of stuff, like official, like license of like toys and that would be super fun.

    Matt Slayer Oh, when we get off air, we'll have to talk. I have some friends that work to trauma, so.

    I it sounds good.

    Matt Slayer Make some introductions for you over there because that told us to look something up there, Ali.

    Yeah. I mean, there's like, a lot like that could be.

    Max from Dilgo Done and whatever. But like, so five of us, why aren't you, like, start, like, the business and just like, sure. What it was about. So just like doing, like, parody and like, stuff like that. But yeah, like if you're interested, like people to just like, do official, like, you know, like collaboration and stuff, like, I'll be like super down.

    For that.

    Max from Dilgo And.

    There's like, actually like.

    Max from Dilgo A, a French TV show or like on YouTube, it's called People Do. Like, you guys should look it up.

    It's like they call it kind of like your sexual education lecture and it's like, you know, like.

    Max from Dilgo People from my generation that grew up on like anime and stuff because like way back then in France, there was like, I think we were like one of the first country that like kind of like imported like, like enemies from like Japan and stuff because they were like.

    Oh, they're cartoons is for kids. And they had it pretty wrong.

    Max from Dilgo But then they did like some bunker dubs and like stuff like that, which is like changes like completely like the mood of.

    Like the show like and so.

    Max from Dilgo They grew up with that as well. So they made like, yeah, like the kind of like tiny like YouTube series like and it's like hilarious. Like it was like a tiny hamster as well. And you just like teach you a lot of stuff about like.

    Sexuality and like.

    Max from Dilgo But it's like really the casual educational like is really funny. It's like crazy bonkers. And they have like tons of like parody stuff and like at one point, yeah, there's.

    Like full on like Acura mode and like dragon ball.

    Max from Dilgo And stuff. And now it is great. Like they talk about like.

    Like that a lot of like.

    Max from Dilgo I don't want to spoil anything because you guys should really watch it. And there's like great animation and great humor.

    And yeah, they have like an English dub and like stuff like, it's like stuff.

    Matt Slayer Lost in the English dub.

    Not much. I think they did like a really good job just.

    Max from Dilgo Trying to like get that across. But Ouch was just watch the French version with subtitles.

    It works too.

    Matt Slayer I agree. I think more Americans should watch things with subtitles, but unfortunately, a lot of my countrymen are Condoleezza about that shit.

    Yeah, I never got that.

    Max from Dilgo Because like.

    Matt Slayer Reading is hard.

    But it looks better and like.

    Max from Dilgo You know, it's just like the.

    Lips feel like more natural.

    Matt Slayer Better vocal inflections.

    Yeah. And like, you can tell Nina.

    Max from Dilgo I cannot even watch. Like, any French movie. There's only us movie. There's been, like, dubbed in French, like, because we have like, three fucking actors that do all the voices. So it's like they you recognize, like, the same guy to those, like, Tom Cruise that does, like, Russell Crowe and like this, it just, like.

    Feels like, super weird and like, yeah, like, the lips don't move.

    Max from Dilgo Like, correctly. It's this, like, is really.


    Matt Slayer Like, how common is that in France to, like, get dubbed movies?

    Oh, all of them. Like.

    It's yeah. They I mean, now it's.

    Max from Dilgo Becoming more common with, like, people actually like show movies in, like, English and whatever with subtitles. I think it became.

    Now like in the last.

    Max from Dilgo Ten, 15 years, like now people are looking for it because of streaming and stuff like that. Like you don't have to wait.

    And they can just like watch stuff in.

    Max from Dilgo Like English or whatever, like language is supposed.

    To be.

    Max from Dilgo So they get used to that and, and now they're like kind of like craving that at the theater as well. But like until they're like, there's like ten.

    15 years ago or whatever.

    Like everything was done and it was terrible.

    Matt Slayer Well, as an American, it's you love, you're consciously aware like, oh, the majority of the film industry does happen here. And like it's a rarity that we get foreign films and often they're dubbed, but you don't think you don't think about it as much I just never really occurred to me like, oh yeah. Our massive amounts of movies that we make here, like the giant blockbusters that are international, get a bunch of dubs when they go to other countries.

    Matt Slayer And I'm sure they're fucking weird.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, it is. And but the you know what's weirder? It's like when you guys find like a French movie, that's awesome.

    You don't love it, you just try to make a shitty.

    Max from Dilgo Remake of it and it's like.

    Way worse now.

    Matt Slayer I mean, that's just the American way.

    I know.

    But just like how harder.

    Max from Dilgo It is to just like remake a whole movie instead of, like, reading like, some subtitles.

    Matt Slayer Well, I think we're getting better about that. At least, you know, we're not just remaking Old Boy again where the there's been at least some Korean movies that have come in and like, are actually in Korean. Yeah. Subtitles on, like, fuckin Parasite won a goddamn Oscar, which is fucking amazing. Like, Oh, hey, I'm fucking for a movie. That's fucking picture.

    Matt Slayer Like, fucking amazing. And they didn't dub it. They just subtitled.

    Yeah, no, you get much better.

    Max from Dilgo But yeah, like, I was like, the thing.

    Of, like.

    Dubs was like, I don't maybe because, like, T.V. had, like, you know, she resolutions.

    Max from Dilgo Was much harder to, like, read, like text and stuff like that.

    Matt Slayer Like way too much credit.

    Yeah, I don't know.

    Matt Slayer And hell, I have a movie poster in there from a French movie, so. Man Bites Dog.

    Oh, it's a great.

    Matt Slayer Man. I rewatched again recently. That movie is super does not age well, like for it's not supposed to be politically correct in any way, shape or form. But boy, for a serial killer, the main character is very repugnant.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. I mean, like, you're supposed to hate the guy. You're supposed to pretty much, like, hate everything that he does and is just like.

    Yeah, it is bad.

    Max from Dilgo And like, even like.

    The, the little drink, the, you know, they make like the particular gory like it's.

    Max from Dilgo From, like, a real, like, game, like horror, like story that happened back in France like, like in the eighties or something like that.

    Like, yeah, it was like a little kid.

    Max from Dilgo They get, like, murdered and like, they found him, like, in the river in like a bag or something, and it was like that huge, like, thing.

    Matt Slayer I had no idea.

    Yeah, it is a real thing.

    Max from Dilgo And in that movie, yeah, they make a joke about, like, having, like, a little guy go, like.

    On the screen and you put him in your drink and when you, like, comes back up or whatever, like.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. It's a real thing. Oh, I know. It's even darker than you can imagine.

    Matt Slayer Like, it's still a good movie, but, boy, I had no idea that that was a real thing in France. That actually. Wow.

    Wow. Well, there you go. So now rewatch it like it's.

    Matt Slayer I mean, they show is educational occasionally. Occasionally happens that's fucking wild. But yeah, no, I, I saw that movie on VHS in the nineties, like, subtitled, and I'm like, oh, this one was really cool. So I have the poster and it's often a conversation starter would be like, What's that movie about? Oh, you've never. Never heard of Man Bites Dog.

    Matt Slayer Oh, and then I expose people to it.

    Yeah. And then they don't talk to you anymore.

    Matt Slayer So be it. If they're they're going to unfriendly in real life over art that I didn't even make.

    Yeah, but there's like a couple that like really.

    Max from Dilgo Good from, you know, like that.

    Time where like.

    Max from Dilgo Like small kind of like in the deal maker and they're reading and you give a shit about like, you know, whether we're doing enough to be like, this is a piece of art.

    And like, take it like.

    Max from Dilgo Like when they are really like and I cannot.

    Find like, any like.

    Max from Dilgo Thing here to like show like people that I know or even my girlfriend or what is called like, Doberman and yeah, you should just like.

    Check it out if you can try to like find it as well.

    Max from Dilgo It's like kind of like police fucked up, you know, like thing and is.

    Really where you get like called.

    Matt Slayer Doberman.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. Doberman.

    Matt Slayer I'm going to check somewhere see if they have it.

    In the like some.

    Case it'll and like taking care of you own like.

    Max from Dilgo A bunch of.

    Like famous like French actor that probably never heard of it.

    Here there's.

    Matt Slayer A specialty movie store on the West Side called Cinephile. And they have supposedly just an insane, but they don't unfortunately you can't because.

    Max from Dilgo Like the man by dog like in Francisco, like.

    Italy, they put you.

    Max from Dilgo Means like it happened.

    Close to home. Yeah, something like that.

    Matt Slayer So it could happen here.


    Matt Slayer Yeah. It's subtitled in that in the US. Really?

    Max from Dilgo So, yeah, like that that movie may have.

    Like a completely different name that like, you know, going to find.

    Matt Slayer Because we have to Americanize it for some reason.

    Well, we do that too.

    Max from Dilgo So like, don't worry about it.

    Matt Slayer I'm sure everyone does it for locality like because you know, especially if the tells like a colloquialism like people won't get it a little bit. What the hell's that mean? Well, I'm sure plenty of people in America were like, what is meant by dogma?

    Yeah, well, it's not worse than.

