And Now We Drink Episode 258 with Kezia Slater

Joining the show is adult performer Kezia Slater. In LA for personal reasons, Kezia decided she needed good vibes and a little action. Kezia talks about the perks of her work in her personal life, DP preferences, and the safety of road head. Matt Slayer and Kezia move on to population density, climate change and the gentrification of Hollywood. Kezia talks about her hiking trips in the Andes and Argentina. She also covers how she started in sex work and the changes in the full service sex work industry, censorship in social media, and corporate influence over social media companies. Kezia discuses the struggle of meeting the ever increasing needs of the industry’s audience and how the influx of amateur performers effects pay and performer rights. Matt drops some legal knowledge and the two discuss the legality of adult films and brothels. The duo the talks about the risks of filming outside of California and New Hampshire, filming without permits and more on this weeks episode.

  • Matt Slayer Cause I. What the fuck's going on? Welcome.

    Kezia Slater Hi. Thanks for having me.

    Matt Slayer My pleasure. Got you a little snifter of whiskey there.

    Kezia Slater I appreciate it.

    Matt Slayer I will be the only one drinking on this podcast.

    Kezia Slater I'll be sniffing away, though.

    Matt Slayer You're more than welcome to solve. It evaporates. I need to pour more in there. No problem. As I am professionally bending a mike. 10 seconds into the fucking episode.

    Kezia Slater Even started drinking it.

    Matt Slayer No, no. Believe it or not, folks, not drinking all the fucking time. Perfectly sober. Now we're going to change that. Right this second.

    Kezia Slater Little does everyone know that you have, like, a camel back like, outside and just have, like, in your earphones, like a little whiskey thing.

    Matt Slayer See, I can't get away with those kind of shenanigans anymore. Like, we're on video if they got proof.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, if it was just audio you could get away with that so much.

    Matt Slayer I mean, they're not a sponsor any more, so I can tell the truth now. There was a liquor sponsor that was a sponsor of the show for quite some time that they hadn't sent me product in a while. And we were like, Oh, and we're drinking. And then I was drinking. Whatever the fuck I was drinking.

    Kezia Slater Oh, damn.

    Matt Slayer Once we got into video, I'm like, Well, unless you've got somebody more product, I can't be like, I'm drinking this.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, they shouldn't keep you loaded. Like, there's bottles in the bag type thing.

    Matt Slayer They're not a sponsor anymore, so. Well, it's a shame. It's a shame. It's a goddamn shame.

    Kezia Slater I love that. I took the plastic off my computer and was like, Oh, I don't want to make noise as I'm like ripping my hand.

    Matt Slayer Someone's into the air. Some I don't worry about.

    Kezia Slater Perfect.

    Matt Slayer The Velcro is coming off, folks.

    Kezia Slater Oh, shit. I don't have my nails done. And it's a nail typing, just doing quiet moments for the real freaks.

    Matt Slayer So have you been enjoying your time in L.A. so far?

    Kezia Slater Yes, I have been so much. Yeah. I think I'm, like, midway through my trip now.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. What? What all you've been doing since you got here?

    Kezia Slater Um, so I technically came down here for medical treatment. I'm getting, like, acupuncture stuff done every day that I'm here.

    Matt Slayer Isn't sex medical treatment?

    Kezia Slater Right. Well, I was just about to say it turned into that, and then I was like, well, I might as well film every day and, you know, really get the blood flowing and get all the warm energy that my doctor's talking about. I was like, OK, I need a I need to see some dicks. I need a fuck sympathy.

    Kezia Slater So.

    Matt Slayer I can't imagine any acupuncturist that's worth seeing being like, no, you shouldn't get laid.

    Kezia Slater Right? Exactly. I love telling my chiropractor like, I blew my back out this week. I'm like, Sorry, you're going to have the extra crack at a few votes, right?

    Matt Slayer Chiropractor, even blink.

    Kezia Slater I think the first time they were like, what? And I was like, and they're like, oh, OK. Oh, you're you're serious there? And I'm like, yeah, I think they thought I was just like, joking. Or something. And I'm like, oh, no. Just being honest with my doctor. No big deal.

    Matt Slayer Get your thyroid done. Ready? Like, fuckin put in some work.

    Kezia Slater Right. I even had to get my own theory going because I'm breaking my back out every weekend. Hmm.

    Matt Slayer All the worst problems they got.

    Kezia Slater The courier life. My bad.

    Matt Slayer So sore from all the sex I'm having.

    Kezia Slater Oh, I know. I'm always, like, adjusting my hips, and I'm like, God, I always like to keep my legs spread open. Fuck.

    Matt Slayer There's other positions you don't have.

    Kezia Slater I know, but people love that. It's like, everyone's favorite.

    Matt Slayer That's true with the viewing audience. I can't speak for the rest of your audience. Me, as a viewer of digital films, I do like to see female journals. I do.

    Kezia Slater And you get, like, all of the, like, beautiful bits you get the cute little face, get like their tits, get their little belly, everything, like.

    Matt Slayer Right.

    Kezia Slater So cute. Sorry. You can obviously tell I've just been, like, fucking babes the whole week because I'm like, that's all I can think of right now.

    Matt Slayer Oh, no. Oh, no. What? What a horrible, horrible life. Horrible things going through your mind. Just all reliving all these horrible moments, right? Oh, my.

    Kezia Slater God. Nightmares. I woke up this morning. First thing that came into my mind Filming yesterday, me pushing a dildo as another cock is going into her pussy. And both of us are just like fucking her. Yeah. And that was, like, my first thought. Waking up this morning, and I was like, this is the life as the dude.

    Matt Slayer That doesn't sound like it would be all that super comfortable.

    Kezia Slater That's what I thought. But he liked it, I think. Cool. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Not a hard day at the office for him, so.

    Kezia Slater No, not at all. Tying us up, you know, fucking.

    Matt Slayer It's just one of those things where it's like, I don't know. I'm in my personal life not into the idea of, like, deep and addictive being someone.

    Kezia Slater I was always wondering about that. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer I'm not here to shame anyone who's into that. Like, who wants to see it on film or anything like that. But it's not my cup of tea.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer And the idea of, like, I'm assuming probably silicone based toy.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, that one.

    Matt Slayer Yeah.

    Kezia Slater Rubbing against it was soft, though, so I think that's why I was even like, I can understand it. Like, it felt like skin, like, even. Yeah. So I've even like, met dudes that are like. I love the feeling of another dick and me like seven holes, but I'm not into dicks. And I'm like, that's hot, too. I love that everyone's into different things.

    Matt Slayer I think you're a denial by not being you the dicks. At that point. You're a little in denial.

    Kezia Slater You never know.

    Matt Slayer I mean, I'm not shaming you if you are. I think you just should be honest with yourself, bro.

    Kezia Slater Oh, no. Yeah, but I think though they were explaining it to me as they loved it, the extra stretching out of the pussy that that gave But yeah. So once they said that, I was like, oh, fuck, I get your fetish now, OK?

    Matt Slayer So, yeah, I want a pussy. A fucking grip.

    Kezia Slater All right. I know. I'm like that tighter and tighter. And, like.

    Matt Slayer I want to feel like, oh, shit. Can I pull out if I want to?

    Kezia Slater Right. Yeah, yeah, that's. I like to say that that's the problem that most people feel with me. Especially because, like, the more rounds I go, like, the tighter and tighter I get. It makes no sense, but I know it's the worse problem to have, though, right?

    Matt Slayer I know your partners must be so fucking upset about it.

    Kezia Slater I know, right? My husband's just busted loads all the time, and.

    Matt Slayer He's just like, I bet he. The minute you come home from work, he's just like, oh, yeah, you're primed to go. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater Definitely. Yeah. Or when like, he comes home from work, I'm just like, I'm wet. Ready to go. Let's just all night. Let's go.

    Matt Slayer Long day at the office on it here.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Yeah. I think the favorite nights, though, is probably when I pick him up from work and I'm already, like, naked or, like, dressed in almost nothing. I'm just like, yeah, we can start having fun now already.

    Matt Slayer Good problem to have. Like, I. Hey, you have to drive because I'm about to.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Or I'm like, I'll drive, and you can just have fun with me.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. I'm not sure I want to distract the driver that much.

    Kezia Slater OK, but what about so you wouldn't do road?

    Matt Slayer I mean, I have that.

    Kezia Slater OK, so I'm scared about that more than fingering, because if my mouth is down on some guy's dick, I don't see what he's like driving around in, too. And like, at least for me, a lot of the times, guys throw their heads back. So when I see them throw their heads back, I'm like, who's keeping an eye on the road?

    Kezia Slater What's happening.

    Matt Slayer Here? You got to invest in a Tesla.

    Kezia Slater Oh, fuck. Oh, my God. I think that's like the number one reason I should have a Tesla self drive so I can suck them dick. Oh, yeah. Did you ever see that porno video? Oh, my God. So there was a porno video that, like, a chick was like riding a dude and a Tesla on the freeway, and it hit like 5 million views in like a day or something.

    Kezia Slater And like, eight like, I remember it, like, hit like, not news news, but it hit like some of the news. It was like, these are the problems with Tesla, self-driving things. People are having sex and like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, that's a problem.

    Kezia Slater I know, right? I was like, so look over and see fucking in a car. That's kind of.

    Matt Slayer Hot, all right? As long as, like, these things happen, we all got here from it.

    Kezia Slater I know I was going to say I'm pretty sure even before Tesla is existed, I was always just seeing that anyways.

    Matt Slayer So if you got a problem.

    Kezia Slater Before.

    Matt Slayer You've got a problem with it, keep your eyes on the fucking road, OK?

    Kezia Slater You two or down on your cell phones like everyone is in l.a.

    Matt Slayer This town is so unsafe for drivers.

    Kezia Slater It's like that. I'm in washington, and it's like that too up there. But it might be a little bit worse area.

    Matt Slayer Well, we just have more population density, so.

    Kezia Slater Oh, that's true.

    Matt Slayer Statistically.

    Kezia Slater Hundred percent true. Yeah. When I look, we were like flying over and we're flying into LA and it's like literally just rows of homes. I'm like, oh, yeah, I forgot how many people are in California, especially l.a.

    Matt Slayer It's the you know what almost 30 million people in california alone, and most of it's down here.

    Kezia Slater Oh, now, la yeah. Like, I remember the whole, like, northern california. Southern California, we're going to become different states fiasco that happened like 15 years ago or whatever.

    Matt Slayer Apparently that's been going on since like the state was almost formed. Like originally there was a referendum that passed to split the state into two like in the 1800s and then like the civil war broke out and Congress system deal with it.

    Kezia Slater Damn why wasn't that in California history growing up that would have been cool.

    Matt Slayer I don't know I'm a transplant.

    Kezia Slater I just. Oh, you didn't grow up here? Nope. No, you're from Chicago. Oh, how do you like this?

    Matt Slayer Compared to I've been here a decade, I would never, never go back.

    Kezia Slater Oh, damn. OK.

    Matt Slayer Like, if I die without dealing with another real winter, I'll be OK.

    Kezia Slater Oh, I forgot about that. Especially I don't want to deal with ice. No, nothing.

    Matt Slayer When I first moved to the west coast, I had, like, an ice scraper in my car still. And one of our friends who grew up here was like, what the fuck that. Oh, you poor child, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. I love having to explain my ice scraper to people who come from, like, Arizona and, like, down here, and I'm like, Yeah, you have no idea. Or they'll see my, like, big bucket of, like, ice salt. And they'll be like, Look, why do you have salt in your garage? I'm like, That's just put on the sidewalks when it's snowing.

    Kezia Slater They're like, What like.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, that's a thing.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. It's not even that bad up there. No. Yeah. Shoveling snow all the.

    Matt Slayer Time having to shovel your car out. Yeah. I don't miss those days at all.

    Kezia Slater Um, did is it true that, like, when the Great Lakes freeze over and, like, it's the crashing waves or whatever, the ice comes up and stuff or is that Michigan?

    Matt Slayer It happens a little bit in Chicago. Chicago has gotten infinitely worse winters since. Like, there's been some climate changes in the last like ten years.

    Kezia Slater Like, so as Washington.

    Matt Slayer The lakes kind of froze over when I was living there, but like, the full on, like, snowpocalypse and shit, like, started happening more and more often since I've left, I'm a cool I made the right choice.

    Kezia Slater And see, that's how climate change researchers should be asking people, like people who left in the last ten years, like, how has your hometown changed? Because yeah, that's crazy. Well, I.

    Matt Slayer Got gentrified, but that way.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, I'm at weather. I don't. Yeah, but.

    Matt Slayer I'm just being a smart ass. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater So everywhere literally everywhere.

    Matt Slayer Living in Hollywood, it's an interesting situation because, you know, Hollywood used to be pretty fucking grimy. Yeah. And now it's like it's a combination of some blocks are still kind of grimy. Some blocks are really not.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. And it's really interesting how the real gentrified streets it's like the main street, but the second you start walking off, it's like, oh, no, you can see how it used to be.

    Matt Slayer Like, Yeah, you had to walk a couple of blocks there. I'm sure you saw some of that firsthand.

    Kezia Slater A little bit. Yeah. I was like, Oh, there's Netflix building. This is weird.

    Matt Slayer OK, yeah. Netflix Studios is literally.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. Did it mean to expose where you live? My bad.

    Matt Slayer OK, I think I've often made jokes because I have a rooftop patio, like, oh, jokes about like they'll bring girls up there about yo, Netflix, chill.

    Kezia Slater Rooftop balcony, though. That's so cool. Nice.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. I live a little busier than I should be.

    Kezia Slater Wait, so when you said you were going to be on the balcony?

    Matt Slayer I was on the balcony. Balcony?

    Kezia Slater So you have your own balcony and a rooftop balcony. Oh, damn. L.A. Life, dude. Damn.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I was having a cigar before we we got on there. As on, prone to doing.

    Kezia Slater Ooh, the cigar than whiskey.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. I'm killing myself in the best way possible.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah. Best way as I'm like.

    Matt Slayer So if you don't mind me asking, how long you been sober four years.

    Kezia Slater This April? Yeah. I still smoke weed and micro dose mushrooms for medicinal purposes, but.

    Matt Slayer We call that California sober.

    Kezia Slater Right? That's what I said. Yeah. And someone's like, what is that? I'm like, earth stuff. You still do that, but.

    Matt Slayer Well, in theory, you can chew coca leaves at that point, too, if you want to do.

    Kezia Slater Yes. Oh, my God. And I have done that. And it is amazing. It is next level. So I went on a study abroad program to Argentina for six months, and we all got addicted to like Marta while we were down there and like drink to do would be to like add wine to like for Nat and Marty in the same.

    Matt Slayer So what does Marta?