    Max from Dilgo Like French-Canadian movies. Because they change like they take like the American version and they try to make like a French version of the.

    Title, which sounds weird. Like Pulp Fiction is going to be like fix papers and it's like.

    Max from Dilgo Even in France, it doesn't sound right like you should not.

    Do that.

    Max from Dilgo So sorry. Like there's like an 80.

    Canadian listening, but.

    Yeah, stop like.

    Matt Slayer Well, from what I've been told, like, French, Canadian, Canadian French is like a much more like formal French. And someone described to me like if French stopped evolving in like the 1800s or something.

    Yeah. And they used like kind of like the same words as well, but they have different meanings. So like sometimes you can be in.

    Max from Dilgo A conversation and you talk to somebody.

    And like.

    Max from Dilgo You'll get offended because you say something.

    And like, like.

    Max from Dilgo For example, there's like a word that's like ligase, which means like in French means like kids.

    And in French Canadian that means your balls.

    Oh. Like, you know, you're getting in trouble, like, really quickly.

    Matt Slayer I get it. I mean, there's plenty of differences between the various English speakers around the world and the Brits throw around cunts like it's going out of style. And many, many, many, many American women get very offended by that. Word.

    I don't. But I love that word, though.

    Max from Dilgo Like, it just sounds right. Like it's like the the can't like for me, like we have like a French version is called like Peter and like that is like I'll fuck like you just like put that like just there's like.

    An exclamation point, like pretty much everywhere or just like.

    Max from Dilgo Say something. You just like get like a little.

    Bit in there.

    Max from Dilgo Like, it just makes everything.

    Like, smoother.

    Max from Dilgo And actually, even my girlfriend wishes she's American and she just use it all the time. Now, and like even like when she curses in at work or whatever, that's like the first thing that.

    Comes out of her mouth. I is like pretty proud of that. Like.

    Matt Slayer You've been a bad influence.

    Max from Dilgo That's great in France.

    I mean.

    Max from Dilgo It sounds right.

    Matt Slayer Like she bilingual or.

    Oh, no. She, like, learns like a little like she's.

    Max from Dilgo Much better than like I think she should be because, like, I don't really like teacher like French, but like, every time when my parent comes in and she's like, you know, like.

    Understands like pretty much everything and stuff. So, yeah, she's.

    Max from Dilgo Like, she's really good without even, like, trying. I try to make sure like some like old French movies and, like, stuff like, like.

    With mixed success because, like.

    Max from Dilgo I grew up with them and we have like a totally different type of, like, humor. So, like, yeah, sometimes she doesn't get it or like some stuff on, like, way too old to just be.

    Like even good by, like, today's standards.

    But like as classics.

    Matt Slayer I mean, there's plenty of American classics that don't hold up either. Yeah, plenty of things like, oh, yeesh, that I don't get why that was funny. I mean, at the time I was doing some comedies were like, I left my ass off at the time, and now it's just like.


    Matt Slayer Not so great.

    Yeah, well, for me, like, a lot of them, they're still.

    Max from Dilgo Funny, but it's just like, it does not.

    Translate, like, properly, like.

    Max from Dilgo So that's like, the hard part. Like, during the regular French primary, everything is like, a lot of is like based on like, you know, like puns and play on.

    Words and like stuff like that.

    You can translate that like, right.

    Matt Slayer And especially if it's you're doing subtitles, like, completely lost.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. And sometimes they do try to like, um.

    Matt Slayer Phonetically put it on screen.

    Or l just like.

    Max from Dilgo Translate and like, you know, like, bring it to like the audience that is supposed to like watch. I think like.

    With this like 117, it's like, uh, like Jean Dujardin jour now like.

    Max from Dilgo You know, like the guy who won.

    The Oscar for the artist.

    Max from Dilgo Like, he made that like series of movies which are like a spoof on like James Bond, even if actually just came before James Bond. So I was like your original kind of like, spy like stuff. It's like a really, like, old friend, super racist and but just like Yalla, you play with that kind of like, colonial, kind of like humor and stuff and that kind of like separation between like, yeah, it is fucked up but it works like rain in, like, the movie and like, and they do, like, really great, like, you know, like, I guess like translation or like.

    L mix.

    Max from Dilgo That you make it like appeal to like the American audience.

    Like, so he works, right?

    Max from Dilgo You should watch that one. Like, the first one is really funny.

    Matt Slayer I'll check it out. I'll check it out and I'm all I'm a bit of a cinephile, so I'm, I'm always done to check some of that like and I try to find even the movies I don't necessarily enjoy. I try to find something that like reading about like there's some movies like. Yeah, that really wasn't my thing. But like it was shot beautifully.

    Or then when I say like, that one is like shot.

    Max from Dilgo Beautifully, but just like, it's like a perfect kind of like encapsulation of like, Yeah, like, kind of like the humor and like what France.

    Was like way back then and like, now you, like, watch it with, like, a modern nine, you know, like.

    Yeah, like, the stuff that we're saying, like, back then or whatever was like, really fucked up.

    Matt Slayer But that's the thing. I'm very much of the opinion that things that were our thought are now that were done back then, we should not go back and correct them. We should just understand that it was a different fucking time and that was socially acceptable at the time. Like the idea of people. There's been talk about going back and like editing American classics to take out the offensive shit.

    Matt Slayer So like now that was, that was the art at the time. You need to understand, like, times are fucking different.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. And like you grow from that. Like, you see like.

    Yeah, what was wrong and.

    Max from Dilgo Whatever and just.

    Like go from there.

    Matt Slayer And we did not wake up and arrive right here. There were steps to get here and that art was part of it. And we need to acknowledge that and go, Okay, that's fucked up. Let's not do it again. Yeah. Speaking of French history, are you going to make a Charles de Gaulle toy?

    He was really tall, so could be. But now the whole.

    Matt Slayer Whole world leaders line. You can make a Churchill that's like shaped like a.

    Well, I can. I was thinking, like.

    Max from Dilgo I could make, like, a little, like Trump, like, super, like orange and, like, teeny.

    Tiny. But I'm like, yeah, I'm going to do that.

    Matt Slayer I mean, you could you'll get some press.

    Yeah, probably. But.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, I don't want to deal with that.


    Salt Lake people, because people will just be like.

    Max from Dilgo We didn't, like, not get it and all they're trying to, like, get to.

    Like, the political and like, we tried to keep.

    Max from Dilgo Like, in our, like, line.


    Matt Slayer That's why you got to go with historical figures. They'll go with de Gaulle, go Churchill, don't go with Hitler. Don't don't, you know, don't make a Hitler. No, don't do that one. But you can go with other like, you know, classic world leaders.

    Yeah, well, see, maybe in like a few.

    Max from Dilgo Years when I'm, like, completely top down on, like, all the apps and, like, stuff that I can try to.

    Parody, but it'll it'll take.

    A while. I think I'll.

    Matt Slayer Just be hilarious, too, you know, arrive in Paris with the Charles de Gaulle at Charles de Gaulle.

    Yeah. I'm not sure if people will, like, get it.

    Matt Slayer Like, yeah, I can lead a horse to water. It could. You could try.

    Max from Dilgo Maybe there's, like, a little, like, voice, but voice books in it and like, you know, when you use it, it's like.

    She was a complete.

    Matt Slayer You can make a Fidel Castro with a big beard on it.

    It's infinite, like, giving me so many ideas. Like.

    Max from Dilgo Even funny, like, I just started like three lines and like, every time you, like, talk to.

    People, oh, you should do this and that. And then I'm like, okay, I'm trying to focus and, like.

    I can't.

    Matt Slayer Take everything. I'm just with a grain of salt. I'm not going to be upset if you don't go with a single one of them.

    Yeah, maybe not.

    Max from Dilgo But if I do.

    You'll be the first, you know? Awesome.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. Come on. Put a little voice box on. There's, like, revolt revolution.

    Max from Dilgo And they.

    Cut his head off.

    Matt Slayer Everybody's got.

    Yeah. I mean, a guillotine. Yeah, like as like a stand or something. All right, then we're on to something there.


    I mean, you know, like, French will, like, super into food as well. So I made.

    Max from Dilgo Like, a line based on, like, food, desert and, like, stuff, right? So I got, like, one.

    That's like a.

    Chocolate éclair.

    Max from Dilgo Would like the whipped cream and the bottom and, like, it's.

    Like, fairly smallish. Like one.

    Matt Slayer That's definitely one that is a squirt.

    Making everything squirt. Like, that's more work for me.

    Matt Slayer I mean, you're making more work for me in post. I'm just trying to move forward for you.

    OK, so you want more work?

    Matt Slayer Oh, here we go.

    This one is.

    Max from Dilgo The.

    Gingerbread mainly. So it's I love for, like, dessert and, like, everything, like, sweet and everything.

    Max from Dilgo So we're just trying to, like, take that to, like, like a fun gallery. More playful line than, like, the horror and whatever.

    Just like a little, little thing for, like, everybody. And actually, that one was like.

    Max from Dilgo Well, like the design that I like the most.

    Because, like, it's, like, ridiculous.

    Max from Dilgo It just look like a gingerbread man cookie. We have, like, pecking some meat.

    That we're saying, like, talking to people on.

    Twitter, like.

    Holy crap. Like this one is not for like.

    Max from Dilgo Vegans goes like.

    Is pecking.

    Matt Slayer I don't think you can stand up on his own etiquette. I mean, stand, stand how is your weight over there? Well.

    But yeah. So that one is like on the like the more like cutesy like lion just like.

    Max from Dilgo And like friendly stuff and whatever. And like they tend to be like a bit smaller than like these other like nine inches one.

    And like so we have like that one made like yeah. Like a chocolate éclair, which is like.

    Max from Dilgo I've never seen that like, you know, in like a toy and stuff.

    Matt Slayer Right? Yeah. Food, stuff like that.

    Yeah. Because like, people.

    Max from Dilgo They, they make like a lot of like, you know, veggies and they just like, you know, cast like, like a banana or like cucumber or like, um, where like that like purple thing. Like the, like the.

    Emoji. One of.

    Matt Slayer Eggplant.


    Yes. And yeah. And like, like, to me, it just like.

    Max from Dilgo Feels like like a bit lazy, like, you can do, like, so much better. So on, like, trying to, like, think of, like.

    Out of the box and what can we do with, like.

    Matt Slayer Foodstuffs so you can make a double sided croissant if you made a big double sided. Yeah.

    Like the problem like.

    Max from Dilgo Stuff that.

    Like double.

    Max from Dilgo Sided and stuff like is just I want your like a base. You not make sure.

    To get like barely.

    Max from Dilgo Used and get lost somehow.

    Whatever. So yelling those ones.

    Max from Dilgo I'm like not sure.

    Matt Slayer I mean I'm talking like a big was.

    A big one.

    Matt Slayer I because you can have something that like the double sided like people are too close to each other. There's no nothing to hold on to do the work.

    But you know it's a good idea maybe a really big reason because I try to like, you know, keep them as like the relative size of like the food that's like parroting. So yeah, like.

    Max from Dilgo We have like a big something like that.

    That they would like.

    Look at the well, why not?

    Matt Slayer Why not? One wants to put it inside them.

    Max from Dilgo So, yeah, so we get like an ice cream as well. We like as.

    Well like that.

    Max from Dilgo Bring in is like and it's like pre common with their like.

    I've seen like some like ice cream was like done over there but.

    Now still like that and.

    Max from Dilgo That's for our love for like self-serve you can find like pretty much like everywhere like down in L.A and.

    We're like.

    Max from Dilgo Almost eat that like every week. So like after you like pay.

    Tribute to it.

    Matt Slayer Like somehow this is just wild like this hilarious. Like.

    Yeah. So I didn't.

    Max from Dilgo Bring like the like the banana for scale, but like.

    Matt Slayer We got the like bottle. It, it, it works.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. But like, so I sculpted and three printed like banana with like the head of like an actual like and like sculpted like penis on it and that we use as like our like scale for like every like project like if people know kind of like the cycle collectibles, like they use like an apple as like the base to like show how big everything is.

    Max from Dilgo So when we made.

    That one just to like shows like.

    This is it is based on like, you know, like a standard banana that you can find.

    Max from Dilgo On your grocery store. And that's what the toilets like next to it and yeah, like as soon as we like released it like people were just asking for it. So that's like the next model less.

    Coming like at you like work on the base, you just make it usable and not like get lost like somehow and be able to like cast it like.

    Properly. So should be fun.

    Matt Slayer We got to find some models for you to, you know, test this stuff out.

    Like I said, like infinite, like stuff that I want to do and try and like, like corn on the cob like. Yeah, I don't.

    Max from Dilgo If it's like.

    Corn. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Unfortunate that you didn't have your corn on the cob done already. It's about to be the 4th of July. Nothing is more Americana than like, grilling and corn on the cob. I know.

    I'm like, super.

    Max from Dilgo Behind leg my schedule and like, releasing.

    Like, just like the company in, like, general, like, I was planning on.

    Max from Dilgo Like, doing all that for like, like the last holidays.

    Matt Slayer Because, you know, for the fourth, you could have easily had a corn on the cob and a hot dog.

    Yeah, I sculpted like a hotdog already. Like, it's.

    Max from Dilgo In the works, but I'm trying to, like, find the right way.

    Of, like, making, like.

    Max from Dilgo Feel funny, but not just.

    Look like it looks like a hotdog.

    Matt Slayer Well, you got to have it attached to the bun. You can't just have the hot. Oh, yeah. The bun there. And then you could use, like, the condiments as ridges.

    Well, I was thinking like.

    Max from Dilgo So one though, we going to have as well as like our first, like, grinder.


    Max from Dilgo Like is the banana milkshake because like, you can have like another bean enemy trick.

    Matt Slayer Banana split.

    Max from Dilgo Banana split. Yeah. So I have like great texture on like both sides and like wrinkles and whatever. Like, that should be like feel good and look like putty gun and like pretty funny looking as well. So yeah, like that.

    One could be a grinder as well. Like the, like the for the corn one, I was.

    Max from Dilgo Like maybe thinking like the base could be just like popcorn this like, you know, like exploded but kind of like in the shape of like a spaceship.

    You know, like the, you know, like the like taking off.

    Max from Dilgo So you have like the popcorn is like white the, the base that kind of like goes and then you have all the nice nice picture on that. Like.

    Just try.

    Max from Dilgo To find something that you'll be more creative than just having.

    Like that like that. That's kind of my goal is just like having fun with like the design and just try to like.

    Max from Dilgo Bring as much leg witness as I can.

    Matt Slayer With all your sculpting skills, like, what was the initial I'ma do sex toys.

    So you actually kind of.

    Max from Dilgo Started way back then like when I was in school, like, like learning all those like programs like sculpting, like you brush and my and whatever. Like, yeah, like one of the thing that like most do the world like doing in the.

    Class was just like making a dick.

    Like straight and simple. It goes like it's get a lot of details and like, so, so it's kind of like.

    Max from Dilgo A good, like, base and we're like, super juvenile, stupid.

    Like, humor and stuff. So we're like.

    I'm going to make a dick so that's.

    Max from Dilgo How it started. And then like, we were like talking more about it. And then I was like, you know what? I'm like, really kind of like sick of like, the game industry and everything. Like, what can I do? What I can have, like, back the kind of like, feel of just, like, being careless and just, like, making making stuff just for fun and not trying to, like, please, like somebody, like, specifically or just, like, make somebody else, like, design and whatever.

    And be like, OK, yeah, I was.

    Max from Dilgo Just going to make that and like, try to make.

    The best ones that I can think of and like.

    Like, like, to me.

    Max from Dilgo Like, I don't think I even, like, clicked yet that they're like sex toys. Like, to me, they're like sculptors and like, I still have my, like, skull.

    You know, like brain.

    Max from Dilgo Or just be like, those are like display items and like, yeah, they're not like dicks or anything and just like something that you spend time to just, like, try to sculpt and just, like, see like the forms in the shape and just like something like, interesting. So it's probably my ADHD or like trying to like, push and find like something interesting and like pretty much everything that I tried to, like, do so.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, that's like get my idea or just be like, I'm good at sculpting. I'm just going to go for it and like try to make like the big, like, stories that.

    Like people I've seen.

    Matt Slayer That's awesome. And hopefully people will start buying them and using them on the, you know, various sites and only ten streams and can go to town on them. Like, I'm sure someone taking on the hunk would be big money.

    Yeah, hopefully. I mean.

    Max from Dilgo That's why I'm doing it. Is this be like, yeah, that's like, I think it's going to connect like when like I see somebody actually using in, in like a family.

    That is, that's my work like because yeah, it's more, much more.

    Max from Dilgo Like personal than like any games that I worked on. Well, like, yeah, you see like people.

    Play and stuff. I was like, oh, it's cool. You have like.

    Max from Dilgo 15 minutes of like glory when the reviews are coming in and they're just like feeds on and that is like much more like you know, like personal, like, even if it's like my little, like, stupid project, like, it is not like stupid for me. It's really like I put in like all my like sense of humor and like even like the videos, like, I try to like put as much like value as I can, like video editing and like sound designs and all that kind of stuff.

    Max from Dilgo Like, even like the boxes we try to like make something like a little bit special. So like is really like me trying to like give my best for like something which was like extremely stressful when we released like.

    Goals like.

    Oh shit. Like what if like.


    Max from Dilgo Hated it and then like whatever, like that was much more like personal than like anything that I've done, like.

    Matt Slayer Right, because of a game that you're on fails. It's the whole team that fails. It's not just you.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. And like most of the time, like the decision you know, they're not yours. You just be like.

    Okay, you won this this.

    Max from Dilgo Way. I'm like doing the producer.

    Matt Slayer The director made a horrible choice or like, I was just doing it all this fails. This is all you.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. We actually had, like, some conversation with, like, one of my former bosses. Like, like, he was asking me, like, one game that I worked on, like, miserably fail.