    Kezia Slater You're by Marta so it's like it's like a leaf that is like caffeinated and it's like strong and stuff. But yeah, so if you let me think peop most people drink it in like a gourd, like it's a specific like cup type thing that you then there's like a straw that filters out the leaves and stuff. But it's like a tradition down there in that like when you're in a group setting, there's one cup and everyone takes a sip from it and then passes it and then and it's like everyone get to hit a coffee type thing, but it's like stronger than coffee.

    Matt Slayer Well, and that's how everyone gets covered now.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Yeah. Poor Argentina I'm pretty sure one of my friends down there is even like everyone brings their own straw places now so they can still do that. And I'm like, that's you're still getting back lost. That's not yeah, that's not it.

    Matt Slayer But you're going to have to make like super scientific straws that like, have like a gate that when you pull, like, it opens, but then when you stop, oh.

    Kezia Slater My God, that would be smart.

    Matt Slayer Shit. I'm giving away stuff on the fucking internet. Seriously.

    Kezia Slater Someone's going to be like, Oh, damn, I'm going to 3D print that right now.

    Matt Slayer I mean, it wouldn't be hard science really though. Fuck, why am I giving away ideas on the internet again.

    Kezia Slater As I'm like something about getting gas out in the same like siphoning gas.

    Matt Slayer Well, the problem with so I mean, yeah, when come up. But you also don't want gas to end up in your mouth, like, oh, no.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, yeah. Well, I started talking my dad.

    Matt Slayer Oh, well, I feel like there's a history there. Yeah, but because that's not where most people's minds go when.

    Kezia Slater I know, right? I just started thinking about, like, sucking things. OK, then I started thinking about X.

    Matt Slayer Oh, no.

    Kezia Slater I know, right?

    Matt Slayer But I'm curious about Argentina. Like, so you were down there for six months. When, like, when was this?

    Kezia Slater Oh, 20, 15 to 20. 16. So five, six years ago now, at least. Yeah. Yeah. So I went down for study abroad for a science class thing. We went like backpacking, camping our way through Argentina. Hiked the Andes Mountains for a week.

    Matt Slayer You lose anybody, you have to eat anybody know?

    Kezia Slater Which actually was kind of impressive. Yeah. Everyone thought I was going to die on the mountain. Honestly, all my friends and you are in the US. I thought I was going to die. So even when we went backpacking for two weeks in the Andes, like when they didn't hear from me by that, like, 14th day, everyone's like, OK, she's dead.

    Kezia Slater Well, it's like, that's not cool that everyone was just like, Oh yeah, this happened. Like, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Americans have just a lot of Americans, not all Americans, but a lot of Americans have a shit yourself. Americans do like, you know, some Americans die.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Who really seemed like it when.

    Matt Slayer I went to Colombia in 20, 18.

    Kezia Slater Oh, nice.

    Matt Slayer And everyone's like, Why are you going to fucking Bogota? Like, why?

    Kezia Slater Oh, in Bogota?

    Matt Slayer And I am like, Because it's going to be red. I went to South Africa a couple of years earlier and no one batted, and I was like, Oh, you're doing South Africa. That's cool, huh? I like if you looked at the murder rates that I'm. South Africa was infinitely more dangerous.

    Kezia Slater I was about to say I'd be way more worried about South Africa than Colombia.

    Matt Slayer I also did not realize that when I went to South Africa, I didn't bother to research like the crime rates in South Africa.

    Kezia Slater Did you go by yourself? I went with one friend. Oh, my goodness. You would. A friend didn't research, just showing up.

    Matt Slayer Just I'm like, I'm going to Cape Town. It'll be fine.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. How is that, though?

    Matt Slayer Cape Town is pretty red. I'm not sure I would ever go through all the hassle to get back there. It was cool. And the disparity between rich and poor there was insane.

    Kezia Slater I'm serious, actually, in South Africa.

    Matt Slayer Fucking insane.

    Kezia Slater Oh, isn't. I'm pretty sure I saw on video that it's like, literally there's a wall and it, like, separates two separates. Like, you can see the rich homes too. Like the.

    Matt Slayer I'm.

    Kezia Slater Sorry.

    Matt Slayer Cape Town is all built around the table mountains. So it's just like city around them out.

    Kezia Slater Oh, OK.

    Matt Slayer So we didn't end up in there, like, well, we walked like one part off the central business district where we were staying. And this is like, you know, this isn't where we should be. That's a turnaround.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God.

    Matt Slayer Well, if you have any common sense of living in a major city, any point in your life should be parts of major cities, not necessarily parts of major cities. Pretty much anywhere.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, definitely. You don't need to understand the language. It's yeah.

    Matt Slayer I mean, I had a similar experience of knowing I was not where I was supposed to be in Spain, too. We were who we were in Alicante. And, you know, everywhere else in the world when you're in the hills, that's the neighborhood because hard to get resources to it.

    Kezia Slater Oh, OK. Yeah, I can see that we're late.

    Matt Slayer It's like, no, this is where the boozy people were thinking.

    Kezia Slater I was like, Wait, no, it's rich people.

    Matt Slayer Just L.A. everywhere else, because especially in historical Europe, when you didn't have cars to get resources up into the fucking hills.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, that makes sense.

    Matt Slayer We're like up in the fucking hills and, like, beautiful views of the city, but it's like there's murals and shit like that, say, barrio. And I'm like, and there's some chicken bones on the street, and my sun starting to go down. Guys, we probably shouldn't be here anymore.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer So we skedaddled. So it's just one of those things. Like anyone who's traveling abroad, I always tell them, like, just have common fucking sense.

    Kezia Slater Excited.

    Matt Slayer No ego about it. Like, if some place says you shouldn't be there, just don't be there.

    Kezia Slater Mm hmm.

    Matt Slayer Of every whatever, go on. Like, the talk of going to Colombia, everyone. You sure you want to go to Columbia? Man, that sounds dangerous.

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer For the most part, Columbia was fine. You definitely could tell that. Like, this is a country that has seen some shit in its recent history.

    Kezia Slater Mhm.

    Matt Slayer But it was fine, and it's fucking fine. The ones we're like, yeah, we need to not be here, but otherwise it was fine.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. If that's the most, that's not even too bad.

    Matt Slayer The one point we ended up at in some park, in some neighborhood, and like, there's a lot of music going on in the park and we're chillin. I fire up a cigar and like, cigars are very much super luxury items down there.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer And like some dudes who had just taken like a bump off a knife kind of started looking at us talking like, OK, we got to go.

    Kezia Slater Oh my God. Oh, that's holla. Funny.

    Matt Slayer It's like, now I'm being a stupid fucking gringo right now.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. No, I'm pretty sure we had that same level of it idiocy, though, because, like, so I brought wax down with me like a fucking moron.

    Matt Slayer How did you get that in country?

    Kezia Slater The mindset is.

    Matt Slayer Nice.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, I definitely wouldn't do it ever again. I can't believe I did it. Yeah, I I want to say, those are from my drunk days. I'm not making an excuse, but those are from my drunk days that I made that decision. Yes. I brought, like, wax down with me and I had like a little vape pen that I brought and it just wasn't working or I needed to charge it or something.

    Kezia Slater So my friends were like, OK, let's do hot knife tabs. Have you ever heard of that?

    Matt Slayer Oh, I'm not. So I mean, tipsy just aren't friends.

    Kezia Slater Oh, OK. OK, OK.

    Matt Slayer So oh, I have no problem with it. No problem with it. For other people. For me, it's equals me being unconscious.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah. There's a lot of people like that. But yeah, I just feel bad when I somehow just assume everyone knows.

    Matt Slayer I mean, I live in Hollywood, so it's a safe assumption.

    Kezia Slater That makes sense. Let's. But yeah, OK. But so like, it has to it involves like, heating a really hot knife and like a stovetop or something like that. And then you put the concentrate on it and then using a straw you suck up or like just.

    Matt Slayer Some like knife freebasing.

    Kezia Slater Pretty much. Yeah. So knife freebasing wax, that was the idea that everyone had. And so two people had done it and like some of the other people in the hostel that we were staying at, they saw what we were doing and they're like, oh yeah, drugs, drugs, drugs. And we're like, You guys want to do the abs? Like, it's all good.

    Kezia Slater And then they bring something out and it's called Poco and it's like a heavier way, more intense, horrible drug than heroin. And like, they start like whipping that out as like, and we're all like, Oh shit, we just brought like, like paper knives to a gun party and like, everyone just wet hard out of like, like after like 2 seconds.

    Kezia Slater And we were just like, we should not be here right now.

    Matt Slayer Did you partake at all or.

    Kezia Slater I did not at all. Like, I could not even like. And that was when I was like, I do almost any drug back then. But I think just because we had been warned to definitely stay away from that and that one could like potentially just like you're.

    Matt Slayer Just.

    Kezia Slater Like, it's like stuck for life and you just want more. So I didn't, but two of our friends in our class did.

    Matt Slayer Your science there was a slide.

    Kezia Slater Show. Yeah, exactly. I think one of them even said for research they didn't sleep for five days.

    Matt Slayer Oh, so it's on an opiate. It's on. It's an.

    Kezia Slater Upper. Yeah. And they didn't know that. Yeah, I think they tried to sleep. Were they like close their eyes and they were like, we didn't sleep.

    Matt Slayer That is the worst fucking feeling like.

    Kezia Slater Socially on drug.

    Matt Slayer Well, there's been points in my life, like as a teenager is like, oh, abused, like someone's fucking diet pill, fucking prescription I was just like, didn't sleep for two days. Wanted to sleep, really wanted to sleep. Could not sleep. The worst feeling.

    Kezia Slater There was in your body is fighting you.

    Matt Slayer I did it like, once and it was never again. As I. This is back when you could smoke indoors. I smoked like a pack of this one. I still cigaret smoking too. I, like, smoked a pack of cigarets and like, a couple hours sitting in a coffee house, like, just tweaking.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God.

    Matt Slayer I probably give myself mild nicotine poison. My gums were tingling like it was and but I went home was like, I want to sleep. I feel exhausted. I can't sleep.

    Kezia Slater You're just so weak. Like.

    Matt Slayer Never again.

    Kezia Slater Worse. Failing.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, I was so for five days that. That sounds fucking miserable.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. They looked like just eyes sunken in dark. Like, I think even like, the last three days, they said they were sick, and so they missed class and everything, but. Yeah. Oh, it was rough.

    Matt Slayer But that's at least an experience you could tell to, like.

    Kezia Slater Right? Yeah. I was even, like, I can't even say anything. All I can do is say, Hey, my friend did it. But, yeah, that just looked way too intense. But we were doing a lot of lifetimes I can't really talk, but I'm sure it's just because that I'm sure that made it just look so much harder to that.

    Kezia Slater They were like, Oh, damn, they're. There's some hard kids over here.

    Matt Slayer And they probably you know, wax is not like that super common.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. And you probably, probably thought it was something else. Yeah. Know, we're just like little kids, like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, no, we're just marijuana's concentrated marijuana.

    Kezia Slater And little kids as we were like 2324 with like 3738 year olds and they're like, you guys are cool. And we're like, Oh, hard drugs.

    Matt Slayer You guys are cute. Here's the real shit, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer For free.

    Kezia Slater Their PSA I'm pretty sure that's what it was they were even like because I think one of our friends is like, Oh, we'll get something from you. They're like, No, you do it here. And we're like, Oh, shit, get over there.

    Matt Slayer Friend, you're going to run to the cops or some shit.

    Kezia Slater No, maybe. Yeah. Argentina is next level. When you started getting, like, off the main streets, it was like you saw like, militia with huge, like, rifle guns and.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, but Colombia was not like that, too.

    Kezia Slater You felt safe, though.

    Matt Slayer I did. I definitely did. Oh, hey, military dude with an AK, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer I'm like, Oh, this country's definitely some shit.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to El Salvador. In December.

    Matt Slayer Nice.

    Kezia Slater And so my dad is from there, and my, like, side of the family is from there. I'm first generation American, so everyone in my family is like, Don't go. You're too American. You're going to get kidnaped type thing. And then, yeah, it was just cause my family grew up in the Civil War era of El Salvador. So but when I'm showing them, like, the videos that my friends are sending me of El Salvador, it's like them on the beach, like surfing with, like, the locals and stuff, and it's like laid back.

    Matt Slayer And my thought process always is like, unless it's an act of war zone, there are people living and thriving in these societies.

    Kezia Slater Exactly like.

    Matt Slayer I'm not going to Venezuela right now because death, that's effectively an act of war.

    Kezia Slater Zone. Mm. Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer But on the South America, like, there are people living in private.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Definitely. I went to Easter Island for five days after at the end of my Argentina trip, and that was pretty glorious, just being able to see, like, how much people could flourish and thrive off, like, not having big city things and other stuff like that. It was pretty amazing.

    Matt Slayer It's amazing how we, as a species are very adaptable, yet very fucking stuck in our ways.

    Kezia Slater Yes. And how electronics or expensive things could also and like not dumb off people but just make people more relaxed and not as common sense, knowledgeable in a way.

    Matt Slayer As I often say we have the wealth of human knowledge. Our hands are. We've never been fucking dumber.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah, yeah. I constantly say that if someone took my phone from me when I was out in a new city, I would have nowhere to go. Like I could still read maps and do all that and stuff, but like I'd have to whip out my paper maps.

    Matt Slayer Where are you going to find one of those?

    Kezia Slater Triple A? They'd be like, No, you can get that online on your phone now.

    Matt Slayer It's so fucking swell. This I as a kid, like, I knew everyone's fucking phone numbers off the top of my head, right? I know my number off the top of my head. Hell, my Google voice number. Sometimes I have to double back. Like, what's my Google voice number?

    Kezia Slater Oh, damn, damn. Yeah. Or the the, like, box of numbers, roll call.

    Matt Slayer Yes.

    Kezia Slater I was like, what was I called? Yeah, oh, my God.

    Matt Slayer Those days back when you made plans with someone and you had to meet them there on fucking time because you had no way to contact them once the plans were in motion.

    Kezia Slater Mm oh, my God. I kind of random, but I love watching like 90 shows and stuff like that. And being like, this wouldn't be a storyline because you'd have cell phones or like modern day things like this wouldn't translate now.

    Matt Slayer Even early twenties and stuff. Like you ever see the movie Road Trip?

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. That would be, would not work.

    Kezia Slater Oh God. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Like I keep calling her dorm and she doesn't answer. So we're going to road trip to Texas like now. I just would fucking text her.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, email even. Right. Check her social media like there's so many things to do.

    Matt Slayer A hundred things to do. They're like, none of them involve a ridiculous road trip.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, yeah. That's all I'm like. I don't know. We we had it good when we were younger. We'd get made fun of at school, and it ended there. Now they got to take it home with them. And, like.

    Matt Slayer Right at.

    Kezia Slater Home, I love, like, the the teasing ended when I got home. Like, you wouldn't get phone calls of, like, well, maybe me.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, but at the point where, like, harassing phone calls started, like, the police got involved. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater Back then. Yeah. Off of good old days.