    Like, it was, like, awful and like.

    Max from Dilgo Like, everybody was depressed at the studio, kind of.

    Thing and be like.

    Oh, like, what's going to happen? And, like, and stuff.

    Max from Dilgo So, like, one day he came to, like, talk to me. I was like, so what do you think about the review?

    And I'm like.

    Max from Dilgo I'm fucking happy that, like, it bombed because, like, we've been telling, like, all the heart, the art team was telling you that, like, that was a bad decision that you listen to like an ear executive kid. They played it for like 15 minutes and like because it was kind.

    Of a cartoony. He was like, Oh, but this game is for make like your brother. So they.

    Max from Dilgo Changed like the whole art style and everything and just turn into like that generic group of.

    Like garbage.

    Max from Dilgo And we'll like, oh, like I'm happy the game thing because like, you didn't listen to your team. You didn't trusted like anybody that was like giving a shit.

    About your game.

    Max from Dilgo And so this is what it is. Maybe like you had to learn the hard way, but like, not my problem. I still did my job. I did like the best that I could, but like, yeah, there's like a big like, trust.

    Like, thing that.

    Has to happen.

    Matt Slayer Well, art, like, there's supposed to be a collaborative process, but I feel like in gaming, correct me if I'm wrong, it's not often actually a collaborative process.

    Yeah, not much.

    Max from Dilgo It's just like, there's like big voices, like, over it and just be like.

    I want this.

    Max from Dilgo Like, no matter what. And if you try to, like, bring like some new ideas or.

    Whatever, like, people don't actually listen or like.

    Max from Dilgo Like it was like seeing it being out of the show like, yeah, it's just people take credit for like the work that you do and like you go into a radio station session and like people are like.

    Oh, I did this. And you're like, like, I worked on this for like.

    Max from Dilgo Three months and then like, the guy just, like, took it finish like something and be like, this is mine. And like, that's kind of like pissing me off as well. Like, even in, like, portfolios and stuff. Like, there's like, so many people involved into like making just like a one thing, like in a game, like, especially nowadays when like there's like 3D scans and there's like most of it is like done like outsourcing like Malaysia.

    Or China or like tons of like, you know.

    Max from Dilgo Offshore companies. And yeah, there's.

    Like 50 people that.

    Max from Dilgo Touch your asset and then like people because they are like at the final line of like the studio, they're just like claiming that like they did this and I'm like.

    No, that's fucked up. Like there's like 20.

    Max from Dilgo Person they like did that face before you even touch it and you just grabbed it, put in the game and now it's like you're claiming a yours that you made it. It's like no one is like a scan. You didn't sculpt anything, you just like cleaned it up. It's like super common.

    And there it pissed me.

    Max from Dilgo Off because like, kids like getting into the industry as well and they see this and you're like.

    Oh my God, that guy is like a God is because he can do those characters. Like, no, like, he's just one little part of like.

    Max from Dilgo The big machine. And yeah, they, they get wrapped into that as well.

    And like, it's like unfair for like a.

    Lot of people know, like.

    Max from Dilgo Working and.

    Matt Slayer You put time, effort, energy into this and like, oh, cool. Well, fuck me then call Persia. Like, that's bullshit.

    Max from Dilgo And sometimes.

    It's like companies just like can project for like.

    Max from Dilgo Because they can, you know, like, well, like the last studios I was like working at, I got hired to lay a work on like a new IP.

    And it's like I was a bit skeptical.

    Max from Dilgo Because it's like brand.

    New studio and like everything is like, okay, I might be like.

    Max from Dilgo Fun just to like bring something new to the table. And I was like, but because you guys are like new, like.

    Are we going to ship? Which is like, you know, like a big.

    Max from Dilgo Risk of like trying to go into like a small companies new studio and stuff. And again, it's like.


    Max from Dilgo Finally we have like backups of like whatever.

    And like.

    Max from Dilgo 10% is behind. Like, they really want to have like, like a presence in like the Western, whatever, like game world and like stuff. So like you guys are good, like you can make like whatever you want and we're going to ship it no matter what. I worked on that for like three months and then can of project like.


    Max from Dilgo Even giving it a shot. I was like cool things, guys like my way. You sold me when I had like an interview and everything, it was like bull bullshit. And even at the end when they left, like.

    The guy was like later on.

    Max from Dilgo Dude was like, so would you recommend the company? I was like.

    Fuck no. Like you just told me like we're like safe and we're going to be able to, like, ship a game and try to do something.

    Max from Dilgo Different and you just, you know, even try and you just can. And then, like, people moved and like, everything.

    Like that, like, you cannot.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. Because like, a lot of times you have to, like, change, like, location and everything. So just like.

    A lot.

    Max from Dilgo Of like, pressure and just like thinking just you like change like companies and like stuff.

    And yeah, they don't read your shit. So I.

    Max from Dilgo Was like.

    Getting tired.

    Max from Dilgo Of that and of like being like a little upon.

    Matt Slayer Having to look for your next gig, like soon just started getting shit like that.

    Yeah, not that much because usually like now you still.

    Max from Dilgo Want to try to like ship a game to get like the credits and like stuff like, and if.

    You get the credit because like again.

    Max from Dilgo At like some companies I worked at, I left before like the game actually ship than like my name was not even like in the credits, like that's bullshit. And it just like do that all the time all over like a special thanks like section and be like, well, that guy is there, but you don't really know what you worked on and like some guy is like.

    Matt Slayer I mean, this is the exact reason that like the WGA and SAG-AFTRA exist is like make sure people get fucking credit on films and shit like that. And that's why it's so. While that the gaming industry is like not really unionized, like a lot of the voice actors are starting to be, but like, nobody else.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. No, like, yeah, I do not get away. Like, the game industry is not unionized.

    Like in any way because like, we're getting like fought like left and right.

    Max from Dilgo With like overtime and stuff and it's kind of like the industry, like standard, like a lot of companies, they actually.

    Strike on that, like because it's part of who they are and in.

    Matt Slayer Crunch time.

    Yeah, like and people are.

    Max from Dilgo Excited about crunching and giving their lives away and like stuff. I'm like.

    How miserable are you that like, like your job.

    Max from Dilgo Is more important than like family time and like, everything, like, it's crazy, but.

    Matt Slayer Especially if it can be taken away as easily as you're saying, like, I could understand killing yourself for your passion project, but the idea of like, oh, I'm killing myself for someone else's mediocre project, and I may not even get anything financial compensation for it. And not even proper financial compensation for it. That sucks.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. Like, again, like, well, like the big brother that I worked on. Like, I did some math and.

    Whatever and like, yeah, we had like a.

    Max from Dilgo Bonus at the end when we shipped and everything, but that was not even covering like the overtime that we did. So I was like I get like semi alcoholic by the time and I get like fucked up carpal tunnel and like everything just for like barely paying my like wages. And we couldn't take like vacation during like the time and like everything go the labor thing is like always like blacked out like dates and like because we have to do this and like raise that.

    Max from Dilgo So it's like it's super not healthy.

    Like in like a lot of like well.

    Matt Slayer Unfortunately a lot of that is just American work culture. I mean, that's why back in the day, labor unions rose here because employers exploited the fuck out of workers here. I mean, I'm sure they did everywhere, but especially here. And that's why I like old school Hollywood that's also exist. That's why the WB exists, because old school Hollywood was really exploitive.


    Matt Slayer And hopefully gaming gets there at some point.

    Yeah. But like.

    Max from Dilgo I guess there's like so many people don't want.

    To get in.

    Max from Dilgo That, like, it doesn't really.


    Matt Slayer Like, but I mean, there was like that with movies and music, too. And yeah, they got there eventually.

    Yeah. I'm not sure there's like, you know.

    Max from Dilgo That many like new talent. Like, there's like so many like 3D school and stuff because like, people are like.

    Well, you know, you can make like good money.

    Max from Dilgo And stuff and like there's like thousands of like new like students and stuff like every year and like coming to, to work for. So like, well, even if they strictly just like throw like ten of them and a product and like you're good to go like another thing that's like super fucked up like that. I think like yelling not a lot of people are talking about is like how it's kind of like screening as well like the US.


    Max from Dilgo Because that like some buddies of mine that were like not hired like full time because they were like citizen. So there was no point for like the company to actually give them like benefits. So they were just like contracts and just be like you work on the game for like eight months.

    And then like you're gone and you don't have like.

    Max from Dilgo Like as good of a like a health.

    Insurance and like all the like the.

    Max from Dilgo Bonus all like gone and whatever. So they were like hiring like kind of like us, like foreign people and giving them visa on like a lower price because like.

    Hey, you know what? Like we're sponsoring your drink on it and we're doing like this visa for you.

    Max from Dilgo So like we pay less, but you have more security and then screwing up like all your, like, buddies that they're like, oh, but you don't need like stuff like they do. So like you have like a showdown of the stick as well. So it's like it's like super exploitive and like that.