    Matt Slayer Because it's like, oh, you got a call from a landline to.

    Kezia Slater Oh, we can track that, right?

    Matt Slayer We can start six, nine immediately, call back. Oh, my God.

    Kezia Slater Or like when your parents would get the, like, pages long of your phone bill and yeah, I don't know about you, but go through the numbers, like, who's this?

    Matt Slayer What's this? So I was a rebellious youth and, you know, my father just didn't care enough or what have the bandwidth to deal with that shit. I had my own fucking phone line, like, oh.

    Kezia Slater My God, I love it. That's so.

    Matt Slayer Cool. Yeah. He was just like, I'm sick of you tying up my fucking line here. A second line's not that expensive. You have your own fucking phone line.

    Kezia Slater Oh, when did you get your own phone line?

    Matt Slayer I want to say, like, late middle school, early. Like, high school yeah.

    Kezia Slater That is so cool.

    Matt Slayer And then it backfired on him because halfway through high school, I started fucking a dial up PBS on my fucking PC. So people like the line was tied up for people to dial into my fucking PBS.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. That's amazing for.

    Matt Slayer You younger people. Google what are bbses in the olden times of the internet? Often our friends back in the day like you were the most tech savvy person we knew in high school. What happened to you? My life. Life happened to me.

    Kezia Slater Technology just. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Well, me getting disillusioned at a young age, relatively young age of like, oh, I'm not going to work in tech. Oh, I fucked a lot of my life because I was working as an I.T. professional in high school.

    Kezia Slater Oh, damn.

    Matt Slayer Like, my first job at 16 was like an internship in an I.T. department.

    Kezia Slater That's so cool.

    Matt Slayer And by the time, like, I so fucked off in high school because I'm like, I have computer skills. Ahmad This prediction bubble burst, so I'm a, I'm going to have a cushy tech job. Going to college would be a detriment to my tech career. And then most of my very early twenties were fucked around with just mediocre tech jobs and then fell into like doing something that I was supposed to be in between tech jobs and then ended up doing armed security for over a decade.

    Kezia Slater Oh, Z.

    Matt Slayer So it's a weird path. And once I started doing dummy physical work, I'd my tech skills to Oh yeah.

    Kezia Slater Beat down your body. Your brain's just working a lot.

    Matt Slayer Partying a lot just wasn't motivated because like part of especially in those days in tech it was a lot of like the minute you get a gig, you're almost hunting for your next gig because at that point, like a lot of companies was like, oh, the minute we got to cut budgets, it is the first place to go, Oh.

    Kezia Slater That's so fucked. That makes sense, though.

    Matt Slayer And I hate job hunting. I hate job hunting.

    Kezia Slater Tuesday when I first started applying for jobs, I was still you could what was that? I forget what it's called that you could give your resume to somewhere.

    Matt Slayer Like a recruiter.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, but it wasn't a recruiter. Was called something else I can't remember. But yeah, back in those days, as.

    Matt Slayer I as we reminisce about the olden.

    Kezia Slater Times, you know. Right. Yeah. Because like, someone even asked me they're like escorting because I started fact work, full service work, and someone even asked me in there, like, how was it? Like, was that so difficult? And I'm like, I was spoiled. I came from the spoiled Craigslist and back pages days and like, seating arrangements days when you could just like, post things and find dates and it's that easy and ever since passed the test and all that stuff.

    Kezia Slater It's like there's some sites that you can do that on now, but he's he used to be so much easier. That's I'm like, I can't even imagine what people deal with now.

    Matt Slayer It's terrifying what people have to potentially deal with now. And I'm sure there are some scratchiness on the other end of things from those days, but.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, definitely. But even then, like compared to now, I'm just like I yeah, the little bit of like security that we did have felt so much safer than what there is now. So unfortunately.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, it's such a shit show. It's like we've proven those laws do fucking nothing except hurt people hmm.

    Kezia Slater Harming more. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Obviously full sort of sex work is not going away.

    Kezia Slater Not at all. It's been around since before the United States, so why would it?

    Matt Slayer It's called the world's oldest profession for a.

    Kezia Slater Reason, right? Yeah. Even when, like, everyone jokes around the apocalypse is going to happen and everything like, goes to hell, people are still going to be wanting to get laid and people are going to be stressed, and.

    Matt Slayer Oh, people are going to want to get laid more.

    Kezia Slater I know, right? So here we are. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer When the full on apocalypse happens, where we go full on might makes, right? Oh, some very dumb people are going to want to get laid a lot. Oh, yeah. Because that's how I work back in the day. Like, Oh, I can swing a stick harder and faster than you can. What I say goes, Oh, yeah. And we're slowly declining back towards that slowly.

    Matt Slayer Mhm. Yeah. I really thought the end of society would come faster than it is, but it's really taking the sweet time about it.

    Kezia Slater Just a bit. Yeah. Especially with everything still going on in the world and we're still just not acting like anything's happening. It's definitely just going to take a long time.

    Matt Slayer Oh yeah. At this point COVID still a thing. Everyone's acting like it's not.

    Kezia Slater And then monkey pox. I'm just getting.

    Matt Slayer I'm not as worried about monkey pox that's been around for a hot minute.

    Kezia Slater Now. 100% is just. Yeah, ever since COVID, just anything that comes out, everyone's like, it's the next pandemic.

    Matt Slayer Hopefully, hopefully. I mean, don't quote me on this. Don't, like, find a way to, like, the hamster wheel, power up your fucking device. So listen to this podcast and the apocalypse. I mean, like, Matt was wrong hopefully this is a once in a century type fucking deal.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah. That every hundred years type thing.

    Matt Slayer I've said this. I know it's horrible. I know it's fucking horrible, but I really really wish COVID had, like, fucking Ebola levels of lethality because people would are fucking taking it seriously and we wouldn't have gotten to where we fucking are now.

    Kezia Slater That's for sure.

    Matt Slayer But the problem is, everyone, it was Martin was like, oh, if you're young and healthy, you're survivable. And every obese motherfucker is like, I'm young and healthy.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, I was. And then the whole idea of not testing anyone under the age of like 74 months on end, that was or.

    Matt Slayer The government having to lie to us because we're spoiled children about masks like, oh, you don't have to wear masks, we just need to hoard them real quick. And I actually, by the way, you didn't mess this whole the whole time.

    Kezia Slater I feel like in California especially, it was like every two weeks, like you got to put your mask out, taken away oh, put it back.

    Matt Slayer Oh, oh, LA is about to be back to normal indoor masking because our numbers are up taking me.

    Kezia Slater Well even I like I always overbook myself and I'm going to call out with other people and two or three people that I was supposed to close with this week. They all got COVID and I was just like, oh my God, take care of yourself.

    Matt Slayer Because motherfuckers are acting like it. Nothing anymore. It's just they're they're over it.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's how it is up there too, though.

    Matt Slayer So I think that's the whole fucking world at this point. Is unless you're in Asia, it's just like, no, no, no, no, no. We, we, we understand communicable diseases. We wear masks when we have colds.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, definitely.

    Matt Slayer The US, like, nah, my freedoms, freedoms. I don't care who dies.

    Kezia Slater I love it because so I do pottery and in certain stages of like, what you're doing in pottery, there's like clay dry clay coming up and you're not supposed to get that in your lungs, so you should wear a mask. And so when we're doing that, and some people we're like, you should put your mask on because like and they're like, well, I'm not going to put a mask on, blah, blah.

    Kezia Slater And then we're like, let me explain it to them that it's like, no, it's the clay can get through your nose. And they're like, Oh, that makes sense. OK, but they're masking. And it's like, Well, why do you need to be explained this? Like.

    Matt Slayer But that viral load, that's friction.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, yeah, yeah. You understand clay particles in the air potentially getting in your lungs and killing you that way, but.

    Matt Slayer Not the virus that your body doesn't know how to fight. Well, that's functional.

    Kezia Slater So this is what happens when it's a non alcohol. Look at the CDC talking about COVID instead of.

    Matt Slayer The show goes where it goes sometimes.

    Kezia Slater Oh, come, butcher, bring out the healthy, clean, gut probiotic. Nice for everyone.

    Matt Slayer I'm helping my probiotics with the whiskey as well.

    Kezia Slater Like, I just got a whiff of that and it's not the same. Give me back my whiskey. Oh, just sniffing that as I'm drinking my computer. No big deal.

    Matt Slayer So what is the plan for El Salvador? What what are you doing when you're there?

    Kezia Slater It's an educational, informative group trip.

    Matt Slayer So a lot of drugs.

    Kezia Slater I know right now I'm yeah. No, it's it's supposed to be, like, super educational. I'm like, are you going to be, like, with indigenous people? People from the Civil War we're actually meeting some scientists and then, like, meeting people to learn more about the economy and, like, what they're doing to actively try to make El Salvador a safer place and like what they're doing, legalize and stuff like that.

    Kezia Slater So we're like, we're kind of like learning a lot. But yeah, I like want a scholarship to be able to go on this. So I'm pretty excited.

    Matt Slayer That's fucking awesome. Especially like that. They're not discriminating on sex workers. That's awesome.

    Kezia Slater They don't really know. I mean, sex work, but.

    Matt Slayer Oh, but we're talking about on the internet and.

    Kezia Slater Give us.

    Matt Slayer Fair enough though, because that's crazy that that's actually a concern on this kind of shit.

    Kezia Slater You know? Right. And honestly, actually, I have a feeling the person that leads the groups I'm. She knows I'm a sex worker. No, never mind. Yeah. So actually, now that you mention it is cool with that. But like she is so chill and like so sex worker discrimination, like decriminalization and everything and yeah. So it's really cool seeing people and like like with doctorates and like not at all involved with sex work being like, oh yeah, no, that makes sense.

    Kezia Slater And it's like, I love that. It's common sense and like just easy knowledge for you. That's so cool.

    Matt Slayer Should be for more people. Right? Once again, something I've said multiple times on there, I feel like sex workers only really a problem for the middle class.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, really. And then they're like upper class one. It's like, well, not really act like it when it's like you're using them.

    Matt Slayer Well, the upper class wants to pander to the middle class to get take advantage of them. So they're telling them what they want to hear.

    Kezia Slater True. Always. Always. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. It's like.

    Kezia Slater Oh, sex work. If it was decriminalized so much better for everyone.

    Matt Slayer It would be. It absolutely fucking would be.

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer And the crazy part is like, it's decriminalized or flat out legal in so many fucking other places where when, like, most of South America, it's OK, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Oh, there's wildly Catholic fucking states are like, yeah, go get yours. Right?

    Kezia Slater Makes sense. Like, I'm pretty sure when I was in Argentina and we were talking about sex workers, there was someone there that I wouldn't. I was like, They're not going to be OK with sex workers. There justification was even like, yeah, no sex workers makes sense because it helps it. Like, even for their circumstance. So like it helps domestic violence numbers stay down.

    Kezia Slater And I was like, that's sad that you have to bring it to that level and all that, but I love that. But that's just like.

    Matt Slayer Apparently sex were privately conducted. Sex work is legal Martin has it in 75 to ten years after the American Civil War Argentina was like Yeah, do that shit.

    Kezia Slater OK but it is a bit scary in Argentina because and I've never seen this before, so at least in Buenos Aires they have like like little cards that are like on Post-its type thing. Like there's a sticky side to it. So there's just like guys that put these sticky notes up that it's like pictures of these like sex workers and it's like, call this number.

    Kezia Slater You can spend time with them. And like we were warned by several people while we were down there not to call those numbers ever because they're actually like trash picked people from Paraguay and Colombia. So that's why I'm like, I know that like there are sex workers too, especially cause I have friends that are sex workers. In Argentina.

    Kezia Slater But then it's also like scary seeing both sides of that, too. And then it's like I get decriminalization, but that's also a scary instance. Too.

    Matt Slayer It is. It absolutely is. But it's a step in the right direction to decriminalize and then keep going.

    Kezia Slater And yeah.

    Matt Slayer Figuring out like, oh, at least if those people were able to somehow get free, they could go to the fucking authorities.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, exactly.

    Matt Slayer Because if you do, if you're trafficked here and you go to the fucking authorities.

    Kezia Slater They're going to charge you for doing millions of things and like, yeah. Next level mass.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. Funds these guys Fonzie's. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater But I have friends that are sex workers in Argentina and like they can just go to like I know one of them had like a bag of like their wallet and like toys stolen and they told the cops like I had dildos in there, I had my outfits in there in the closet were like, OK, like just put that on the list that you lost and then like we'll just keep going on to the process.

    Kezia Slater And I was like, that's just a crazy concept to me that you were able to, like, talk to cops and be like, Yeah, I'm a sex worker. Lost all these things, and they're just like, OK, yeah, profession sex worker, like, right? Yeah. Really cool.

    Matt Slayer What if there's full decriminalization like, oh, hey, you can make use of public resources and shit like that without having to hide what you do for a living. Like, yeah. Oh, hey, would you like to go out, you know, go to a clinic and get tested? Sure. Without having to lie to the doctor about, like.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer As someone who's not a sex worker, I don't know how much you have to lie if you go to a public clinic, but I'm assuming you have to apply a fair amount.

    Kezia Slater Um, I guess it depends on the person. I know a lot of people that don't and they straight up like, tell people, but like I've always just been worried about the, like, discrimination and like, so I guess I have the privilege to be able to, like, not look like a sex worker to be like, no, I'm just doing whatever type thing.

    Kezia Slater But yeah, so but then yeah. And then the sex workers that were also in Argentina, they said that they were able to use like major banks and still get their deposits through that. When it's like here, that's one of the big issues is that we're like told to get our deposits through the credit unions because they'll question it less than actual banks.

    Kezia Slater And it's like the things we have to do in the US to like get around things. It's pretty crazy.

    Matt Slayer It absolutely is. It's like marijuana and sex work both like you have to do like crazy like especially with the banking system, just absolutely fucking crazy things because hell at one point I think we got a, you know, a cool banker. I was trying to start a production company with some friends and I mentioned to the banker that it was going to be like adult.

    Matt Slayer I can't say that, man. You're, you're a film production company. I'm like, Thanks, bro. Thanks for looking.

    Kezia Slater Out. That's a good one. Wow.

    Matt Slayer Like, I'm not even actually doing the sex work, and they're just like, Nah, I still.

    Kezia Slater Can't even mention it. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer That's like, this is legal here. Fucking legal work, right? Adult film production is perfectly fucking legal.

    Kezia Slater Mm hmm. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Can't do it.

    Kezia Slater It's interesting thing what gets taken down and what's not allowed and. Yeah, like, there's like how like on Instagram how like sex workers can't post, like, anything at all. Like, no tats. Nobody. Other people who aren't sex workers can post that stuff and don't get flagged. And then it's like, I know someone who bakes pies and they sculpt their pies to look like cute little vaginas, and each one is different, and they get flagged all the time.

    Kezia Slater It's like, yeah, it's just crazy seeing what is sexualized and what gets flagged and.