    Matt Slayer We all should. I never even thought about that, like, because, you know, I go out for audio gigs and like an almost everyone like do need a sponsor to work in the sense. And I'm like, no. And I don't hear back from a bunch of them. I never even thought about that. Like, now they're specifically looking for people to sponsor so they can pay them.

    Matt Slayer Like, Wow, that's fucking wild.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. I mean, like, when I get hired, like, you're like for the very first time, I still had like three.

    Years of experience.

    Max from Dilgo Like working on, like, game companies. And friends and like stuff like that and like doing other gigs or like freelancing.

    And I.

    Max from Dilgo My entry rate like.


    Max from Dilgo Was lower than like a fresh out of school like person. But I was like, oh.

    My God, I was great. And like, I'm in the U.S. and everything. And like, I mean, it was still like a.

    Great like opportunity.

    Max from Dilgo And chance because like, it's a pain in the ass. I'm here and leg work and be sponsor and then everything because it takes like fucking forever.


    Max from Dilgo I got like that gig. I was hired like, um.

    I think in March or something.

    Max from Dilgo And then it took until, like, October. We've like all the lawyers and stuff to just secure my paperwork.

    And like come to the US and I would never, never be able to, like, do that on my own because like.

    Max from Dilgo You have to like, had like a pile of like papers like this big with like stuff that I did. And we even like Bullshitted like our way through.


    Max from Dilgo Stuff was like.

    Told a buddy is to be like, hey, I work for you for like six months. You just like.

    Max from Dilgo Bump my resume a little bit. But yeah, it's like an insane process and now it's even harder.

    Matt Slayer So this used to be a country were pretty much just like, you know, come to America. We will take you, we will take you. And now it's insanely hard. And what's also wild is if you're an uneducated American on paper, no where else in the world want you.

    Yeah. I don't really know how that works for like, the, um.

    Max from Dilgo Like exporting like Americans through, like France.

    Or like the.

    Matt Slayer European Union does not want Americans like lets you have a college degree, and you're going to be filling a job that can't be filled by a, you know, a national of that country.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. I mean, like in Europe, it's super easy to, like, hire anybody from Europe, like, and we have like tons of like, we cheaper, like, workforce from like, yeah. Eastern Europe and all that kind of stuff. So, like, they go for that like first for sure.

    Matt Slayer But even if like you want to try to go to Europe on like a work visa without a job lined up or an artist visa or shit like that, they're just like, you've got a college degree. No, sorry, we don't want we don't fucking want you.

    Well, let's kind of like the same like here. Like, like you I remember it was there's like a system of like points to like something I that works.

    Here and like so you have to have like.

    Max from Dilgo Experience and then like a school which was kind of funny because like the I did like three years of like three D specialty school in France.

    But it.

    Max from Dilgo Counted as.

    Like maybe one as like.

    Max from Dilgo Like the equivalent of like the U.S. once I was like, so I had to have like those like years of like school and then like on top of that, like three years of like experience through even like thing that you could just like.

    Get a job. Like.

    Max from Dilgo So it was like really complicated.

    Like, just to do that.

    Matt Slayer It's, it's absolutely crazy. It's like.

    Max from Dilgo But the price of schools in France are.

    So much better than like.

    Max from Dilgo In the U.S. Like, I would be like completely in depth like.

    Matt Slayer Most Americans that go to college.

    Max from Dilgo Ah, I know. It's like it's insane, like to tell you, like, I did like three years of like, like high schools, like.

    Yeah, whatever.

    Like studies.

    Max from Dilgo And I only had to do like a 15.

    Thousand euro loan to like do those three years.


    And that would be like.

    Max from Dilgo Like here for like the three school is like maybe like six.

    Months or something like and.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, I did like three years and I had like as good of.

    An education as like coming out of like school here.

    Matt Slayer So even like a state school with in-state tuition is going to cost you tens, you know, I don't even know what like I don't even know actually. I honestly don't even know how much like going to UCLA because if you're a California resident.

    Max from Dilgo And those ridiculous and my school was not like cheap.

    Like as well, which is like.

    Matt Slayer UCLA is actually not insane. The institution is only 13,000 a year so you know, 52,000 but still 52,000 for four years for a state school.

    Yeah. Three I guess.

    Matt Slayer 176,000 for artistic license like if you're trying to go to UCLA and you don't live in fucking California, that's the cost of a house. In some parts of America, you may not even end up working in your chosen field. I know so many people that have degrees that are not working in their chosen field.

    You know, it's like, that's insane.

    Max from Dilgo Like a buddy of mine. Like we had the exact same job and same age and everything and yeah, you couldn't like you were still paying is like student debt. And I was like.

    Dude, like I did that.

    Max from Dilgo Like, you know, within the first year of working, like just because like 15,000 like in comparison to like whatever you guys have to pay is like much, much, much easier and like.

    There's like still how help pay paid like.

    Max from Dilgo Not, not.

    Matt Slayer Scholarships.

    Or. Yeah, like government program.

    Max from Dilgo After like when you start to like work like they they were helping like paying like for like my rent for like oh, like.

    Two years or something like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, we ain't got that.

    Yeah, I think like my rent.

    Max from Dilgo Was like 550.

    Euros or whatever.

    Max from Dilgo And the government was paying like 250 for it like for like two years to just like help people get started in life, which was like amazing because like when you start starting, you don't have like that much money or like anything and you have to like pay like back your like student loans and stuff. Like, that's like a huge help like put like food on the table and everything.

    Matt Slayer That just doesn't happen here.

    Yeah, I know.

    Matt Slayer And good luck finding, you know, rent anywhere in the States for what five €50 will be like maybe 700 us. Seven, 800 US a month. Yeah. Well, good luck finding rent anywhere that you want to live for that kind of money.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. And I had like a sweet little like 15th century like apartment, like.

    Those like Green.

    Max from Dilgo Lake wolves there will be able to like people probably to get decapitated industry and.

    Stuff like that was gorgeous. Like.

    Matt Slayer The reason we're in France where you're after school.

    Uh, so I was in going over.

    Max from Dilgo Which is like New.

    Italy and Switzerland.

    Max from Dilgo What I always say is, like, pretty on the map there. And after school, I my first job was in Lyon.

    Um, it's like.

    Beautiful cities well.

    Max from Dilgo Like, now, like a couple hundred kilometers away, it.

    Only 70 miles.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, you have to do the breakdown. We're almost an American audience of people. Kilometers, water because for whatever reason, we're still on fucking miles pounds and.

    Well, but since I moved to.

    Max from Dilgo L.A., I switched to Lake Time.

    Because, you know, you don't.

    Max from Dilgo Count the lake or, like.

    San Diego is like.

    Max from Dilgo Our, like, hundred miles away or whatever is like, it takes.

    You, like, 3 hours or like six in traffic.

    Matt Slayer Or. Yeah. If you're like, yeah, Vegas is only like 207 miles, and it could be three and a half, 4 hours, or it could be 15.

    Yeah. So that's, that's generally how.

    Max from Dilgo I'll do all my distance. Traveling now is just like based on like, time and not, like, distance.

    It's a.

    Matt Slayer Solid move.

    Yeah. Then I went like a little bit in Belgium, but I'm fine, like small gig and like stuff.

    Max from Dilgo And then I move to like.

    Canada for like, uh.

    Max from Dilgo Like six months, like, because like Canada is kind of like the go to place when you're like French, like and you want to like, break into like the game industry because like Montreal especially, they still speak French and they speak like English as well as like a.

    Good like entry point of like, you know, like the American.

    Max from Dilgo Way of life and like everything. So I try to go there and actually I tricked, like, the first company that I worked at in the U.S. because they thought I.

    Was Canadian and like the.

    Max from Dilgo Visa is much easier to get. And you're like.

    Oh, yeah, you hire now, like, oh, fuck, you're French.

    But like.

    I had to do like tons.

    Max from Dilgo Of, like, other, like, paperwork and like everything about, oh, it's cheap.

    Enough that they kept, like, pushing.

    Max from Dilgo For it's like been lucky, like, that.

    Matt Slayer Good thing. They weren't like, oh, you're French. Fuck you then.

    Yeah, I know. I was like.

    I could have sued them.

    Maybe it would have been better.

    Matt Slayer Probably in the States. Why not? Like, at, well, employment, sorry. Or yeah, there was added costs that we didn't figure into your employment. Sorry, we're not hiring you.

    Yeah, no.

    Max from Dilgo I mean, I was like, freaking out for, like, the longest time because I was like, every day I was like.

    Thinking, like.

    They're going to pull the plug, like.

    Max from Dilgo Because then there was like six months. I'm like, I would not have waited six months. For me. It was like, to, like, come to your.

    Studio and be like this. Ridiculous.

    Matt Slayer Was California where you landed first or did you end up somewhere else in the States?

    Oh, yeah. No, California.

    Max from Dilgo I was like, since same move like you to us, that's like we're all I landed like and I did like a little bit of like stint like in the Bay Area.

    For like, uh, two years. And I had it.