    Matt Slayer Well, I think part of it that people don't often talk about is those celebrities on major accounts that aren't getting flagged also have teams and probably know people live. People at fucking Facebook or wherever, and we're like, Oh, if it gets flagged, they pick up a phone that person because of another phone call someone. I'm like, Yo, fix this.

    Kezia Slater To and but even in sex work, there is that even to a degree because I've even been told that like these people that are just like, oh yeah, just hit this person up and they'll give you the email of some Instagram staff person. And it's always who you know for sure.

    Matt Slayer And unfortunately, the people that are well-to-do are better connected.

    Kezia Slater True. Definitely true.

    Matt Slayer So it's not just the stigma of it. It's just the, you know, being connected, not being connected. I know someone who is working at Facebook these days who's helped some people out.

    Kezia Slater Oh, nice fam.

    Matt Slayer I'm sure. Yeah. If you're represented by CAA or fucking Morris.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer It's a much easier phone call when you're a you've got a multibillion dollar agency behind you. Like yeah.

    Kezia Slater That makes.

    Matt Slayer Sense. And like, yo, did you just try to blacklist a fucking client?

    Kezia Slater And it's like, oh, damn, we don't want to piss them off, right?

    Matt Slayer Because they could really pull the flexibility we can just have our clients not post or fucking.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah. To him. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer And since Instagram and Facebook live on engagement, if you fucking like, hey, all these A-list fucking celebrities, we're going to stop making fucking posts and kill some engagement for you.

    Kezia Slater Damn, that's crazy. Yeah, like.

    Matt Slayer This is all theory. I have nothing to back this up.

    Kezia Slater Oh, well, I was going to say cause, like, I don't really watch tech talk or, like, use it much or anything, but I know I saw something on Twitter going around that was like, musicians and singers were coming out on TikTok saying, like, their music won't get released unless they, like, post a tech talk or two because they're like, record labels want that exposure and that marketing and the fact that they're not giving it to them, they're like, well, we're not going to give you what you want.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. So it's just it's crazy seeing who can one up the next person.

    Matt Slayer And tick tock to the fucking devil so.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. Do you use it? I do. Oh, man.

    Matt Slayer I don't use it for this because every time I've ever posted a clip from this fucking show, it gets muted.

    Kezia Slater I was going to say, how do you.

    Matt Slayer I use it for my gaming content.

    Kezia Slater Going to be like a beeping, like it's got to have to be censored like the entire time.

    Matt Slayer The one in our drone clip I was able to get up there was Ellenson James talking about penis sizes, but she never says the word penis.

    Kezia Slater Oh.

    Matt Slayer So and she's just like, it's got it. You know, she's talking about how balanced it has to be, has to be like good length to girth and like but she doesn't say the word penis. And then I at the very end of it, put a clip of Dan oh, so perfectly balanced as all things should be.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God, I love it.

    Matt Slayer That one didn't get flagged everything else I've ever posted from this show to ticktock, flag muted.

    Kezia Slater Huh?

    Matt Slayer Like within minutes.

    Kezia Slater Interesting. You're going to have to, like, do it like a food video, but it's about sex somehow. And, like, they, like, I don't even know how.

    Matt Slayer I'm just not playing that game. I'm sure I Instagram has been cool with me for the most part. YouTube has been mostly cool with me, so that's good.

    Kezia Slater Instagram's not even censoring you. Nope. Good.

    Matt Slayer Because there's no actual nudists.

    Kezia Slater I wondered that, though, like, how far do they take it? So I thought they'd take it.

    Matt Slayer Either out or I'm just not big enough yet.

    Kezia Slater No anyones like, yeah, I know anyone with anything is big. Oh, that's cool.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. We've never had we've never. Which is going to result in someone flagging a fucking post. Now.

    Kezia Slater I'm sure it's also that, like, you don't play porn noises. There's no audio from porn. No, I'm like that. No, one's, like, moaning and, like, doing stuff on here.

    Matt Slayer And even with the YouTube stuff, like, recently had a guest do a very loud fake orgasm like on air, and I just needed that for the YouTube version.

    Kezia Slater Oh, OK. OK.

    Matt Slayer Let's put text on screen. Like, if you want to see the uncensored version, let's go to the patron.

    Kezia Slater Oh, that's a good one.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, the only thing that's ever been pulled from YouTube happened within the last couple of weeks. An audio only episode like that's five years old got fucking pulled for a violation of the sexual continuity policy. It's audio only. How is this possibly. Wow. But and like the pauses videos for sexual gratification purposes, I'm like, this is also only audio.

    Matt Slayer And this was me Anthony Cruise and a male guest.

    Kezia Slater Like it's too sexual.

    Matt Slayer I don't know I have no I appealed and they immediately rejected my appeal.

    Kezia Slater So it's that someone heard the three of you together and was just like this is too hot. Talking about normal things it's too hot still.

    Matt Slayer And the thing about it is like there are definitely other questionable things during that episode, but I don't think there was anything sexual like or overtly sexual weird. I mean, I obviously didn't go back to the and review it. It was just like audio only I'm fighting this and then an hour later, like, nope, we're standing by our decision.

    Matt Slayer It's gone.

    Kezia Slater Hell.

    Matt Slayer So I immediately posted to Twitter like, Hey, we have an episode too hot for you to go back and listen to it.

    Kezia Slater That's been happening on Twitter for sex recordings. When we post music in our videos or when people post their Tick-Tock on Twitter, those are getting taken down by like audio or like the other companies or whatever you do.

    Matt Slayer See, my strikes are a real thing.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, that is a doomsday strike. Oh, I've seen that was like some kind of intellectual thing. But I make sense now.

    Matt Slayer You can use people's copyrighted music. You just can't.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Have they?

    Kezia Slater They know. So it's that Twitter is even taken down like the free royalty.

    Matt Slayer But who's providing the royalty free music?

    Kezia Slater That's that must be what it is that a bunch of people got it from a different site. That was just right.

    Matt Slayer They'll give it's royalty free on Tick-Tock.

    Kezia Slater Thanks for working that out. My voice wanted that. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer We provide a license for Tick-Tock, not Twitter.

    Kezia Slater Oh, you just answered. I'm going to tell so many people that because we were all just like, I don't understand how you guys.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, it's very different. I at one point in my life actually ran a small record label. So I have a.

    Kezia Slater Theme.

    Matt Slayer I have a gauge on my intellectual property law and like fucking music IP.

    Kezia Slater Record label.

    Matt Slayer I've held a lot of a lot of fucking jobs in my life. I am constantly unhappy and trying to change it.

    Kezia Slater Do you have like a sweet spot yea that you go to usually before you?

    Matt Slayer No, no, not really. The record label thing was like I love doing it, but it was a black hole for money.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. I always wondered how anyone can make any kind of money from that.

    Matt Slayer Well, and I made the mistake of like printing physical media like 28.

    Kezia Slater Oh damn.

    Matt Slayer Not a great time for physical media.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, that's like right before it got popular.

    Matt Slayer Also I found through my experience of running a small label like I'd much rather would be, I would be much happier an artist management than I ever would be running a label. Because especially when you're running a small label, sometimes you have to make decisions that are not in your artist's best interests because they're in the best interests of the business.

    Kezia Slater Hmm.

    Matt Slayer And that's easy to do when you don't have a personal relationship with the people you're working with.

    Kezia Slater Oh, that makes sense. Like, I.

    Matt Slayer Had to tell one of our brands before we did a festival in 07. Like, if you guys don't deliberately a fucking commercially viable album in time for me to have it pressed for the fucking festival. You're not on the festival. I will book. So a band I'm trying to recruit to take you off stage time.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah. And if that's your friends.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, and they I've been working with these guys for a couple of years at this point, like they've become my friends. But at the end of the day, I'm spending money, I'm spending money to fucking buy on, buy on to be the second stage sponsor for this fucking festival. I get limited number of slots on the fucking festival.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah. That does sound hell is stressful. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer I would much rather have been like the guy just taking care of them until I was no motherfucker. You don't know what the fuck on you're going on your fucking commitments.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, seriously.

    Matt Slayer Well, and that's the beauty of this. Like, the industry we're in now is like, this is the land of misfit toys. Like, nobody, nobody in career day in fucking elementary school is like, I want to get into pornography and sex work.

    Kezia Slater I was somehow actually toxic. Quite a few people that were like, we knew since we were like, 16, 15, we were going to get into sex work.

    Matt Slayer Approximate. How old are you at this point?

    Kezia Slater Oh, me? Oh, I didn't know. I didn't mean that.

    Matt Slayer Oh, I mean, but the people that do.

    Kezia Slater Oh, how old is that? They're going to use.

    Matt Slayer They're in their thirties now. Oh, that's, that's as far as I could see. People though, like in their early twenties now.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. A few years type thing. But yeah I know, I know a few people that like that was like their goal and they're still in it like halfway through.

    Matt Slayer That's still wild. I mean because like I can't imagine someone in like their twenties would be like because it has become, there's still stigma but there's a lot less of a stigma.

    Kezia Slater Oh no. So popular now. Yeah. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer It's popular now. Like the idea of like I'm in my early forties, like the idea of someone being like getting into sex work as like their first choice when I was growing up then.

    Kezia Slater Right? Yeah. Like when I tell people I joined sex work or I started sex work when I was like 20 to 23, they're like, Damn, that's old that I'm like, back then that was like normal. Now it's like 18, 19 people go in, which is cool, but like, yeah, it's more common more popular now.

    Matt Slayer It's cool and it's not like, on one hand, it's like you're an adult and you can make your own fucking decisions. On the other hand, like there are a lot of pitfalls that come with this fucking work.

    Kezia Slater Oh, 100%.

    Matt Slayer And at 18 you may not have had someone properly express them to you or you may not have a real good grasp on what those pitfalls could be. I apparently I did. Unbeknownst to me, until recently, I had told a younger performer who'd been in for a couple of years at this point, but still in her early twenties, like, Hey, do you have a plan for like later on, like going behind the camera, doing something else, like, especially if you're just a performer.

    Kezia Slater Mm hmm.

    Matt Slayer There's a fairly limited shelf life unless you are doing your own production. Like if you're just counting on other people for gigs, there's a limited shelf life in this biz. Very few people that make it like to the least end age. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. I was going to say, especially at this point now, I think it's going to be that, like people from my age group, like, like late twenties, early thirties, that you're going to start seeing those people that are like in the industry for 20, 30 plus years. Like, I think this is when it's going to start.

    Matt Slayer And then but you make your own content.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah, that's true.

    Matt Slayer Like yeah. You have the skill set to make your own content. Continue to make your own content true.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Just being booked. Yeah, that's a good point.

    Matt Slayer If your plan is to get behind the camera for yourself, that's good, do it. But if you're just like, I'm just going to survive, I'm content trade and getting booked. Yeah, you have a very limited shelf life in this business.

    Kezia Slater So I didn't get that. That's what you're saying at first. And now that I get that, I'm even like, I don't think you can survive nowadays like that anymore. I think that's more of like a pre subscription site for sure. Type days, but yeah. Oh no. Definitely limited.

    Matt Slayer Well, but I know some people that they may have an only fans but they don't support it. Like this should be true. It's much more of a hustler's economy in the business now than it was even six years ago.

    Kezia Slater Yes. And definitely because we even talk about it in the side of like only fans and subscription sites are the downfall of sex work in the terms of like we could post a video, a new video, maybe like once every two weeks, three weeks and our fans would be so fucking stoked for it. They'd be so happy, they'd be like, Hell yeah, we finally get to see you.

    Kezia Slater And now it's like, why didn't you post in the last hour? How come you haven't messaged me in 12 hours? And it's like, yeah, so the like the level of like, not greed, but like neediness and like the really, like the power is at your fingertips. Type thing. Like there's a huge downfall for that too. And that's why I like a lot of people I feel like that have also been around in sex work for like ten or 15 years.

    Kezia Slater They're like getting so tired at this stage because they went through the whole like you had your own independence. You could be like your own person. And now it's like if you're not making content all the time, like you're, you're going to get there's so many people out there. There's so many sites now.

    Matt Slayer And, and sex workers running into some of the same pitfalls of podcasting is now sex work has no barrier of entry. People shoot the shit with their iPhones. Oh yeah. And people are into super amateur shit.

    Kezia Slater So oh, my God. Yeah, I love talking about that with people that were like, will have like the lights up like the best equipment ever, 4K cam microphone and stuff. And like a few people buy it. OK, whatever. But the shit that I filmed with my phone in a parking lot in my car and I look horrible and like the lighting is bad that sells 20 times.

    Kezia Slater Like, how does. Yeah, so it's interesting.

    Matt Slayer It's weird to gauge people says for sure. Yeah. But it's also like you are now competing in the market, but it's not like that. They're actually competition, but you are competing for views, money, whatever, with the bartender the hot bartender at your local bar.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah. Or all the hotness. Is that right now on only fans now and.

    Matt Slayer It's awesome to empower them, but it also it's like how do you stand out from the noise if you're not already famous?

    Kezia Slater True. And then it's also where we're coming from, where we're like, Damn, all these people are now profiting off of sex work without having to fight for the rights that we have to fight for and that we're constantly yelling about. And they're just like, yeah. So that's also another frustration.

    Matt Slayer I totally get why it's frustrating. But on the other hand, it's like more people that get into it, more normalization economically.

    Kezia Slater That's so true too. Yeah. It's great hearing. Like, I don't know, it's talked about in like even if it's in a bad sense because then people are going to think about that and be like, No, I actually agree with it. So it starts conversations. It's really great that it's getting more out there.

    Matt Slayer 100% is. Just also I could understand it's super frustrating when like mainstream celebrities are like, I'm starting and only fans.

    Kezia Slater Mm hmm.

    Matt Slayer And I'm not even talking about the Bella Thorne situation.

    Kezia Slater Like, Oh, I forgot about that.

    Matt Slayer All the UFC ring girls have only friends.

    Kezia Slater Oh, really? Yeah. That makes sense, though. And if I was like, into wrestling, that's what I would go for.

    Matt Slayer Some of the WWE Divas have an all hands as well.

    Kezia Slater That's perfect.

    Matt Slayer So on one hand, it's exposing sex, sex, work, to a broad, much broader audience than possibly would have been there before. But I'm like, Fuck, I'm not getting broadcast to millions of people on a fucking pay per view, a socially acceptable pay per view on top of that. Not even like because even if you're getting booked on a fucking major production set, there are only so many viewers on that.

    Matt Slayer You know, your average UFC card has hundreds of thousands of guys to hand. And how many eyes that buy isn't one buy per person? It's like, Oh, I'm throwing a party for my ten homies, and that's one side to him. Oh, that red girl's hot. Oh, I'm going to go ask them. Oh shit. Because she's connected to a major agency, she can freely advertise their only friends on her Instagram.

    Kezia Slater That's bad ass, huh?