    And then I came back, like, you were like because like, the girlfriend.

    Max from Dilgo Was, like, here. So I was like, was like a pain in the ass. You're just, like, gutted upwardly every, like, month and whatever and.

    Try to, like.

    Max from Dilgo Spend, like, a weekend and have, like, some fun.

    It was like, yeah, it was, like, painful.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, that's that sucks to make it work. Long distance is just garbage.

    Yeah. And I was.

    Max from Dilgo Not there long because, like, originally, girlfriend was from France.

    And that was long.

    Matt Slayer Oh, so you left a girlfriend in France when you came to.

    Yeah, but those legs kind of like they.

    Max from Dilgo Started as like, you know, like a small like three months.

    Like Calvin were like, oh.

    Let's try and whatever.

    Max from Dilgo And those kind of like, fun. At the beginning, I was like.

    Oh, we're going to see each other for, like, a vacation. And I.

    Was miserable. Like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I can imagine. Yeah, well, there are a bunch of jealousy issues. Was she worried about you doing shit in the States, or.

    Max from Dilgo I was worrying about her doing she's.

    Were you a little bit? I mean, like, I on a pretty chill guy and, like.

    Max from Dilgo I was like, fine with, like, the situation, like, and they knew that was like, going to see her again. So, like, I had, like, too much of like, oh, my God, I miss her. And, like, stuff.

    Like that, like, goes like.

    I don't need as much hugs. I guess I was like, she needed so like, I'm.

    Max from Dilgo Good, but yeah, I can understand. I was like, hard for, like, somebody that needs like more attention and that kind of stuff because like, Skype and like, shit can only do so much.

    Matt Slayer You're just, I mean, you're just not there. I mean, at the end of the day, our relationship is about being, like, there for the person.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah. And I mean, like, even for me, it was miserable because like, like the, the time difference in France was like 9 hours. So, like, I was waiting for her to just, like, wake up so we can talk. So I.

    Was like, you know, like, cannibalizing my whole day. I'll just, like.

    Max from Dilgo Be able to, like, talk to somebody and, like, so, yeah, I didn't really.

    Had a, like, real life, like, until, like, yelling. We broke up. And then I was like.

    Oh, shit. Like, I can actually go to the beach and, like, do some cool stuff that, like, California is offering, like.

    Matt Slayer To break up with her. She broke up with you?

    She did I was sad.

    Matt Slayer That she just wasn't getting enough attention or.

    Yeah. I was just like, yeah, she needed.

    Max from Dilgo Like.

    Somebody there like, I mean, I was like.

    Okay, like.

    Max from Dilgo Now I'm like, much more like, emotionally detached.

    Like, maybe or whatever. So I was like, yeah, I was fine with the.

    Situation and she was not. So.

    Matt Slayer Did you ever given any thought of, like, going back to France for now?

    I mean, that would have been like a stupid move, like.

    Matt Slayer Well, I agree, but it doesn't mean that.

    I mean, I've thought about it, and I'm like, dude, I work so.

    Max from Dilgo Hard for, like, so many years to just be able to like, secure a visa and stuff. Like, if I go back for, like.

    That and like, something that know is.

    Max from Dilgo Probably not worth it. I mean, we're like fighting all the time, and she.

    It's all like, like, she was not the right one.

    Matt Slayer Like, obviously, like.


    Max from Dilgo Is, like, amazing. And those like.

    OK, yeah, that was.

    Max from Dilgo Like the like she did the right move, like you like, move away and everything. But yeah, no, I was like thinking about it.

    And I was like, I cannot leave all that behind because it.

    Max from Dilgo Looks like so much of, like, my time, my, like.

    Energy and like everything, like.

    Max from Dilgo To just, like.

    Give it up and.

    Max from Dilgo Maybe not have the opportunity to, like, come.

    Back and like, even, like, work again.

    Matt Slayer Like, did she ever give any thought about trying to come to the States with you?

    Yeah, I mean, we were, like, talking about it, but.

    Max from Dilgo It's like a pain in the ass to, like, do like, the.

    Only way somebody like.

    Max from Dilgo Us would ever, like, work if they, if we got married because like, if, if she came and like, she would have been on like, just like because we're not married. Like, just like on a basic, like, tourism visa.

    You can do anything and like, yeah. So it's just like.

    Max from Dilgo It's awful for like both Marnie, like, she can come, but she cannot do shit. So she does get to stay home. I mean, it's like find you like play video games all day, but like.

    Yeah, like, so I had a friend who.

    Max from Dilgo Had like his girlfriend, same thing. Like, they got married like shotgun wedding in like Vegas, like real quick so she can, like, come but like, yeah, she, she couldn't really do anything.

    Like else or like.

    Max from Dilgo Just for, like, visa problems. Like, I went back to France to like talk to like some.

    Students and some like there's.

    Max from Dilgo Going to be a problem, like if you, like, have your girlfriend coming, like she literally cannot.

    Do anything like and she would.

    Matt Slayer Need to do anything legally. She yeah, definitely go sell drugs.

    She can.

    Max from Dilgo But now that was not the type of girl that.

    Would do that, like.

    Max from Dilgo Would get ripped off.

    Matt Slayer Don't want to marry a girl who's going to get ripped off as a drug dealer.

    Yeah. I mean.

    Max from Dilgo Like, do like the weed here is like on another level. They, we have like stuff.

    It's like not even funny, like.

    Matt Slayer As someone who's old enough to experience pre legal weed and legal weed like, yeah, the evolution has been wild.


    Max from Dilgo Especially in France. Like we like unless you knew some.


    Max from Dilgo That like, you know, like growing and stuff like at home.

    Like you get like we'll.

    Max from Dilgo Call like.


    Max from Dilgo Shit with little idiots like that, like paste this, like, cut with.

    Like whatever. That stuff is weak. It's like, like.

    Max from Dilgo Doesn't do anything.

    Matt Slayer She doesn't like getting weed from, like people smuggling it out of the Netherlands or something.

    Yeah. No, really, like, we had most of our stuff.

    Max from Dilgo Coming from.

    Like, north, like Africa. Like.

    Max from Dilgo But yeah, it's not the good stuff at all.

    Matt Slayer No, and that makes sense why everyone gets so fucking crazy in Amsterdam.


    Max from Dilgo I mean, you you go there just for, like, have fun and, like, stuff like. And there's like, one thing that I'm, like, kind of, like, regretting, because, like, when I was, like, in France, like, I never really traveled.

    There much.

    Max from Dilgo Even if, like, everything is, like, super close by.


    Max from Dilgo Like I was saying, like, with, like, the time and distance, like, it's like, completely different. Like, you go to, like, south of France for like, the big summer vacation. And it's only like to some that like but like 200 miles away.

    Yeah. And you do that once a year and like here like we go.

    Max from Dilgo Where my gut Rito in like San Diego, like sometimes just because like all our like fucking good and it's like let's go for like a weekend and yeah, like we've been traveling like we're more in like long distance and like I have friends that are like living like an hour away in France that like I only saw like.

    Once in a while because like.

    This where you for like.

    Matt Slayer And you guys have public transportation infrastructure to actually get around.

    Yeah. Like, but it's much more expensive. Like the, the freeway stuff is really bad like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, but you have trains on strike. Are they right now?

    Probably I mean, I don't know, but like, like, like the last time I went back to France, like if any of those like trains and everything that was like during like Christmas holiday time, I was like, fuck it, I'm.

    Max from Dilgo Renting a car because like I went from Paris to like back to my home. Like, I didn't did not wanted to use like the trains system and whatever because yeah, they always on strike when there's like.


    Max from Dilgo And like stuff like it is like it's awful. Like.

    I hate it like.

    Matt Slayer My, my only real experience with trains in Europe was going from like the Mediterranean coast and Spain up to Madrid and that was fine.

    Yeah. I mean, like short like stuff or.

    Max from Dilgo Even like city transportation is like amazing.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. Like I've taken the tube in London, I took the metro in Paris, I took whatever the subway system is in Madrid, and that was all fine. But like train trains going from Alicante to Madrid was all I've done in Europe. Yeah, I'm like, yeah, I took the subway in Munich also, and the trains and yeah, I took the trends in almost every European city.

    Well, good for you.

    Matt Slayer Because Uber's generally stuck there, and cabs try to take advantage of fucking foreign tourists.

    Oh yeah. And we.

    Max from Dilgo Had like, a big, like, cap strike or something because the other.

    Like, fuck Uber and like, everything like that, so.

    Matt Slayer Well, that's rightfully so. Fuck Uber. I mean, they're not a good company.

    Yeah, but the.

    Max from Dilgo Taxi are like shitty as well, so.

    Like, dead and full of people, like.

    Max from Dilgo Just like, be able to, like, summon a car on your phone and like, pick you up and like, everything is, like, much better than like.

    Matt Slayer Well, yeah, the end product ends up being better. Uber is a shitty predatory company.

    Yeah. I mean, I don't use them.