    Matt Slayer It's bad ass on one hand, but on the other hand, like, how does the average sex worker stand out from the noise at that point?

    Kezia Slater Oh, 100%. I think it's that I'm just like, I've been in the industry for so long. So when I hear that stuff, I'm like, Damn you do you? That's whole, like, next generation type thing that I'm like, I'm, I don't know, I'm like sitting back in my rocking chair, like, cute little cute little babes doing like. Yeah, I like, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Oh, no, it's a double. It's 100% sword.

    Kezia Slater It's like pros and cons.

    Matt Slayer I'm all for it. Like, Oh, hey, look at that normalization. That hot girl is fucking getting her only friends. On the other hand, like, oh, my friends that are worried about making rent this month, because their content isn't selling as well.

    Kezia Slater Hundred percent. Yeah, that's I think that's another huge frustration too is seeing like the survival sex workers that started around the same time I did. Like a lot of them are like, we wish there was a resource that we could have had back then to be able to flourish and be able to do that now. So it is sad hearing people especially that they've left the industry before all that started and they're like, it's a whole other world now.

    Kezia Slater And it really is. But that's even like what we also have to grow with too. It's like everything changes every few years and oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer Hell, I've been in long enough. We're fucking mine. Geek was the devil.

    Kezia Slater Oh my God, I forgot about my geek.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, like, those are the two sides. The fucking devil. When I got in Apple and now everyone's like.

    Kezia Slater Help inside.

    Matt Slayer My vehicle. Some employed me occasionally, like, really? I've done some great work on manga excites.

    Kezia Slater So that's better.

    Matt Slayer Like, yeah, I've talked some shit. Please. I'll take the check though.

    Kezia Slater They pull out your, like, your old records, like, on this date back then.

    Matt Slayer Like, you talk shit about us on the internet and like, you guys have reformed your ways of it. But yeah, you guys did some fucking shady shit back in the day.

    Kezia Slater So cool.

    Matt Slayer People can change. Companies can change.

    Kezia Slater Definitely.

    Matt Slayer But at the end of the day, like, build the whole industry engine, they very much were disruptive to the fucking industry. Mm hmm. Absolutely. Back in the day, wildly disruptive to the industry.

    Kezia Slater I'm bad.

    Matt Slayer Oh, hey, we're going to let people just pirate your fucking content. And when it's been devalued, offered to buy the IP offer you for pennies on the dollar. Oh.

    Kezia Slater I forgot. Someone else told me about that. Yeah, I am.

    Matt Slayer It'll continue to change. And the fact that they're only friends is not the norm. They're financially helping everyone out. Now, but they just proved last October that, like, oh, if it isn't financially their best interest, that may fucking change.

    Kezia Slater And even then, it's still they're still updating things to slowly phase us out. So I think the last thing I heard was even like, we can't use the, like, coming emoji or whatever, because that can get flagged for six figures yeah. I've heard a bunch of people that like, they didn't even mention anything like sexual, but just because of the emojis, they got flag.

    Matt Slayer On all events.

    Kezia Slater Mm.

    Matt Slayer That's why. I mean, even if you're not selling services, like, I've heard things like excessive, gaping, we'll get you flagged.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah. You're not allowed to stick anything in your ass unless it's this the a dick until.

    Matt Slayer A human shaped dildo.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Yeah. Human shaped dildo or a butt. No, not about plug because that's anal insertion. It's like, yeah, it's or maybe about I can't remember, but it's like.

    Matt Slayer It's arbitrary as fuck no matter what.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Like and I think it was like there was another video where I was like shoving panties in my pussy, and that got flagged for like odd insertion, right? So that's all making, all really reaching with a bunch of things like.

    Matt Slayer Like, why, who cares about this? Like.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, it got to even the point because like, they out these public content, that public content is not allowed on only fans anymore. And it's now that like even if we're in our backyards, they'll like flag it because they'll be like, well, how do we know that that's your backyard? And it's like, we can't even be on our own private property, though.

    Kezia Slater Like.

    Matt Slayer So I understand both sides of that, right?

    Kezia Slater There's pros and cons. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Well, because I'm like one hand, like they're right. They have no way of knowing that. Like, that's not just you breaking into someone's yard or stuff like that, like.

    Kezia Slater 100%.

    Matt Slayer So they're limiting their liability. I get that.

    Kezia Slater Mm.

    Matt Slayer But on the other hand, it is your fucking backyard mhm. There's got to be some sort of middle ground to be able to figure out like, hey, this is my backyard.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. But then like you said, I can understand why they were just like nothing outside everything.

    Matt Slayer Once because only fence was never set up to be what, only pansies.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer Only friends was.

    Kezia Slater First.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. It grew to fucking fence. Only fence was supposed to be like a patron competitor that happened to allow adult content. So they never envisioned the company with checks and balances or verification when they launched. That's why, like, they claim that the MasterCard thing was going down was the fact that, oh, MasterCard was mean because it's like, no, no, you assholes grew too quickly and did not have checks and balances put in place to comply with the rules of MasterCard gave you six months prior that action.

    Matt Slayer Not unreasonable. Have you ever read what MasterCard actually does?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Yeah, no. Makes sense.

    Matt Slayer You're not at all like, Oh, we're required to review some paperwork for everyone involved. Oh, my God, the federal fucking.

    Kezia Slater Law, right? Yeah. Yeah. But the fact that so many websites just in the past year or two started like, like when you upload too many events before it was like you could upload whatever. Now it's like is there's a specific question that's like, is there a co performer? And if you've clicked yes or no, yes. And it's like, are they on many bids?

    Kezia Slater And then you can like search for them through there. Or if it's not, then you have to upload a bunch of like stuff and like that's new for the site. And I'm like, that's horrible that they were so established, they even like, Oh, I should not be talking shit about man events, but whatever they like searched for like porn stars and other big models to bring into many bids instead of like promoting their own people.

    Kezia Slater And then they like, they even did that before they did two, two, five sevens. And I'm like, that's pretty bad.

    Matt Slayer It's really bad.

    Kezia Slater And just minor verification, that's horrible in itself. Like, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Well, I mean, and at the end of the day, even that being able to flag an existing performer as like this is my co performer is still not proper. 24 to seven fucking oh.

    Kezia Slater 100%. And it's even scarier that a lot of models think that that is and I have to constantly be like, no, it's not. And they're like, yes it is. And I'm like, I guess I'm not going to argue with this on this one, but OK.

    Matt Slayer So no, no, no, no, no. You ever watch an old school scene where it says custody of records are located at that's part of 2057 requirements.

    Kezia Slater Faculty.

    Matt Slayer And if a site is not asking you where your records are fucking stored or has a copy of themselves, you're in violation of the fucking law. Just because there hasn't been an administration since like Bush Senior that's gone after anybody for it doesn't mean that it won't change. No, thank God it didn't happen. But think if we had President Mike Pence how fast fucking 2050 something verification would start coming down from the FBI, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. And then to do with everything, you're.

    Matt Slayer Fucking ten years of fucking content.

    Kezia Slater It'd be like tagged in the like receipt of like, you know, I mean, like all the proper information of, like, files and stuff. It'd be like in there even, like.

    Matt Slayer But what would performers do at that point if the FBI comes knocking on their fucking door and then what we want all year 2057 paperwork for everything you ever fucking shot. And you're like, so these people I've been interested in six years.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer I couldn't find them with a fucking private investigator. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater So I had to take down a bunch of my old videos because people either left, I had someone die and I don't, I have their old I.D. And the website was like, this ID expired. And I'm like, this person's like, and I, I think I already took down the video at that point. But they were like, I think because I had it in like my vault or something that I had just, like, taken it down but didn't realize it completely.

    Matt Slayer Until you couldn't just upload the release.

    Kezia Slater No, because it was an expired ID.

    Matt Slayer Oh, you had taken an expired I.D. when.

    Kezia Slater They.

    Matt Slayer Died, but at the time of shooting.

    Kezia Slater No. Yeah, but it's valid. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer So they should. No, there's.

    Kezia Slater So that's what you think. But no websites are still so it doesn't matter when you filmed it. They want an updated ID. So if you. So if I were to go back into any of my older videos that I haven't listed, that I have a core co performer in and I put that I have a co performer, it'll ask all that information and it'll expect the updated stuff when it's like that content, six, seven years old, that's bullshit.

    Matt Slayer That's available. I have a valid release from the time it doesn't expire. I have a valid I.D. from the time assigning fuck off.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, seriously. Yeah, but it's crazy. Yeah, but at.

    Matt Slayer Least you have that shit. How many fucking performers? Like, if the FBI asks? Because if the FBI got involved, you're good. You have a fucking valid release. You have a fucking valid idea at the time.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah.

    Matt Slayer If I kicked in someone's fucking door, like, yo, where's your fit to fit some paperwork? But the hub said they were fine. There are fellow performer like, or heaven forbid, you have someone like me, actually, who left. The industry is very anti-industry now. If you don't have valid point you to do something for a performer like that, they could turn around and take all my shit down.

    Kezia Slater And that happens all the time.

    Matt Slayer And what are you going to do at that point? You're going to have to comply.

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Or open yourself up to legal liability when you don't comply because you want to sign fucking model release because that's the other part of 24 seven is like you have are signing away your fucking image rights.

    Kezia Slater I love when I bring like my 2257 formed and then my shared model agreement and then I'm like, I just hand them both and they're like, but it's two, three, five, seven. I'm like, But you need to have a co agreement. And they're like, I've never seen this before. I'm like, I have you. So you don't agree where you're going to upload this?

    Kezia Slater Like the stuff you don't agree on, like money you don't agree like you don't have. Yeah. And that's always just turned into like really horrible instances. And I think that's just why I know I need to stay on top of that because I've just seen so many people have really bad experiences with it.

    Matt Slayer You can have horrible experiences with.

    Kezia Slater Even signed and everything. Yeah, but shoutout Sophie Lauder Sophie ladder dot com has like all the 25 seven worms all the model agreement releases all that stuff and even built into the model agreement form is an NDA and I'm like Sophie your genius like.

    Matt Slayer My only question is if you're shooting outside of California or in New Hampshire, will that actually hold up.

    Kezia Slater Yes because the forms actually have it that like it's like you fill in what state you're filming in.

    Matt Slayer Well the thing about it is you can't have someone sign a contract for an illegal act. And pornography is technically legal to shoot in California. New Hampshire.

    Kezia Slater I'm sorry. What?

    Matt Slayer Oh yeah.

    Kezia Slater I'm sorry. What?

    Matt Slayer So New Hampshire actually passed a law to make pornography legal OK California is from a 1981 state Supreme Court ruling everywhere else in the country is technically illegal to want to produce pornography you are technically committed pandering.

    Kezia Slater Oh so it's like that whole you can't own more than six dildos in the state of Texas type rule like oh my god though I didn't know.

    Matt Slayer That Nevada has a published.

    Kezia Slater Yeah what about.

    Matt Slayer Nevada they so they have a published opinion from the state Supreme Court that says due to California's state Supreme Court ruling we have chosen to consider effectively to make pornography legal but it is not on the books.

    Kezia Slater So pornography is not legal in Nevada but like buddy ranches and stuff.

    Matt Slayer Oh the brothel laws are wild do no, no, no no.

    Kezia Slater I know that. But I just I can't understand the concept that brothels are allowed. But pornography is not.

    Matt Slayer How restricted brothels are.

    Kezia Slater Oh, OK. OK, OK. That OK.

    Matt Slayer And I have a feeling that part of the reason pornography wasn't legal in in Nevada for quite some time was because the part of the brothel, I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, we don't want her. Pornography is not technically legal in Nevada. They're just like I mean, our opinion is that it's legal because the California State Supreme Court ruling Florida, you get to do your stories every once in while central Florida of people getting fucking busted for shooting their own shit in their homes.

    Matt Slayer What? Oh, yeah. Southern Florida just chooses not to fucking enforce the laws. But so.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, I feel like all of the articles I've seen, it's usually people filming in public places. That's always what it comes down to. Or like the private company recognizing or being told later that porn was filmed.

    Matt Slayer They're trying to find an article from Florida that doesn't involve a CP.

    Kezia Slater Oh.

    Matt Slayer Because God damn, like, hey, like, I just want Google Florida porn arrest. And unfortunately, a lot of, I don't know, a lot of a lot of bad shit. We'll come back to that. But I definitely saw an article a couple of years ago of someone who was like making consensual adult content in central Florida. Fucking arrested.

    Kezia Slater Oh, so I've only heard of that when I think with like Vietnam and Thailand. Was that like that is actually a red flag for hotels. If the people who are in the hotel room, like, don't ever leave or come in with like production, like equipment, and then don't ever leave, like apparently your room is red flag that like you could be risk or whatever.

    Kezia Slater But yeah, that's the only time I've ever heard like in your own room or in your own hotel room. I didn't know.

    Matt Slayer Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. It's wild. They are so like shooting in Washington. You technically, by the letter of the law, could run afoul of the law. But most of those law enforcers, law enforcement but the problem is you can't sign a contract for an illegal act. So those contracts that NDA included may not hold up if it's not done in California or in New Hampshire.

    Kezia Slater Now, I'm wondering why none of well, maybe the lawyers have mentioned it because unlike X Space and Exotica, whenever there's panels and like classes for all us to learn from and stuff like that, there's always like a lawyer panel. And I don't think they've ever mentioned it.

    Matt Slayer So before we got on air, we actually talked about my Confederacy. Yeah, briefly. Federal she told me years ago when I was still living in Chicago because I wanted to, like, do production in shows like get 20, 50, some paperwork. But if anyone demands you take down their content because it's not legal to shoot here, you're going to have to take it down.

    Kezia Slater Wow.

    Kezia Slater Because I was always told because I know that there's issues when you film outside of the United States. I know that there's a whole issue with that when it comes to filling out forms, but whoa.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, it's absolutely wild. But I want to see it. It's just one of those things like but the problem is most people you're dealing with aren't aware of their rights either. So it's not really something that you really have to worry about. But in the, in the grand scheme.

    Kezia Slater Of things.

    Matt Slayer If the fucking world changes and law enforcement all of a sudden becomes interested in the industry again, you may have fucking problems. Wow. Like on a federal level, you be good because you're 20. Some people.

    Kezia Slater Are 100% but stay.

    Matt Slayer State wide or the fact that your model release may not be able to hold up your NDA may be able to hold up because you're having a contract signed for something that's not a legal act.

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer As federal 600 of the time it's like you can't make someone sign a contract for your drug deal because it's illegal.

    Kezia Slater To make sense. Yeah. I'm like.

    Matt Slayer Oh, well, ain't that about a bitch?

    Kezia Slater But yeah, I even try to explain to like normal people outside of the industry that like two, two, five, seven forms are pretty normal. Like, are you taking pictures at a party? They might come to you and ask you to sign a T 57 form so they can use your photo. Like when you go into those private areas that have a photographer and stuff and you have to sign forms, there's probably something in that form that you signed signing away your rights that like you're over the age of whatever and that like you agreed that your photo can be used in any kind of situation.