    Matt Slayer They are. They absolutely are. They're exploitive. They're really, I mean, both them and left or she comes if the fucking idiot cabs had just developed an app where they'd show up, when you call them, none of us would be in the situation now. Like, that's honest. People would have paid whatever for fucking cabs if they just showed up.

    Matt Slayer That was the biggest issue with cabs. Lives in the States was not only were they expensive they might not fucking show up when you called one.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, I never experienced that.

    Matt Slayer So you would call a cab, you'd have to call a dispatcher, talk to someone, order a cab, and then they might show up.

    Right. I'll take European transportation then.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. Fucking nightmare. There's a reason, like, everyone's like, Oh, I hit this button. Some asshole fucking prince shows up. Perfect. Europe does a lot of things better than the States.

    I mean, our cities are like, much more walkable.

    And, like, everything, like.

    I mean, I was like, of, like, comparing kind of like, Santa Monica to Lake Paris and.

    Max from Dilgo Like, stuff just like the.

    L.A. area and.

    Max from Dilgo Like. Yeah, like Santa Monica, just like.

    That part of town.

    Max from Dilgo Is as big as Paris.

    Matt Slayer Now. Paris to be better than that.

    Like interior, like when we call like yours. Paris, like.

    Max from Dilgo The Paris burse. Like center is teeny tiny.

    Like like everything is, like, super squished together.

    Max from Dilgo And, like, everything is not that big, like. And so, yeah, like, charity thing takes fucking forever to, like, go to point A to point B, like, you can walk like Paris and go like I mean, that's what we did, like last time when we went there, we barely use, like, the subway and like everything. And just like.

    Matt Slayer The one time I went I was there for a long layover, literally got out of the airport, took the Metro to somewhere near Notre Dame and just started walking and getting drunk and cafes and then made it back on the Metro, back to the airport, went to the Sky Lounge, took a shower, got on a plane.

    Well, next time, just spend a little more time.

    Matt Slayer I plan to at some point I plan to. But it was one of those things where, like, me and a buddy were flying to South Africa. So we took a like a 14 hour layover in Paris.

    I would recommend.

    Max from Dilgo You next time you go, there's like something called like the.

    Museum of Anatomy combines like the Anatomy Museum.

    Max from Dilgo And they have like tons of like, bones in like stuff like we were like super into bone. And it's like.

    Matt Slayer I'd love to see the catacombs, too.

    Max from Dilgo Yes. Like, OK, so this is that. But as kind of like a scientific display and it's just like a museum. We have like thousands of like articulated skeleton and like stuff like it is like gorgeous.

    And yeah, like I can't.

    Max from Dilgo Really describe it how like mind blowing it is because they have like just like dog species and it's like 20 of them and you can just like see all the differences and like stuff like that.

    Matt Slayer The evolution of them.

    And yeah, like, yeah, like.

    Max from Dilgo The same one, but like stuff like dating from like the 18th.

    Century and like stuff and like all those jars and stuff.

    It's like, yeah, I've never.

    Max from Dilgo Seen that like somewhere else. And even like the what they have like sections like the.

    Like Natural History Museum part.

    Max from Dilgo Which is like amazing as.

    Well because now you go to a museum of a museum because like the, the stuff that they have is so old that it still displays.

    Max from Dilgo Displayed as what they thought the scientific currency was. So they have like a best T-Rex. But he looks.

    Like Barney right?

    Max from Dilgo Because he's got like he's still like dragging on the ground and like everything. So it's like it's just like completely wrong body like puts you in kind of like that. Like mindset of like this is what they.


    Max from Dilgo Like it looked like and like everything. So it's just like super interesting to us to like see like the evolution of just like the scientific mind and like all that kind of stuff and like.

    Cowl, like bones.

    Max from Dilgo And like whatever, like, evolved.

    And like.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah is cool. And you can eat some really good stuff. Too.

    Matt Slayer So all the food I had in Paris for the one day, I was, I was real good.


    Matt Slayer And that is one thing the French do very well is fucking food.

    And pastry.

    Max from Dilgo Based rhythm. I mean, that's the stuff that I miss the most, like here. So I.

    Became kind of like a chef, like since I came over here because.

    Max from Dilgo I'm like, I kind.

    Of find like the.

    Max from Dilgo Food. So now I'm like spending like insane amount of money, try to make like the cakes they used to buy.

    For like, nothing. It's like the big, like, awesome treat for like, but they or.

    Max from Dilgo Whatever, they try to replicate that and like.

    I get a real.

    Mad as.

    Max from Dilgo Well and like re passionate. So it's.


    It's an interesting.

    Max from Dilgo Weekend, like most of the time.

    Matt Slayer What's your thoughts on American food, by the way?

    I mean, there's some good stuff.

    Matt Slayer Like now nothing comes to mind.

    Well, now there's like some like good like.

    Max from Dilgo Fusion and stuff that like I never try and actually.

    Like American food. I don't know if I would.

    Max from Dilgo Say like it's like the best or whatever, but here I discovered like.

    Korean barbecue.

    Max from Dilgo And I just, like, blew my mind.

    Matt Slayer Like, a Korean barbecue is absolutely fucking amazing. Yeah.

    So I don't know if it's like.

    Max from Dilgo You know, like we were asking, like, American food, but like, like something that I discovered in the U.S. that we don't have in France. And I was.

    Like, holy shit, Lu, like.

    Max from Dilgo Flavors that I never had. It's kind of like, yeah, like my new favorite, like, go to like, I don't like thing, like, all the sausages and stuff is just, like, ridiculous.

    Matt Slayer I want to go to Korea just to see what it's like in the, you know, actually in Korea.

    Very different.

    Matt Slayer But it's probably amazing. Like, I've been to Japan twice and like, I've definitely gone out for Japan, Jackie in Tokyo, and it's like, oh, this is different. But there's this phenomenal.

    Yeah, so yeah, like, for that.

    Max from Dilgo Like, there's like stuff in the yellow, they discovered like barbecue, like we went to Texas as well and like, yeah, like for like the American version of it is like awesome.

    Matt Slayer And the, the French have like something like barbecue.

    It's kind of funny. Because, like, we barbecue a.

    Max from Dilgo Lot, like doing summer and stuff, but like.

    We it's not like.

    Max from Dilgo Cure like a staple when you have to, you have to like the.

    Barbecue sauce and like stuff. We have our own.

    Max from Dilgo Like like herbs and like stuff, but there's not.

    Like real, like French.

    Style, like barbecue. I'm still trying to find like fucking ship that out and it's like a like sausages that are made.

    Max from Dilgo Of like porks and.

    Whatever they're like completely different.

    Max from Dilgo Than like anything that you can buy here. And I've never been able to, you know, like, replicate, like, the taste or just like find like a shop that does them like properly.

    Matt Slayer Not even like in Montreal or Montreal.

    They get like the.

    Max from Dilgo Poutine and it's pretty much.


    It's like good like drunk food late at night.

    Max from Dilgo Like coming back and it's like super cold. And they get that like weird, like cheesy.

    Matt Slayer Or proteins, amazing.

    I thought it was going to be better actually.

    Matt Slayer I so.

    It's good drunk.

    Matt Slayer Food. It is definitely good junk food. There used to be a couple of Bashar smokes put in like an actual smokes in Hollywood and like, oh, this, ah, this is actually Canadian poutine. I'm like, I've had better Putin in just American bars. This is weird. I mean, it wasn't bad, but I was just like, I don't know, the gravy just seemed a little off compared to like.


    Matt Slayer American, the American take I've had on it.

    Yeah. I mean, like for what it is like, you know, like gravy.

    Max from Dilgo And like curds and like fries or whatever. Like, we have like the fancier version in France, which was like much better, like the raclette.

    Kind of.

    Max from Dilgo Thing. And like, you can make it like here, like, super easily.

    Pretty cheap as well. Like, if you find like a like.

    Max from Dilgo Like a good like cheese like story, you can find like, like the like let cheese. All you need is just like some potatoes and like some French style.

    Like, uh, condition, uh, pickles, like, oh, like pickles and yeah, you go.

    Max from Dilgo With that and like a little like.

    Like prosciutto and all.

    Max from Dilgo Kind of like Italian like and like chocolate.

    Really kind of like thing. And it's like, it's gorgeous. Oh.

    Matt Slayer That sounds real good. I'm now very hungry. Yes.

    Like, a little.

    Salad on the side. Little, like white wine. Well, yeah. And I mean, like, kind of like the.

    Max from Dilgo Like, the thing that I enjoy, like, actually when I came to the U.S. is like, because my girlfriend, like, is like American. I'm making her discover, like, a lot of.

    Stuff because, like, I cook pretty well, like, I would say like a good chef and yeah, like, so, like, I try.

    Max from Dilgo On purpose to just, like, make her discover, like, stuff that she never had, like, before. And it's like amazing. Like, sometimes. Yeah, I make food and I just, like, look at her and just, like, see how she reacts and it's like, goes like fun. Just be like seeing her discovering new flavors and, like, stuff that she never had.