    Matt Slayer And I know it's, it's.

    Kezia Slater People don't realize it.

    Matt Slayer I feel like it's a lot of things that go on in entertainment. A lot of people just see the finished product and like, oh, that's these people fucking on film.

    Kezia Slater Oh well that's for sure too. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer And don't realize like everything that fucking else goes into, it's like, oh, especially in the modern era, which I love. I fucking love this. When I was first working on sets, this definitely wasn't a thing like entrance interviews from major fucking studios, like, Oh, hey, we're going to have an entrance interview while you do 24, do some paperwork and we're going to ask, you know, are you here of your own volition?

    Matt Slayer Are you sober? Are you fucking what? Don't you, are you willing to do that? What are you willing to do today? Like all that shit when I first saw once, that's like, here's your 20, $50 for me. Let's rock and roll. You and you and the other performer figure out, like, boundaries and like sometimes.

    Kezia Slater Oh, fuck yeah. I make sense. With everything that's happened, they need to have it, like, on film, just all right there.

    Matt Slayer The fact that, like, when I was working for my vehicle, I saw like, they're doing exit interviews, but not like the olds. There are often some production companies that I never witnessed this myself, but I heard from other performers about exit interviews were like, did withhold your check until you, like, said everything was cool?

    Kezia Slater Oh, shit, that makes sense.

    Matt Slayer But the monkey, except I was working on, like, that's the head of your fucking shack and be like, OK, now we need to do the exit. Here's your fucking check. Oh, wow. They made sure that you were paid first.

    Kezia Slater Understand that? It's not like based on that. Oh, that's good, huh? That'd be terrifying.

    Matt Slayer But I never witnessed it. It was never I said I worked on, but I heard about this from a bunch of performers. Like, yeah, I had an exit interview, but they're holding onto my check till the interview is over. Oh, even though it was, I explicitly said that they wouldn't get their check if they didn't do the exit interview or didn't say everything was cool, but they felt that was implied.

    Matt Slayer Like, just the perception there.

    Kezia Slater Well, yeah, that would make sense. Oh, yeah. Damn. See, I feel like old, older industry, like stories. Yeah, that wouldn't really happen much anymore because it's been talked about so much that people can easily call that out and not feel so uncomfortable about it just because of how normalized that's been.

    Matt Slayer But oh hell no, it didn't become legal in California until 81. Like legal at.

    Kezia Slater All.

    Matt Slayer So how many years of like the old heads when I got in we're just used to being like, Oh yeah, this is a criminal enterprise.

    Kezia Slater True. Yeah, like you said. But it's gotten to the point of only fans and everyone can join it and everyone's doing it. And yeah, it's so easy to kind of become a sex worker in a way.

    Matt Slayer How I'm sure there's a lot of people that are on only fans that are sex workers now that wouldn't even consider themselves sex workers. So like.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer Like the disconnects in their brain of I'm not a sex worker. I just, I'm just not only friends.

    Kezia Slater Mm hmm. Yeah. There's like a whole branch of, like, nurses because I know a nurse. And then she yeah, there's a whole branch of, like, nurses that are like proud only fans and stuff like that. And I'm like, all I can think about is like, damn, like, back then, it'd be like, you'd be worried about your hospital finding out.

    Kezia Slater You'd be worried about, like, your union finding. Like, there's so many things you'd have to be worried about that now. It's like.

    Matt Slayer Well, after that New York nurse, like, got all that press about getting fired over.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. I forgot about that. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer I'm sure all the unions and hospitals were like, Yeah, we don't need to be on national news over this shit. We don't need that. What about that? We don't illustrate that we're underpaying our fucking health professional, especially in the middle of a pandemic. So yeah, if you want to make extra money, I'm on.

    Kezia Slater The phone, so that's cool. Yeah, that's. I forgot about that entirely. Wow.

    Matt Slayer So at the end of the day, hospitals are for for profit, and they don't want the bad press.

    Kezia Slater 100%. Yeah. Because your name of your hospital gets out in the news.

    Matt Slayer And they're underpaying health workers in the pandemic. Like, it's going to be a couple more years before a hospital can get away with publicly, like, miss mistreating their employees.

    Kezia Slater At least a couple of years. Yeah, it's going to just be normal, normal mistreatment but.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, back to our current dystopia of mistreatment.

    Kezia Slater And it's funny because like even when I because I went to college, like first at San Francisco State like way long ago and then I went back. But both times I was like so worried people were going to find out. I was like a sex worker. I didn't want anyone to know. And nowadays it's like I know people that are students.

    Kezia Slater They're like, we wrote and we've written essays where we talk about like sex work and where we talk about like only fans and all that stuff. And it's amazing at the same time, seeing how much things have changed in just a few years.

    Matt Slayer Only Trans is letter revolution just needs to keep going and a little bit better. Like, you need to have a company that can attract more not only friends attracted, but actually run by people who actually give a fuck what happens to the people on the platform.

    Kezia Slater Oh, and then I was even going to mention when we were talking about two, five, seven bathrooms, I don't think I've joined any new site that started off the site correctly. Like demanding two to 57 bathrooms and doing all that right away because even like the sites that popped up once, only fans like tossed themselves down the toilet type thing, they're still not demanding to do five, seven forums or anything like that.

    Kezia Slater And I'm like, Don't you guys learn like you like I was? Yeah, I'm so confused.

    Matt Slayer But so I'm kind of like, I've been doing a little bit of consultant for a startup that is looking to be an only trans competitor. And like part of the reason they pushed their soft launch back was one of the first calls I got. I of them, I'm like, Where's your verification process? Where's your 2257 stuff and the, the CEO's just like, Yeah, we got to have that shit in place before we really launch.

    Kezia Slater Good. Oh my God. About time someone finally.

    Matt Slayer Does part of the promise, part of the people, people making these platforms are tech people. They're not adult industry people.

    Kezia Slater True. Oh, my God. And then kind of also random something else, something else that I love is that like not only do we need the like two, two, five, seven forms and we need the model arrangement form, but we also need a photo of everyone's like ID, right? So we're like, OK, everyone has that. That's pretty standard. Well, when only fans, like, did whatever they did, it's now that you have to include all of that.

    Kezia Slater And you also have to include a photo of you holding that ID next to your face. Yeah. Bunny ears. Yeah. So that became like a new, like, great. We have to now contact everyone to get that photo. And then it's like after that one, I think family or some other site, maybe it's loyal fans or something that their thing is now that like you have to be holding your ID next to your face while you're holding a piece of paper that says your name the date and what website you're joining.

    Kezia Slater And it's like everyone's just taking an extra level farther, I feel like. So we have to backtrack or like we have to like we either have to take the time and all the effort to backtrack or we have to make so much new content in order to keep up that like, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Well, it's interesting. I mean, the bunny ears, because I come from a startup that's been practiced on set forever, so really that's what's called bunny ears because you hold on to forms ideas. Next, your head oh.

    Kezia Slater I thought you just I don't even know why I thought you meant bunny ears just being cute. Like they don't even realize you meant like that. Duh.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, that, that that is old school.

    Kezia Slater So I got to steal that bunny ears. I got an Easter bunny ears.

    Matt Slayer My gosh, that is old school. So that's a so that's when I can talk.

    Kezia Slater Love it.

    Matt Slayer Forever. Like, so like, that's been happening forever. Like, whenever I hear, like, I'm getting everyone's favorite time for bunny ears. Get him on my phone, boom. Send it to the director. Like, that's all a part of bunny ears.

    Kezia Slater Love her.

    Matt Slayer OK, so, like.

    Kezia Slater So I feel like I'm such a noob because I like. I joined sex work as a survival sex worker, and I just started collaborating with other people I started in 20, 19. So I'm like, when people tell me stories, I'm like, Oh shit, this is a whole other world. I didn't even know. Like, Yeah, but oh cool.

    Matt Slayer That's part of the problem with that. There is no porno one on one. And if you're definitely part of the only friends revolution. No. How much time have you spent on the commercial set?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. And then there's also the well, even before the pandemic, there was like sex workers that would sell like a sex worker, 101 intro guide. Like you get a bunch of information, like all the knowledge that they've learned over the years. So you know what I mean? You pay a certain amount during their class and do all that.

    Matt Slayer Even with those kind of classes, you have to know they exist to be able to take them. It's not like, Oh, welcome to all events. Here's your onboarding. Videos.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, yeah.

    Matt Slayer Like if you sign up for to be a YouTube creator, there are so many tutorial videos made by YouTube.

    Kezia Slater YouTube. Yeah, exactly.

    Matt Slayer Like Best Practices as a YouTube creator, huh? Why is that shit not standard for many of it's like I've I know a lot of people like, I don't know if it's gotten better but it was either medieval or a sell back and they, like their UI was so obtuse that people would make money running people's clip for sale stores because the performers just didn't know how to use them properly.

    Kezia Slater So yeah, that's definitely still clips for sales. I actually still don't even have a clips for sales site because my brain literally breaks every time I go to the main site just because it's so nineties that my brain's like trying to go back to that and it's like, I can't do it no, not at all. But yeah, the format of that is still pretty nineties, but I don't know many of these formats just getting worse and worse.

    Kezia Slater But like, like how you said there's not even like a sex worker one on one. There's not even a like a here's how you use this like adult website and this is where you find all this stuff like the sex workers ourselves we have to make those like websites in order to get fans. And then a lot of people don't want to put those out because then you're going to learn how to use other people's sites more.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, so it just becomes a whole thing.

    Matt Slayer I'm going to make a whole tutorial series and just put them on all the major sites, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Massagers, only friends. It's just tutorial videos. On how to use only fans.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Oh yeah. But that's what I was talking about, that like every since the pandemic, it's like there's sex workers who join in the pandemic and they're now even selling like their information and stuff because it's and it's like a lot of people are like, that's too recent. And then it's like at the same time, it's like COVID has felt like five years.

    Kezia Slater And it's also like you had to learn so much and like, yeah. So I can understand why people are just.

    Matt Slayer And you had nothing but time on your hands.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Yeah. And if you just learn so much information, why would you not want to share it?

    Matt Slayer But for fuck's sake, I barely, barely knew how to use after effects going into COVID like I taught myself. So my editing game has gotten so exponentially better during COVID because all I did is sit around and make content like that. pre-COVID, like all I did, you know, editing was like podcasts and shit like that. Like I was a competent audio editor.

    Matt Slayer And video like these aren't hard to video and it's like, I'm going to select which camera, whoever's talking on. I may do some basic color correction. I may like punch in the shot a little bit depending on how it's looking when I'm doing it in post. That's it now. Like I learned how to do a lot of stuff, a chronic email.

    Matt Slayer I learned a bunch of stuff in AfterEffects. Like I just spent like the whole pandemic, like, oh, well, I'm a twister and I'm going to make video Dell video game content. I'm going to. So it makes perfect sense to me that people who just got into the pandemic absorbed everything.

    Kezia Slater That I know.

    Matt Slayer Don't have the biases of being a sex worker. Pre-pandemic like, no, but this is how it should be.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Or like not having to live your normal life while doing sex work. It's like, yeah, the people that got to focus 24 seven on this, like, that'd be really interesting to learn from them. Like.

    Matt Slayer As I said at the beginning, of this podcast, we as a species are very adaptable but very stuck in our ways. So if you've been doing this a long time, you may not feel the need to adapt. We're someone who lost their fucking bartending job and had no choice. Exactly and works going fuck all from unemployment because they lived on tips and didn't declare most of their tips because how many servers actually declare their fucking temps?

    Kezia Slater But that's yeah, you get fucked, right?

    Matt Slayer So they're just like, oh well I got no choice. Now they're essentially in survival sex work, but they have the time to absorb fucking everything.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, yeah. Like my husband is actually joining sex work and he's officially joining next month, but like his own sites, his own contact and all that stuff.

    Matt Slayer You're happy it turned him out.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, so happy. Yeah, he's been he's been really supportive of, like, my career and everything and like just with prices going up, inflation and all that, our less hours and all that stuff, we got to bring in a second job. So we're like, might as well bring in something that like would just add to like what I'm doing to it.

    Matt Slayer While that becomes the first job.

    Kezia Slater Oh my God. Yeah, that's the goal somehow, if that could. But at the same time, we're using his job for health insurance because that's also a problem in the industry is that there's no industry wide in health care or anything like that.

    Matt Slayer I mean, that is one beautiful part of California is like you can sign up for pretty affordable health care through covered California.

    Kezia Slater True. Yes. Yeah, even Washington state has pretty good. Yeah. But um, yeah. So we have health insurance through him. But yeah, he's doing sex work and he's just been listening in on all the experts that I because like experts since the pandemic are now online and like all the classes are online and stuff. So he just hears them and he's like, oh yeah, these are good points.

    Kezia Slater And I'm like, see, you're already coming into the industry more knowledgeable than I came in because I even came in, I joined 2013. So when I started collaborating in 2019, I was learning stuff from people who like just joined the industry in the last three to six months because all their focus was that. So it's like, it's amazing what you can do when all your attention goes to that.

    Matt Slayer What's wild to me. And like just think about this now. Like it's not, it's never crossed my mind until this moment is like avian experts have so many like the business end of this business panels that are generally having during like normal show hours where like your typical performer is signing autographs during these fucking panels, not allowing them to fucking attend these and learn more about their fucking business because the old school model is, well, if you're a performer, you don't need to know shit about the business and.

    Kezia Slater Exactly. Yeah, that's definitely how Exotica is. It's like all the models are out and all the like newer people or non industry people are in there. But I think that's why I like extras so much is that they don't have any other events going on industry related, but those are the times when everyone's like collaborating. And then when I'm going to all the sessions and then I look later and I'm like, I missed out on all the cute photos and all that stuff, photos, photos earlier.

    Kezia Slater And I'm like, Why did I miss them? Oh, because I was in the classes because everyone else skips like.

    Matt Slayer Well, experts are still industry only. And Oh yeah, Exotica is a fan connection.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah. Yeah. I just meant like, yeah, I was. There's no other events going on at the ABM Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Avian, which is both. Generally, people are stuck in the fucking.

    Kezia Slater Exotic because even both they have classes too.

    Matt Slayer And yeah, the definitely do. But I mean, except for a couple of legal panels, a lot of them are just like performers anecdotally telling stories about, Oh really?

    Kezia Slater Oh, I hadn't my next goal for the next resort. I was exotic. I was to start going to those panels, but I thought it was going to be like, I.

    Matt Slayer Mean, some of them are.

    Kezia Slater Important and stuff.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, some of them are, you know, traditionally and I mean, Thoreau's is not in the States right now, but traditionally over the years that Rosie had legal panels during Exotica, but a lot of it was performers talking about life, their experiences and shit like that. And like I got to hear Mr. Pete years ago tell his, like, first season story, like one of those panels.

    Matt Slayer Oh, my time.

    Kezia Slater That would be cool. Never mind.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. I mean, it's cool shit, but it's not necessarily like, it's like, yeah, it's like, oh, this is interesting. Like, he's talking about what it takes to be male talent in the industry where like, his first scene was with someone. I don't mean to steal his story. But he was talking about someone, like, his first scene was with a girl, and she estimates she should leave her teeth in for the scene or not.

    Kezia Slater Oh, fuck, that's hot. Oh, my God. That's hot.

    Matt Slayer So he's laying it out like, yo, just because you get to watch me bang. Like it was fucking talent these days, you don't start there.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. I love that. Hey, there's. But that's a fetish in itself for sure.

    Matt Slayer But it's not everyone's fetish.

    Kezia Slater Oh, no, I think.

    Matt Slayer It's definitely not everyone's fetish. Oh, and the circle back to what we talked about earlier. Apparently this article is much older than I thought. Jesus Christ, I've been in this industry too long. But like, once the leisure dot com reported that Theresa Taylor, a.k.a. Kimberly Tops 55, and her husband, Warren Taylor 58, were arrested Friday night after a three month investigation into adult content the couple allegedly produced in their Lakeland whale's home in Florida.

    Matt Slayer During investigation a detective paid 1995 to access Kimberly Cops scam which features a Trista having sex with a variety of partners and offering to sell clothes from her scenes. The videos were uploaded hosted by coasters will become a major hub for amateur porn.

    Kezia Slater Like that so there's nothing illegal in that.

    Matt Slayer But it was in Florida wow.

    Kezia Slater Hmm. Interesting.

    Matt Slayer That was the exact place I was thinking of but apparently that was from 2011.

    Kezia Slater Interesting.

    Matt Slayer But that's the thing. Law enforcement decided to take a fucking interest.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Well, like I remember there's a sex worker last year that got caught filming public porn, I think in like North Carolina or South Carolina or something. And then everyone just started sending me that link and was like, Did you see this? Don't do public porn anymore. And I'm like, Oh, shit. Like, so like, a bunch of people were like, Oh, crap, do we are we really not able to do this anymore?

    Kezia Slater And then was like.

    Matt Slayer And in reality, you've never been able to.

    Kezia Slater Know. Yeah, 100% and hundred percent. We yeah, we were like, is this like, are they going to start looking at things differently now? Type thing?

    Matt Slayer But but that was in the privacy of their own fucking.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. That's, that's crazy. Wow.

    Matt Slayer If the winds of change come, you may be fucked.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. I mean, you're not born here in New Hampshire and.

    Matt Slayer You have the fucking t's crossed, i's dotted and.

    Kezia Slater Interesting. All we need is one thing to go to shit.

    Matt Slayer Like all you need is some local fucking district attorney who's got nothing better to do. Like they're in some Dell suburb outside of Tampa. So their district attorney probably had number. He probably rubbed one out for, like, hey, I recognize that house.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Oh, my God.

    Matt Slayer I've seen her at my fucking local Kroger or some shit. Hmm.

    Kezia Slater Interesting. OK, ok. But now I'm wondering how, like, I don't know, I've seen tons of, like, public porn in other porn films in, like, New York City, but I guess they have other things to worry about.

    Matt Slayer So it's one of those things it's not being enforced that's why, like, back in the day. So, you know, 100%, like, we're on the deal. Hell, I don't know what happens because I don't think any fucking production company actually checks in with film l.a. What happens if they start kicking indoors for lack of film permits?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Hmm.

    Matt Slayer Like, I do not know the legality of what the filming like film permit stuff is for shooting in your own home. Technically, are we committing a crime right now?

    Kezia Slater I was just about.

    Matt Slayer This filming this podcast for not having a film permanent in los angeles.

    Kezia Slater Huh? All right. What is a company? I wonder if it's like a weird legality that it's like you can have up to, like, two or three cameras, but any more or like, yeah.

    Matt Slayer But a lot of major productions just have one big.

    Kezia Slater Camera, huh?

    Matt Slayer I'm actually curious if were committing a crime right now, I'm going to Google it.

    Kezia Slater I'm like, trying to think of in like, a buyer standard way.

    Matt Slayer The caption says, Do I need to film a permit to film in Hollywood? Yes. Justin. Yes.

    Kezia Slater Oh.

    Matt Slayer I need to look at what how many crimes I'm like.

    Kezia Slater Would every episode.

    Matt Slayer Because because of this, according to this website, since YouTube is considered a commercial, you you want to require a permit, make it a video student, a nonprofit productions also require a permit, though they may qualify for a special lower rate.

    Kezia Slater Whoa. So you'd have to apply for a permit to.

    Matt Slayer Like I need to look at film L.A. And see what oh, podcast.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my god. Whoa. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer I mean, at the end of the day, they don't have the resources to.

    Kezia Slater Like, but so but that's what i mean, that it's like, ok, in real reality, who would really spend the.

    Matt Slayer Time to enforce it?

    Kezia Slater But it's like, so does it take one angry neighbor to report it to your building, to report it? You know what I mean? Like, how what's the tipping point? Like, at what point are they going to do something?

    Matt Slayer Right? Well, and the thing about it is I don't know who does enforcement for it. Because at the end of the day, if LAPD is the one who's responsible for enforcing it, I'm not worried. Literally, during the pandemic, my downstairs neighbor was a music producer and was rattling my floors with his music, a bunch of.

    Kezia Slater My guys and.

    Matt Slayer I had to get the police involved. And I definitely had one copy. I do live in the city. You should expect to shut my motherfucker.

    Kezia Slater No, you said and why he's.

    Matt Slayer Rattling my floors and I'm doing audio production. He is literally interfering with my ability to do work, work.

    Kezia Slater And then I wonder if sorry to bring it all back to COVID, but like, I know when COVID happens, so many departments closed or were backlogged, and it's like, so how many of these people that now had to work from home and had to turn to like part of their home and to studios wanted to apply for these permits.

    Kezia Slater But because of the back or like, I.

    Matt Slayer Don't think there is a single podcast in Los Angeles that is actually getting film permits. Could you imagine the cost?

    Kezia Slater Like I did, like there's tons of YouTube channels in L.A. that there's no way they all have permits. Like, Wow, I'm.

    Matt Slayer Actually.

    Kezia Slater Going to be like that whole Texas dildo law.

    Matt Slayer But I'm curious for filmmakers like obtain a film permit.

    Kezia Slater Or maybe it's like if you have a moving camera, you might need.

    Matt Slayer Laws regarding film. Permits are established by the jurisdiction. That film only serves. Please contact someone if you have questions about whether a permanent project just doing noncommercial filming. Personal Use does not require a film permit, but YouTube is considered commercial oh cool. And to get a permit, you have to provide proof of insurance.

    Kezia Slater Oh my God.

    Matt Slayer And you have to purchase worker's comp to someone that's fucking injured.

    Kezia Slater Oh, we just went down a whole rabbit hole.

    Matt Slayer I mean.

    Kezia Slater This snip this.

    Matt Slayer This little thing I've talked about on air before though I'm not sure you're aware of, but under California agency law, if a film star is under insured, your agency has to provide worker's comp insurance for their employer or for their clients. Good. But most performers don't know that shit. Oh.

    Kezia Slater Damn.

    Kezia Slater Hey.

    Matt Slayer I mean, thankfully in porn, though, the likelihood of onset injury is pretty low. Most things are not like doing crazy stunts or car chases and shit like that.

    Kezia Slater I'm like, the pains we got are like chiropractor massage type. Like.

    Matt Slayer If you fucking torture someone on set.

    Kezia Slater Oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer No, I think you might be able to file a worker's comp claim. Hm.

    Kezia Slater I know. Yeah. When I got into my last car accident, they were like, Was this for work or for home and or like, was this for work purposes? And I mean, technically, I was like driving my way to go film something real quick, and then I was going to come back and do something, and I was even like, I was going to and I, I think it was because of the car accident.

    Kezia Slater I was like, I know it wasn't work purposes. It was just me taking a walk. And they were like, oh, OK. Well.

    Matt Slayer The thing about it is if it had been for purposes you're not carrying worker's comp insurance right? Yeah.

    Kezia Slater No. Yeah, your personal.

    Matt Slayer Insurance maybe like where did I her claim she was at work?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Oh.

    Matt Slayer You may have just saved yourself a major fucking seriously.

    Kezia Slater Though.

    Matt Slayer It's super fucked up because we're porn. Even commercial porn sites are still weirdly running afoul of the law. Is you can't be an independent contractor and be a porn performer if you're on set. Technically, you're an employee of the production yeah. You have to actually be W-2 by the letter of the law. So that's where you fall under the worker's comp insurance.

    Matt Slayer All that fun shit. Yeah. This is why I like most major film productions. Start an individual LLC for each production. Oh.

    Kezia Slater I was wondering why they had so many separate ones that make some.

    Matt Slayer It's to keep the books clear. It's the.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer This is where technically with all the AB five shit it runs weirdly afoul. Are you up on California in an attempt to fuck the rideshare and app companies power?

    Kezia Slater Oh, that one has.

    Matt Slayer To be five, but that's actually negatively affected porn performers as well because you technically can't be an independent contractor under how it was codified. Oh, that's why there is a big push of everyone getting their own. LLC is good. There are corporations to try to skirt the law. Oh, but technically by the letter of the law, every performer on every fucking set should be a fucking employee of that production.

    Matt Slayer Wow.

    Kezia Slater So you need to have that subject deleted.

    Matt Slayer Is prohibited within the alec. No porn production wants to pay someone fucking unemployment insurance.

    Kezia Slater Wow. And it's like, can you file for unemployment just because you haven't worked a couple of months for that studio?

    Matt Slayer I mean, I know unions that rosters that do well, they're on there on a project for a couple of weeks.

    Kezia Slater No, that doesn't make sense. I suppose if you're signed out to a production company and stuff like that.

    Matt Slayer But they're W2 employees for like, wow, everybody else. I've a friend of mine worked as a set dresser for Captain Marvel, and after that wrapped she went and filed Vernon fucking employment. Wow. So she got her next.

    Kezia Slater Gig oh, I didn't know that's how it worked. Whoa.

    Matt Slayer So, like, Porn's running Renegade style like that anyways. And also, I don't think a single fucking porn production is bothering to get from film permits to fucking film L.A.

    Kezia Slater Even, like, big production studios.

    Matt Slayer As far as I know. Like, I'm I've never been on that end of the production. We're like, i would have to set up permits or do insurance. That's above my fucking pay grade, so i could be completely wrong about that. Please don't come at me for this. We're just I'm just spitballing. I am saying I've been drinking. I say things that sometimes are real, sometimes are serious.

    Kezia Slater I'm picking apart his head. Don't mind me.

    Matt Slayer This is where porn continues to be a renegade fucking industry because 100% the content you shot today is for commercial use.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, you.

    Matt Slayer Guys did not get a.

    Kezia Slater Permit yeah.

    Matt Slayer There was no insurance on that fucking.

    Kezia Slater Oh, wow.

    Matt Slayer So technically, you were in violation of law. Oops. Woops.

    Kezia Slater Damn and I thought only my public content was merely hold up. You're telling me now my public contacts. Fuck no. Damn. Who I'm restarting my whole career. Every video's gone, guys.

    Matt Slayer It's a misdemeanor offense to film without a permit. If called, your film will be shut down and may be subject to significant fines, the cost of court appearances.

    Kezia Slater But then, ok, so is it a misdemeanor?

    Matt Slayer Maybe it's subject to arrest equipment, capital confiscation.

    Kezia Slater OK, is it per film, though? Uh huh, oh.

    Matt Slayer I mean, that's what film is.

    Kezia Slater So at what point, how many misdemeanors, how many videos?

    Matt Slayer So it's been two years in 20. 11. It's been two years since the Los Angeles Police Department film permit enforcement powers were clarified under special a revised special events ordinance personal law. In the fall of 2009, Lawrence revised a section blah blah blah blah blah makes Sylvester production. Here is a film without a permit or engage in activities not covered by their permits.

    Kezia Slater Wow.

    Matt Slayer Since the ordinance passed, the LAPD Contract Services section filmed in it has made arrests and filed charges against film productions for violations. As recently as last week, LAPD didn't arrest the filmmakers for such offense. In addition to Arrested Fine, the LAPD made confiscated film equipment until a court hearing.

    Kezia Slater And so looks like we're all going to start filming our porn in international waters on boats.

    Matt Slayer Right I'd be fucking damned if LAPD shows up here and like, yeah, we're confiscating your camera equipment for some of your filming in your fucking apartment. I mean, warrants would be the first warrant.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, but that's our. I'm like, I really wonder how much it takes. Like, is it just one angry neighbor? Is it, I don't know, building?

    Matt Slayer But it also could be one of those things. Like, if you're shooting at a hotel, if the hotel's going to evict you from the room, if the suspect is shooting porn video from the room and then call LAPD for you filming without a permit.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my hotel could definitely do that because I know that the housekeepers were walking by when they heard, like, moaning earlier and like.

    Matt Slayer I mean, you're allowed to have sex.

    Kezia Slater In room. Oh, no. But like, there was also another point later where, like, someone opened the door and one of the that same housekeeper looked into their room and there were like lights and stuff. And we're like, oh, that was way too obvious.

    Matt Slayer I mean, you could definitely claim in the moment those for personal use.

    Kezia Slater Oh, no. Hundred percent. And then that's what other people mentioned. They're like, you could be taking pictures of your clothes because you're a fashion designer.

    Matt Slayer You know what you're doing. You're stealing literally. We're making a sex tape for yourself. It's Oh, it's the commercial use.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. I did it. OK, so film and some home sex stuff, right?

    Matt Slayer Me and my husband get off on this shit or me and Mike.

    Kezia Slater You have like a 4K camera is like all these, like, umbrella lights and it's like, this is just for home. Don't worry.

    Matt Slayer We get off on the show. We're just like high production value.

    Kezia Slater What we like being able to double click and see the clarity, you know, no big deal, right?

    Matt Slayer Like, you have to you.

    Kezia Slater Got to put on your feet.

    Matt Slayer After the fact. I mean, you're out of state. So the like, the likelihood of them coming after you is pretty low. But someone like me I filmed this week in week out. Same location in Los Angeles.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. Oh, my God. So I kind of have a story for that one. OK, so when I went to Exotica, New Jersey in 2019, me and another model I will not name, I decided to film public porn. And we're like, cool, OK, whatever we're filming, we'll film it. Well, we're dummies and went by some train tracks that we shouldn't have been by.

    Kezia Slater And Amtrak called the police on us. And so we're both naked on our backs fucking ourselves with dildos. And I see in the camera that we're looking at, I'm like, Is that someone moving behind us? And all of a sudden we see two people and I'm like, Those are cops. And then we see sirens coming up from in front of us and all of a sudden, like three cop cars swarm us, and we're like, cause we're a little bit of a walk.