    Max from Dilgo Even if you can make it, like, here, like.

    Matt Slayer Fairly easily is our bread to sweet deal.

    The bread is awful. Like, the bread is not crunchy enough. Like, you know, like I always say like, you know, in Ratatouille when he like grabs it and then just like for three years and like cracks it This is correct. This is like the most.

    Max from Dilgo Like accurate depiction of like finding like a good bread like in a store, you know, you go for it.

    If you can hear like the crust, like crack and like everything this like it's going to be a good bread and can find it.

    Here like at all.

    Yeah, right. Shit. Well, if you wanted to put it in the oven, it's like, yeah, good enough, but. Yeah. I haven't find like anything but I'm like really, really.

    Max from Dilgo Picking on.

    Bread. So like, I'm like a.

    Max from Dilgo Bad, like, judgment. Not like anything like, even in France, like, most of brands are shit, like, they're like frozen.

    And whatever and I only find like one really.

    Max from Dilgo Great bakery that was like doing them like, like, perfectly like there.

    It's like, it's best of all, like an eat it, but it's not a best.

    It's ridiculous.

    And sort of fucks out so.

    Matt Slayer Well.

    I would just, just, just put it out there. Rosado I don't know. It doesn't make sense. Like, why.

    Matt Slayer I like, though, quite a bit. Thank you.

    I know some people like it and people, it, it it's fine.

    But why?

    Matt Slayer Because it's delicious.

    It's like one of the things I was like, I don't get it. Like, it should not.

    Max from Dilgo Taste, like, fermented, like spicy.

    Bread or something. Like.

    Matt Slayer I don't know. I like it. I like it quite a bit. It's mix. Really good French toast, which I what do they even call French toast in France? Do they make French toast in France?

    It's called toast.

    And now it's called actually a pump Audi. And most of the time you have to do it like old bread.

    Max from Dilgo That like, you know, has been kind of like stale and like, you know, see, when is getting like kind of like white.

    Like parts and whatnot.

    Max from Dilgo That's when you make like the French toast is like it's like old bread that you had leftover that kind of like dried out. And it's kind of like getting shittier.

    And I was like, well, you know what? I'm going to make it like smooth by like putting.

    Max from Dilgo Butter and milk and eggs and stuff, and now it's edible again.

    But yeah, it's like I think like like French.

    Max from Dilgo Toast here is like much like a bigger thing than like, we're back home like nobody eats like like.

    French toast, like just in a restaurant or like something.

    Matt Slayer We definitely do here because, I mean, it's not a giant pin in the estimate, but it is a bit of a pain in the estimation.

    Like okay, that's a pain in the ass.

    To make. I'm sorry for your culinary skills.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I'm pretty basic, but I. I make steaks for the most part.

    Max from Dilgo I mean, a good steak.


    I tried like dry steak like fairly recently.

    Matt Slayer To try it yourself.


    Max from Dilgo No, just like, went through, like, butcher shop and get one that was like Super Bowl and whatever.

    And it's like, okay, so that like, blew my mind, like.

    And the cuts are different than the cuts in France as well, which is like. Yeah, like a butcher shop.

    Max from Dilgo Was like one of the difference between like the two. Like, we don't do.

    Like butcher like the same way.

    Max from Dilgo Because I guess like the you know, because of like the mad cow disease and like stuff like they do not do T-bones.

    Really? Yeah, because like you cut like the.

    Max from Dilgo Spine or whatever like in half or leg the bones and so like the Emeril can like, like into like the actual meats or like you can ask like a butcher to just do that cut for you. If he's like good and you know him and.

    Matt Slayer You know the cow and.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, like pretty much just like know his.

    Name and like Social Security and like.

    Max from Dilgo Everything. And then you're good to go.

    But other than.

    Max from Dilgo That, like, yeah, like, you would not find that, like, at, like, a store or something.

    Matt Slayer So do they not do, like, filets in New York strips? Because that's the two sides of a T-Bone.

    Well, they might do it because.

    Matt Slayer They just kind of round the.

    Bone. Yeah, it's like separate, but like the the thing where you.

    Max from Dilgo Like, cut the bone in the middle. So it's like you have, like, the bone marrow in the steak, like, mm. That's like a big no no, like, so when my that came here and they had it and he has his, like, butcher and he's like, low, like.

    Oh, we don't do that here.

    Matt Slayer Well, and you want to do a porterhouse versus a T-Bone anyways.

    I'm a rib eye guy.

    Matt Slayer Well, if you're going to do that cut, I'm just saying because if it's a it the different, you know, the difference between a T-Bone and porterhouse, I'm not sure. So the difference, the only difference on a porterhouse is how much of the flesh is on one side like at certain percentage of if the floor is certain small, that's a T-Bone.

    Matt Slayer If it is lot X smile size large, which I couldn't tell you the numbers all the time. I know it's a porterhouse. Yeah. So you get more fillet with the.

    Max from Dilgo But yeah, I like my like.

    Just more fatty. Oh, yeah.

    Like, yeah, like.

    Matt Slayer The good marbled rib eye, like.

    Max from Dilgo Yeah, that's like my birthday gift.

    Like, now, like.

    Max from Dilgo Every time I like, we go there now and like spend like 70 bucks on like, just like a steak and it's like freak the fuck out for like an hour when I could get a home to not like mess it up and it's like.


    Matt Slayer So have you ever been down here, like, the steak houses where they do the big tomahawk ribeye with the giant ribbon of it?

    No, I feel like that kind of stuff is, like, generally gimmicky.

    Matt Slayer Often the steak houses, the dumb it's a little gimmicky, but they're really good steaks.

    Yeah, I don't like so far, I haven't really. Okay. Because again, like, I'm like foodie and, like, we cook, like, a lot at home and stuff. Like, I, I've been disappointed by, like, a lot of restaurants that I go to, especially a French restaurant here. Like, we went.

    Max from Dilgo To one and like, yeah, like the the waiter was like all, like, snarky and just be like, trying to, like, be French and but like, the food was disgusting. I was like.

    What is this? Like, I can do much better at home for like a third of the price or like.

    Max from Dilgo I spend most of my time, like, try to find, like, a recipe and just, like, do it at home and like try to own in and be like.

    All right, and now get, like, sense of pride in.

    Max from Dilgo Like, trying to, like, make something is like much more fun to.

    Matt Slayer Totally get it. Not I my culinary skills are just OK and I'm too busy to, like, really be I generally just very simple things for myself and I really should be better about it. But I'm not.

    Well, you shouldn't. I mean, one day like a thing is.

    Max from Dilgo Like one of my highlights of like my health, like our like.

    Journey or whatever.

    Max from Dilgo We're like a game company. And they had like a health screening thing and like, I did like the blood test and everything. They were like.

    What the fuck? Like, I was healthier than like, most of, like, like everybody at the company, cause.

    Max from Dilgo I was just, like, cooking everything myself.

    And I started eating like, a lot of vegetables and stuff and like, well, like, don't do takeout. And I just, like, make my own stuff. It was like, great. So, like, that's good to have that little, like.

    Max from Dilgo Approval of, like, all of the like doing was at.

    Least like, something good.

    Matt Slayer My blood probably looks like the gravy you put on poutine if you break me is what it is. But Max is actually about the time I got a call last call. We're going to get you out of here. We had this for 2 hours already, believe it or not.

    You know, it didn't feel like it.

    Matt Slayer Well, that's the goal. Where can my audience find you? Working with find the toys? Where can we find everything?

    Max from Dilgo All right, so you can.

    Find the toys on Etsy that come slash shop, slash Dell, go the algo, because.


    It's a deal. Go.

    Max from Dilgo They'll do, but not.

    Like, quite. They'll go. That's the name of the company. And we are like on Twitter as well at like, deal, go underscore toys and like.

    Max from Dilgo It's pretty much like it like. Yeah, like Instagram as well.

    Not much like following.

    Max from Dilgo But like Twitter is like where it's at like we we put like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. I can't imagine you can post all the toys on Instagram safely.

    Yeah. But like, Instagram is getting weird. Like we started and it's just like full of bots.

    Max from Dilgo Like, we have like weird dudes just be like, promote.

    This like here and there. So it's like we're thinking.

    Max from Dilgo Of just like giving up on in and like because the crowd and then like.

    The people that we talk.

    Max from Dilgo To, like, interact like the most are on Twitter. So yeah, like.

    Add the illegal toys on Twitter.

    Max from Dilgo That's like the place to be.

    Matt Slayer Hell yeah. Oh, yeah. And as always, you can find me at Matt Underscore and sort of Matt Lauer on Instagram, Madoff Insider on Facebook, Twitter dot TV slash Madoff and Slayer. You can find the patron where probably half this episode is going to end up because, boy, I don't know how much I'm going to have to censor for YouTube, but if you want to see the uncensored version go to pitch TRANSCOM slash Matt Slayer, support the show.

    Matt Slayer You can find the podcast. And now we're drawing on Twitter and now we try underscore indiscriminate until next week. Drink up, motherfuckers.