    Kezia Slater We start like throwing clothes on and like, I shove both our dildos in my, like, jeans, shorts. I have like a crop top on and my tits are hanging out and I'm like, this is the day I'm going to jail. This is the day that, like, it's just done. I have no idea how I think just because we were so quick thinking on our feet that they were just like, What are you guys doing here?

    Kezia Slater And we were like, We just wanted to spend time together. And then they were just so long story short, they got so the cops are calling us because apparently.

    Matt Slayer Trespassing or.

    Kezia Slater Kind of. But that wasn't actually Amtrak's concern, that point in the Amtrak railway, apparently really sad part is where a lot of people go to like kill themselves. And we didn't know that or anything. So the cops came being like, you guys are from out of state. Did you come here meeting to like for a pact or something?

    Kezia Slater Like, why didn't you why did you come here and you're out of state? And then, like, they couldn't get over that. And we were like, we weren't. Do we like that's not what we were doing. We're so sorry. We were around here. We have we're from out of state. We don't know anything about this. And like so we were like, oh, my God, they're going to, like, fuck us over for us fucking ourselves.

    Kezia Slater And like, they're actually really concerned for our wellbeing and, like, safety and stuff and like, yeah.

    Matt Slayer But I almost think you should've done the gamble. The officers look on the camera.

    Kezia Slater I know, right? But yeah, somehow they like, we.

    Matt Slayer Want to live, officer, we want to live.

    Kezia Slater They didn't like question any of like equipment we had with us though. It was really weird. And then they were even like, so we took our names down. If you get pulled over by another cop while you're here, you're going to get taken in like this is your one warning type thing. And we were like, OK, we won't do anything.

    Kezia Slater But like, we got put in the back of a cop car, got brought back to like our car and like they like made sure that we left the area and like, yeah, best part filmed almost the whole thing. So I even was able to film as the cops were like bringing us back to their car. I don't know why I decided to, like, flip around as I was holding the camera.

    Kezia Slater So you can see all six cop cars coming for us that were parked there.

    Matt Slayer Did you get 2250 something paperwork.

    Kezia Slater From all of them? Right now I'm like, I have to make sure the blur all your faces blur all of it to make sure I don't.

    Matt Slayer Alter their voices.

    Kezia Slater I did do that. Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. Altered that and like, oh my God. But yeah, I was even like, I think we were joking around about that. We were like, should we have asked them for 25 sevens so we've asked for their IDs like officers.

    Matt Slayer We need to see all your ideas and badge numbers. Yeah. Have them bunny years with their badges.

    Kezia Slater They're my God, I'd be so perfect. Oh, my God. Yeah. So when because like I film a lot of public porn and stuff, so a lot of people ask me like, have you ever been caught by the cops? And I'm like once and it's a horrible great story.

    Matt Slayer So just gone wild with them to go. And if you got a clean to ask. I know, officer.

    Kezia Slater Honestly, I think if they didn't like it's really a sad reason why they came out. I think if they didn't go down that corner like or down that road, we might have like said something because I think even, like, as they left, we're like, So do you want to come with us later? Like, what's up? Like four of you guys, two of us, like let's go.

    Matt Slayer The whole match up.

    Kezia Slater Come on. I know, right? Do you realize how much we could sell this for like.

    Matt Slayer It may ruin your career, but, I mean, their career, not your career, right? Yeah, but that's not my problem, officer.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, yeah. I love getting people to film in their uniforms.

    Matt Slayer Does that happen too often?

    Kezia Slater I'm a fireman, filmed in his, like, jumpsuit or whatever. Yeah, yeah, I had a fireman do that. Um, I had a doctor with his scrubs and, like, his jacket, but I had to take that down because he asked me to and then.

    Matt Slayer How long after to ask, do you take that?

    Kezia Slater I know four months or four days. What was that? Four days? Um, no, that was actually three years, and that was because two of his coworkers found it and, like, were like, threatening to, like, and report him type thing.

    Matt Slayer What shitbag fucking porno?

    Kezia Slater No. Right. Yeah, I was like.

    Matt Slayer Like I was expecting it to be like, he was about to get married and he decided that.

    Kezia Slater Right? Yeah. That's usually the circumstances that it's like people's wives or girlfriends when content is taken down. And I'm like, I totally get that, but nope.

    Matt Slayer Well, stop marrying people.

    Kezia Slater I know, right? Or it's like, just understand but like, you just need some fun.

    Matt Slayer Well, just understand I have fucked other people before you, right? This is an Everest. I am not Everest. Lots of people have climbed lots.

    Kezia Slater Hell, yes.

    Matt Slayer They're not piling a fucking flag here.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, but I think it's pretty cute, honestly, when girlfriends or wives hit me up and are like, I'd appreciate it if they can get their stuff taken down because I don't know, I'm like, whatever half the time anyways. But then I'm always just like, I don't know. My mind is like, damn, you're letting this person run your life that way.

    Kezia Slater Like, I understand if, like, a guy were to ask me to do it and be like, Hey, you know, I'm getting married and all that stuff, but when it's like the other person, I'm like, Oh, OK.

    Matt Slayer Good luck. Yeah, that's is so fucking lame. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater But then there's also those cute couples that, like, sometimes there's couples that will get like a Skype date from me. So, like, they'll like, be together in the one I have a Skype date with me. So, like.

    Matt Slayer But is it ever and I've seen partner that's done that. Oh, what an ex partner. Oh no. Because that would be wild. Like, oh yeah. So my, my girl my girl like our soon together. So can we have a threesome Skype date?

    Kezia Slater That would be pretty amazing. But it's more of like couples wide like how to be able to talk to each other better and how to be able to have a better sex life. And like it's usually about like they need to communicate better and be honest and stuff like that.

    Matt Slayer But yeah, it's cute. It's sad and dysfunctional.

    Kezia Slater True. But then it's also cute that sometimes they just need to like it's, it's more cute when they just need that little shove and then you see them in the next day and they're like all over each other, like, so happy. And it's like, see, this is what you needed. But then I've also had Skype dates where they did that.

    Kezia Slater And then the next Skype date, they were like, Yeah, she left and I haven't seen her. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, communication and honesty is key.

    Matt Slayer That's good. The trash saw itself out of that situation.

    Kezia Slater Oh, that is true.

    Matt Slayer Do you really want to spend the next ten, 20 years with someone who's like, Oh, we're sexually incompatible, but we're here because we were here before?

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, yeah. Nope. Just have fun with it.

    Matt Slayer This is a 1920 us stuck with the first person who stuck it in, right?

    Kezia Slater Yeah. That's why my relationship with my husband, we were like just one on one for so long and now we're like, we've been together for long enough. Let's go have some fun. Like, let's just see what else we can get into together.

    Matt Slayer OK, I'm healthy. That's how it should be. Oh, yeah. As long as everyone's happy with it. Like, fuck, yeah.

    Kezia Slater Hell yeah. I even told them, like, my favorite is when I get to make out with him in someone else's holes. So much fun.

    Matt Slayer Fuck yeah. That's fucking awesome, right? What always bothers me is, like, the couples that, like, start to go play with other people. There's only one partner that really wants to do it in the other one's just going along with it. That's the fucking worst. Yeah.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, that's. It's so awkward too, because it's like, are you being forced to do this? Do you like this?

    Matt Slayer Like, are you just trying to salvage a relationship? And you're like, Oh, this will make the other person happy. Like, yeah, if you're not down. So you're not down.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, I don't force yourself to do things you're going to later regret.

    Matt Slayer Or resent them for shit through.

    Kezia Slater Oh, God, I don't even think of that. Yeah. You give your OK and then you resent them for it. Yeah.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, people do that shit.

    Kezia Slater Oh, God, no. We need supportive, honest relationships, right?

    Matt Slayer Like, if you're not down just so you're not down.

    Kezia Slater Yeah, nothing wrong with that, right? Nothing wrong.

    Matt Slayer At all. Not everyone has to be down with the freaky. It's cool.

    Kezia Slater Not everyone wants a fist shoved up their ass, you know, like.

    Matt Slayer This guy, right? Here.

    Kezia Slater No fish. Same here. I, I asked this so tight.

    Matt Slayer I got them Jewish. God's like.

    Kezia Slater Ever, ever gotten the finger.

    Matt Slayer I have not once, once again, like, have some digestive problems.

    Kezia Slater Oh, I didn't hear that until. OK, ok. Yeah. No, stay clear.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, like, you ever want to watch my asshole clench real fast, get a finger near my butt? You just watching? You'll lose that motherfucker if you're not careful.

    Kezia Slater Oh, no.

    Matt Slayer I'll be like a fucking mousetrap. I'll take it off.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. Make sense, though?

    Matt Slayer He had history of digestive problems, I was like, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, no. No one's going to be happy with this outcome. And we're definitely, definitely not doing that if it's my bed.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah, yeah.

    Matt Slayer If you get me fucked up enough and, like, you try to go for it, it better be in your bed because I am not cleaning up the fucking the aftermath of this.

    Kezia Slater Oh, God. Yeah, I would. Oh, I think I totally get it, though, because I didn't really have any kind of digestive issues until, like, a couple of months, a few months ago because of, like, medication like wrong mixes and stuff. But like, I think it was like the second week of dealing with digestive issues that I was like, oh, I get why?

    Kezia Slater Like, no, don't get close to my but don't touch it. Like, not even acute spank, not even that. Get away from me. No, no.

    Matt Slayer I got it. No. Now, just pretty much everything else goes down. Like, I just don't feel like this is going to be a sexy outcome for us. I could be wrong, but I don't want to to.

    Kezia Slater Sort of say.

    Matt Slayer That I'm not willing to make a gamble.

    Kezia Slater Yeah. And then there's me who apparently I love anal or I can come faster from anal stimulation than like, vaginal or clit, which doesn't make any sense to me.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, the science isn't there on that.

    Kezia Slater I know. Yeah, I don't get it at all. Yeah, just so something in my ass and.

    Matt Slayer But not a fish.

    Kezia Slater Not a fish. Yes. Unless it's a fish shaped dildo. I mean, maybe.

    Matt Slayer Then you can film it.

    Kezia Slater Oh gods. The Ask some science C yep. Oh my God. Got then there's like monster dildos that are just like completely banned. And then of course those animal dildos that that.

    Matt Slayer Would be hilarious though if like you did fucked yourself on one of those like, like a bad dragon toy and then spent the time into like after effects the motion track a normal fucking build over it.

    Kezia Slater Oh my God. No, I'm like yeah there has to be a way to oh yeah.

    Matt Slayer No I mean that would be fairly simple motion tracking.

    Kezia Slater I'm even more thinking of like easy on Snapchat. You could even just like because there's a tracking thing that like, yeah, you can pin on it. Oh my God, that'd be hilarious.

    Matt Slayer Just like use one of those crazy toys and then like, really obviously fucking like, don't even be subtle about it.

    Kezia Slater Yes. Like a cartoon dick even I want to do that because I just recently I've never gotten like an animal dildo before. I just started getting, like, those dragon dildos. Like a year ago or so. I got my first horse dick. I even bought it and I still don't even feel comfortable at least self that I bought it.

    Kezia Slater But I'm like, whenever I use that now, I'm like, I want to tag a little fake cartoon dick over it just to be like, This is a real dick.

    Matt Slayer It's fine. 100%. Just don't go on after effects. Use the motion tracking tools.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. I totally want to now.

    Matt Slayer I mean, I would just been ridiculously obvious about it. Like when it penetrates you like, not even like, cut off the penetration. So, like, so this is like your butt cheek and, you know, the pillow would normally be going like the overlay is just ludicrous.

    Kezia Slater Like, over. Oh, my God, that be so perfect. Oh, I have to do this now.

    Matt Slayer It's super not hard to do first.

    Kezia Slater Video with my horse dick. I will definitely do this.

    Matt Slayer Just like some versions are here. Some versions.

    Kezia Slater Oh, yeah. Yes. The real version is up here. It's like 50 bucks. 300 bucks and every other version.

    Matt Slayer Oh, dude. I mean, you can really actually like motion track the text of like the real version put the URL on the fucking cartoon.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. Yes.

    Matt Slayer Yeah. Here I go. Giving away gold on the internet. Damn.

    Kezia Slater Yes. Thank you. Keep giving any notes I need.

    Matt Slayer Oh, my God. Thank God we recorded it. Oh, how.

    Kezia Slater Did I forget I don't like earlier. I was even, like, I was starting to, like, look for my notepad, and I was like, wait, this is recorded. I could list obviously it.

    Matt Slayer Yeah, it will be published on the Internet from as many replays as you like. Please replay it off it. I could use the extra downloads. Perfect. But is about that time we're going to call last call on this motherfucker.

    Kezia Slater Oh, well, thank you for having me.

    Matt Slayer My pleasure.

    Kezia Slater Both open up my second.

    Matt Slayer Before we get out of here. Where can they find it? On the phones.

    Kezia Slater On the things. So I'm on flip sideways. I'm on many beds. Becausea 420 k easy I a 420. That's it for flip side. So I need to join others but tube sites, pornhub ex beds social media, twitter, instagram. Yeah, Instagram.

    Matt Slayer Well, don't Google it.

    Kezia Slater Cause that's why I was actually going to say it. So Instagram it used to just be because I a Slater, but because Instagram takes down sex workers, all the sex workers have to either add x, x, x or 6969 or something else.

    Matt Slayer Which makes it worse, I.

    Kezia Slater Think. Yeah, because it makes it most people I think have changed change to either official or the real.

    Matt Slayer My favorite is not to interrupt you. My favorite Molly Stewart's whose is this read? This is for work.

    Kezia Slater Oh, my God. Yes. Oh, that's such a go. Right? See my Instagram name is totally not because I am because I think I was just so frustrated by like the fourth delete in a week that I was like, fine, fine bitches because there's another sex worker that I think their name is like not like. Yeah. And yeah, but yeah.

    Kezia Slater So that's my Instagram and then other social media because I have 420. Yeah. Haven't gotten banned anywhere else.

    Matt Slayer Luckily Bravo and hopefully is that way that.

    Kezia Slater I love that I heard the fire alarm and I think just because we've been talking nineties so much, I thought I heard dial up, I was like, where do you have a dial up computer? What's happening right now?

    Matt Slayer We're, we're actually in the Matrix.

    Kezia Slater Sorry. Oh, perfect. OK, that's where we are.

    Matt Slayer But as always, you can find me a Matt underscore slower on Twitter, Matt Lauer on Madoff, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, dot TV slash Madoff and so you can find the page on it patron dot com slash manslaughter. We're the uncensored versions of the video episodes are there the whole video back catalog is there so check that out and as always, you can find the podcast and then now we drove on Twitter and now we drink on discount Instagram and until next week drink up motherfuckers.

    Matt Slayer Yay.

    Kezia Slater Thanks so much.